Chapter 559 Enthusiastic Netizens

There are five immortals in the folk: fox, yellow, white, willow and black.At this time, there are five teams in the finals: Daxia Semiconductor and Mobile Phones, European and American Hardware Products and Semiconductors, and Scattered Soldiers.

As far as the game is concerned, at this time, winning or losing is not just about winning the game.

As the highlight of the cross-age conference, the first appearance of "War Simulation-City 1" and the identity factors of the contestants.

In a sense, companies in Daxia can survive to the end, and headlines like this will appear in newspapers tomorrow: "Cross-Era Press Conference, Daxia crushes Europe and the United States", "Destiny Circle Destiny Belongs to Daxia Players ", "Elite executives in Europe and the United States suffer a crushing defeat".

If the elite executives of European and American companies win, then the "famous and authoritative media" like Bloomberg will definitely spread the propaganda: "Cross-era games are nothing more than that", "European and American business elites' thinking wins the big summer elites" or let the winners publish " Acceptance speech".

Who can live in the game until now, which one is not wealthy?Which one is not the essence of humanity?
Although the new products of Kyushu Technology and Suiren will definitely get the headlines in the next month or even the whole year, but how many pictures can be captured at this time is how much traffic can be earned.

Pulling the brakes can't stop the curiosity of enthusiastic netizens. For some reason, the relevant parties in Daxia not only did not close the water pipes for cross-border traffic, but amplified it a lot.This made many netizens who were anxious to refresh and watch the live broadcast with graphics and text at the beginning, many of them could barely watch the live broadcast with standard definition quality.

As a fundamentally disharmonious game called "War" that has been killing people in various ways, it is really commendable that "War Simulator-City 1" can get this kind of "tolerance".

And will gamers and other entertainment enthusiasts buy it?
These extranet forums on Reddit have already been overwhelmed by the live broadcast of the "War Simulator-City 1" game, as well as various pictures and simulated animation videos of the Spirit Realm Logger.

"As a middle-aged gamer who loves the Ninth Art, sci-fi movies and sci-fi novels are my favorites. The steam game library has already exceeded 600+. I have played games for so many years and watched anime, movies, and novels for so many years. This It was the first time I felt that the scene described in the future of science fiction was right in front of me.

In my opinion, the players who are still fighting in the game "War Simulator-City 1" at the moment are lucky and sad.They are lucky enough to be ahead of billions of humans and experience the strongest and most advanced sci-fi game equipment and game body on Earth.But they didn't really settle down to play the game.

Although Kyushu Technology uses privacy protection, as a half financial practitioner, I can correspond to some elite executives in real life from the subconscious small actions and expression habits of many characters.

It's really sad, they are compassionate and kind people in real life, but in the game they are murderers who are good at tricks and do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. They are not even comparable to the middle-aged man who was blasted into the sky by RPG.At least this middle-aged man was dedicated to his career when he died. "

In addition to this kind of rational speech, of course there are more passionate and fanciful ones.

"Spielberg, have you seen it?! Have the game manufacturers seen it? Can Overwatch, Street Fighter, Gundam, Godzilla, Iron Giant, and Harley Quinn appear in this way?
The spiritual realm logger developed by Kyushu Technology is not only the key between virtual and reality, but also the logger of future entertainment.

OMG!I can even stop smoking and drinking for it today, I will work hard to save money, God, please give me mercy, let me play them sooner rather than later.

Amen! "

"From now on, there will be no classification of gamepad players, console players, computer pc players, and mobile phone players. In the future, there will only be two groups of players in the Spirit Realm and other players."

"I beg the gods, I must play this game, and of course I must have this spirit realm log-in device, without it, I am about to die ┏┛tomb┗┓(((m-__-)m"

Foreign players are relatively pure at present, while domestic netizens have already started to work.

For example, there is a highly praised dynamic in the Kyushu community at this moment: If "Ready Player One" tells us the story of a super member and four game masters leading millions of civilian players who have been cheated against unscrupulous profiteers.So tonight's "War Simulation-City 1" shows us what it means that if you dare to ignore me, tomorrow you will have no choice but to climb high.

There are also some people with big brains who have already helped Kyushu Technology plan its future development prospects.

"The game performance and character interaction details of the spirit logger and "War Simulator-City 1", as well as the intelligence of the NPC, gave me a lot of ideas.

Kyushu Technology or other companies can develop AI for professional education, or allow educators with advanced education levels to give simultaneous lectures.

If this is done, free elite education can definitely be popularized, even with very little investment.

And because the virtual data does not need to worry about damage when flipping through books or loss of equipment for art and sports education, Kyushu Technology can completely build the world's largest virtual library and virtual art gallery.

In the not-too-distant future, even a penniless poor person will be able to redeem himself through hard work as long as he can use a public welfare spirit realm login device.

The rich and the middle class can also use a small amount of money to pay for the use of copyrighted books and listen to all paid music that can be recorded.

And students can even be more equitable and intergenerational in their learning.

For example, in music class, students can interact with musicians and singers such as Beethoven and Pavarotti.

In the history class, you can use Kyushu's high-tech game modeling capabilities, as a player or a bystander, to see how Qin Shihuang unified the six kingdoms, and watch the grand occasion of a hundred schools of thought in Jixia Academy.

In the biology class, students can even become cells or body fluids such as platelets, travel through human blood vessels, and understand the real working status of various organs.

These are revolutions not only in the education industry, but also in all pan-entertainment industries.

I seem to see that Kyushu Technology is drawing a blueprint for the future on the sky. How I hope this day will come soon.

——An ordinary rural teacher. "

This teacher's speech is not the only one. There are similar speeches in other walks of life.

It can be said that the bosses and elites who are fighting frantically in the game "War Simulation - City 1" at this moment, without their knowledge, their subordinates and many competitors who have not entered the game have already drawn wildly in their hearts. with blueprints.

Waiting for Gu Qing from Kyushu Technology to announce how this product will operate in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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