Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 553 Entering the Warehouse

Chapter 553 Entering the Warehouse
Seeing this barrage, Gu Qing smiled dumbly.

"I noticed that some netizens raised a very sensitive but real issue.

Please rest assured that we not only provide matching high-energy space food for the physiological needs of users, but also leave space for physiological excrement in this tights to ensure that it will not pollute the game chamber.

There are many sensors inside the game cabin, such as acceleration sensors, gyroscope sensors, geomagnetic sensors, optical heart rate sensors, air pressure sensors, and temperature sensors.

Not only allows users to use video calls, but also has 24-hour heart rate detection, exercise posture detection, stress detection, whether it is heart health or sleep breathing detection, it cooperates with Daxia Domestic Medical University and the top three hospitals, and will remind users of their physical health in the first time health problems.

Considering the actual physical and psychological quality of the user, the game cabin will conduct a physical examination on the user after the user logs in, and then adjust the immersion and interaction level according to the physical examination results.

It is precisely because of too many added functions and the privacy of some functions that the game warehouse of the Spirit Realm Logger cannot be lightweight and customized. "

There was a little regret in Gu Qing's tone, but in the eyes of Xia Wei, Intel, Pingguo and other corporate executives, this kid looked a little coquettish even when he frowned.

"In order to give full play to the strength of the Lingjing login device, Kyushu Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and Suiren Company have formed nine entertainment teams to provide entertainment software and game audio-visual support for the Lingjing project.

And the second part of today's press conference is the entertainment part where we, Kyushu Technology and Suiren Company invite everyone to a game competition.

Everyone has 10 minutes to familiarize themselves with the operation for matching and entertainment. After 10 minutes, we will start a three-person battle royale game with a scale of [-] people.

The winning team will receive a bonus of 1 Xia Yuan per person, a pair of SR1 glasses and a K[-] helmet.

So now, everyone at the conference site is invited to enter the spirit realm login device with the help of the staff.

Today is the test machine for the press conference, so there is no need to verify the procedures of Kyushu account, and the AI ​​assistant of Zhurong system will provide you with full assistance. I hope you have a good time. "

After Gu Qing’s words fell, Nvidia’s Boss Huang immediately changed into his work clothes in the temporary locker room. After passing the staff’s inspection, he walked to the nearest Lingjing login device.

"Hi, I would like to know how to operate the game compartment after it is in? I mean, what key do I need to press and how to use it?"

Boss Huang spoke very fast, and the staff was stunned for a moment before answering: "There is no need to press the switch button, today is an entertainment test, so there is no login restriction, just like lying on a massage chair, put on the K2 helmet and lie down slowly That's fine.

If you have heart disease, high blood pressure, cerebral infarction and other diseases and fail the physical fitness test, the system will reject your login, and then just follow the AI ​​prompts to log out. "

Boss Huang nodded, and then took the helmet handed over by the staff.

He is a high-intensity user of K1 helmet and SR1 glasses, so he is not unfamiliar with wearing K2 helmet.

Putting on the helmet, he leaned on the edge of the game compartment and slowly lay down.

"Huh? This feeling?"

Boss Huang is also a billionaire who knows how to enjoy himself, so he has dabbled in various high-end ergonomic chairs, smart mattresses, and massage chairs, but this spirit logger gave him a kind of comfort that he had never experienced before. sense.

The body wrapped in tights, from the back to the waist to the heels, was touched by a very strange thing, and this thing would also give a reaction force to every part of his body.

Curiously, he wanted to take off his helmet to see what was wrapping him.

But before he could do anything, the display panel of the helmet slowly lit up.

"It was detected that the Spirit Realm Registerer and the user started to match.

The match was successful.

Hello user, I am Hua Luo, the AI ​​of the Spirit Realm Logger.

The system detects that your breathing is short of breath, please relax and follow my instructions. "

Huang Renxun's heart tightened when he heard the pure British English.

The voice effect and language sense of this AI surpass the AI ​​of major companies on the market.

Of course, it also made him stop to take off his helmet.

At this very moment, the Rongcheng Sports Center is performing a record of thousands of people undressing の♂.

The undressing and tight-fitting live images of the invited executives and users of major companies were mosaiced by the director, and the screen time was very short, and the live broadcast room was in the situation of playing promotional videos for a long time.

At such times, the enthusiasm of the media comes out.

Although this press conference was a bit sudden, they, the media people, were well prepared. A TV station drove a signal car to prevent the problem of insufficient signal.

In order to capture more images, some media not only set up cameras in the shooting area of ​​the sports center, but also set up cameras outside the sports center, recording videos and uploading them to the company headquarters.

"Hey, I didn't expect Kyushu Technology to pull up the curtain to prevent us from taking pictures of executives of major companies in tight clothes.

Alas, what a disappointment, if I can take a few clear pictures, I will definitely get the headlines tomorrow.


A reporter sighed three times like a paparazzi who sees super aniseed but suffers from not having a camera to take pictures.

The photographer next to him persuaded him: "Don't worry about it. Shooting celebrities or something is for their traffic. Everyone gets what they need. If you shoot black material from European and American bosses like Kuke, be careful really The defendant has been brought to court, and this group of capitalists will not be soft on us ordinary people."

"I know, it's not worrying. The organizer of this Lao Shizi's cross-generational press conference didn't arrange a questioning session for us reporters. If we want to meet the requirements of the leaders, we can only find some angles to shoot some gimmicks."

The cameraman was noncommittal.

"What you said is also reasonable, but isn't there an experience session after this press conference? When the time comes, you should hurry up and grab a seat. We will take a first-hand exclusive media experience, and it will be easy for the leaders to do business there."

A reporter from a satellite TV nodded, and then subconsciously looked at his figure.

Today I’m wearing formal business attire, but I have something stuffed inside, so it shouldn’t be embarrassing to take pictures of tights later.

Well, when the time comes, you must take a deep breath and show your best side. If you are not sure, you will become popular. When the time comes, open a personal account and operate it, and maybe you will become a big celebrity.

Then bring the goods to make a lot of money, and you don't have to run around all day on business.

(End of this chapter)

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