Chapter 535XX
Due to a certain degree of resource preference for domestic creators, these creators of national comics, novels, and video entertainment in Daxia are the group that has been taken care of the most by the Renewal Party.

Of course, more people urging updates means that the work has attracted more attention and earned more money.

May NO.12, Thursday.

In the rental house, Tang An no longer had the energy to frantically refresh the computer webpage. From the day he went on sale on May [-]nd to now, he only slept for five hours a day, ordered takeaways for meals, and never went out once.

After finishing a chapter according to the outline code, check the typos a little and upload it immediately.

When today's Chapter 10 was uploaded, he sat slumped on the office chair, his upper eyelids drooping uncontrollably, and picked up his mobile phone to enter the author's background of the Kyushu Entertainment Platform.

【Domestic Cumulative Subscriptions: 100
Cumulative international subscriptions: 9
Yesterday’s income estimate: 52301.23 Xia Yuan]

Seeing the estimated income figures, Tang An's brain, which was a little drowsy a second ago, became sober in an instant.

He subconsciously gave himself a slap: "tnnd how can I sleep at a time like this?! Plus more! Go, go, go!!!"

The young man stood up abruptly, ran to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water, and then poured himself a bottle of Taoyao.

After the energy is restored, there is a high-frequency output to the keyboard.

Tang An never thought that such a day would come to him from the time when he went from writing on the Internet to earning [-] a day.Although the income is still far from that of the masters, although this result is due to the recommendation, although so many subscriptions are due to his large update volume, although there are so many reasons.

However, the daily income of riding a horse is five figures, and the outline of this book has several million words. As long as you insist on coding it out, you will have a house and a car.

At that time, the scenes of class reunions and returning home during the New Year can also be a little b, and the parents' concern and anxiety for themselves can also disappear.

With longing for a better life in the future, the creators of Daxia are just like Tang An, outputting their works in high-quality madness.

Of course, the foreign creators also ate delicious cakes, so when they were crazy about their creations, they naturally had a good impression of Kyushu Entertainment.

Netizens all over the world are very happy and distressed during this time.

Entertainment works such as comics, novels, and short videos are overwhelming their world.

In the past, it was necessary to rack one's brains to find resources and machine-translate the original comics, but now a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, and there are more high-quality translations and localizations, so that their reading experience has increased exponentially.

It's just that this kind of happiness immersed in the virtual world needs real money to buy.

The equipment installed on the Kyushu platform will not be crawled and screenshots, but it cannot stop the operation of taking pictures with the camera facing the screen and then transcribing the screenshots.

In the beginning, there were many prostitutes who wanted to wait for the piracy of the bosses, but while waiting anxiously, many old drivers found that the website was blocked or the server was down, and some organizations with a lot of piracy resources also received Kyushu Entertainment's international lawsuit subpoena.

They seem to have seen a devil more evil than Nintendo watching all pirates...

The 21st century is a wonderful time when most of the world is in a state of peace, and entertainment needs peace and increasing personal pressure to thrive.

Because the oppression of reality makes people breathless, more people choose to indulge in the fantasy world and gradually "lie down".

Kyushu Technology won a big victory in the semiconductor field this year, but to be honest, it is impossible for the people of Daxia to brag about Kyushu Technology's success in the semiconductor field all day long.

At most, people who need digital products such as mobile phones and computers are more inclined to buy products from Kyushu Technology and other domestic manufacturers, and then start playing games when they should play games, and reading novels when they should read novels.

But now, when hardware and entertainment platform software are combined, European and American politicians and entrepreneurs suddenly find that they have no way to restrict Kyushu Technology or Daxia Enterprises.

The elderly leader just came out of the toilet.

He has gray hair, and his walking posture is like a robot that has been in disrepair, shaking and shaking.

With the help of the assistant, the old man walked into the meeting room and took the main seat.

Although the thoughts in my mind are a little dull, fortunately, there are many countermeasures and analysis of factual points in the folder in front of me.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I would like to know what do you think of companies like Kyushu Technology and Xiawei?"

The old man picked up a proposal marked in red and bold on the document.

In his opinion, this is equivalent to asking this group of people how to use the toilet brush and soap box produced by Daxia?
Yes, that's how it should be.

But everyone in the conference room calmed down in unison.

In the eyes of rational people, this question is very difficult to answer, and it cannot be answered at will.After all, Kyushu Science and Technology has become like a jewel in the palm of Daxia. If I put eye drops here and the news is leaked, it will be very uncomfortable.

It's a pity that in the current white house, there are only a few rational people.

A minority of the peer union spoke first: "There is no doubt that they are all threats, not only our threats, but also the threats of the whole world. Kyushu Technology has mastered semiconductors and the right to speak in the media. It is evil. Yes, we should zhicai it!"

Very well, the old gentleman heard the answer he wanted to hear, and a smile appeared on his face.

Seeing someone being affirmed by the king, naturally some people feel upset.

A mother who raised her child by herself hurriedly got up and said: "There are many restricted novels and comics on the Kyushu entertainment platform. Those plots and pictures full of violent elements have a very bad influence on children. They will not only make children learn bad! Campuses just got less safe!"

Hmm, excellent speech.

Although school shootings in Meilijia are common, children even have to wear bulletproof vests and pick up "small guns for minors" to go to school.

But none of this compares to the dangers that gore and violence in entertainment can bring to children growing up.

Of course, in addition to these miscellaneous speeches that are biased towards people's livelihood, the representatives pushed up by corporate capital also began to speak after sorting out their thoughts.

A middle-aged man with a big belly looked sharply at the old man sitting on the main seat.

He said exactly: "Jiuzhou Technology and Xiawei are not like other technology companies in Daxia. They not only focus on the application of the upper layer of technology, but are also full of ambitions for the underlying foundation of technology.

Although Daxia Semiconductor is still half a step away from our level, we must make the most fierce counterattack to let these monkeys know that the fire of civilization is not so easy to steal! "

(End of this chapter)

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