Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 566 Some People Started Telling Stories

Chapter 566 Some People Started Telling Stories
"I'm sorry, but I really want the global village to be unimpeded after 1 minute, but the reality is cruel, there are always so many evil forces who like to be dictators.

Kyushu Technology can't do everything, and the communication base station can't satisfy everyone, so subtracting the intermediate links and letting satellites act as base stations to process more data is the best solution we can think of at present. "

After Gu Qing finished speaking, countless people at the press conference were shocked.

"He means to directly use communication satellites for signal processing and relay, without the need for large-scale ground base stations?"

"Don't do 3G, 4G, 5G, but go directly to 6G? Can he do it?"

"Wait, how does this plan sound a bit like Musk's Starlink project?"

"What? Why?! My Daxia Mandarin should be fine, right? Is Kyushu Technology going to carry out a communication project for satellite networking?"

"OH, NO! I have to communicate with the chairman, the matter is very important!"

This big news also wiped out countless headlines in an instant. Before the press conference was over, Kyushu Technology had brought its younger brother, Suiren, to slaughter the lists of major social platforms around the world.

The top five most searched in the United States are all related news, and the top fifteen in the Daxia Kyushu community are all related products and surrounding news of the cross-era conference.

Even the old man who just woke up hurried to the White House to discuss matters related to the three new products of Kyushu Technology with a group of think tanks.

"Sir, please forgive me, this is simply a declaration of war! It even invades and robs our domain! This is an unforgivable sin!" A middle-aged old man with a beer belly said viciously.

He is the spokesperson of the military-industrial complex, but he is not an old antique, but an "intellectual" who knows a lot of cutting-edge scientific and technological theories.

George rubbed his brows. He is going to be 80 years old now, so his energy is not as good as before, not to mention that he was woken up earlier, and his mind is still a little dizzy.

But this time, the new capitalist aristocracy, the old forces, and the political elite who seem to have taken off on the technological leap have reached an unknown cooperation.

After the speech of the representative of the military-industrial complex, another gentleman in a suit explained in more detail: "The communication industry is the lifeblood of global domination. We have a deep foundation in this area, but in terms of development speed But it was much slower than Daxia.

In the 70s, on the eve of President Nisson’s visit to Xia, the communication network capabilities of Yanjing in Daxia were not even sufficient for our accompanying news agencies to transmit the photos taken in Daxia to the mainland.

It is necessary for the communication security personnel in Daxia to take the photos and send them to the fax room of the Yanjing Telegraph Building before they can be transmitted to our country.

Later, after learning about the conditions of Daxia International Communication, we proposed to bring our own satellite communication earth station to solve the communication problem.

At that time, Daxia was still very backward. After renting one of our communication satellites, we even asked us to send a technical team to assist in broadcasting technology.

Not only that, Daxia also requested that during the lease period of the satellite, the ownership of this satellite belongs to the Daxia government. We need to apply to the Daxia government for the right to use it in advance. After waiting for the other party's consent, they even charge us for the use for us to use.

But it is such a harsh condition, for the sake of the peace of the United States and the world, we also agreed to it.

We rented satellite communication earth station equipment for Daxia, and successively established two temporary satellite communication earth stations at Yanjing Capital Airport and Pudong Hongqiao, and opened direct wireless telegraph, telephone and fax circuits between Summer and Summer.

On February 1972, 2, the "Air Force One" special plane carrying Mr. Nissun arrived in Yanjing safely. Yanjing's satellite system quickly spread TV images, photos, faxes, and news reports all over the world.This is the first time they have used satellite communications in Daxia.

Gentlemen, from 72 to 22, this is only 50 years!

Daxia has transformed from a poor and white agricultural country into a core power with the most 5G patents, and even now has ideas about 6G, and it is about to be implemented!

This is not a potential threat, but a terrifying monster that actually exists!

Once Daxia connects 5G and 6G, what else can we rely on?Are you looking for the legendary 7G?
I can tell you very clearly that once Daxia has the right to speak on 5G and 6G, the next 50 years of this world will no longer be dominated by us.

Terrorists can use Daxia’s communication channels for meetings and operations. All actions and forces that endanger us can use this to hide from the sky, and we will become deaf and blind!
This is not alarmist talk, think about the various encrypted calls made by illegal organizations through the Kyushu community in recent years!
For whom does the bell toll?The death knell is already ringing in our ears.

God bless America. "

The impassioned speech of this gentleman made the eyes of everyone in the meeting room red, and even the old man sitting in the main seat was full of thoughts.

Although the think tank spoke very well, George subconsciously thought of the Russian bear not far away.

Recently, Uncle Sam has paid too much attention to the pan-Asian circle of Daxia, which has led to the frequent actions of Russian bears, which has to be guarded against.

In addition, in recent years, due to the rise of the big summer technology industry, the global stock market has fluctuated. Today, the US stock market is almost supported by economic stimulus and various "official favorable measures".

Even at this moment, George's Democratic Party has decided to make up its mind to embrace Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).

MMT believes that the government spends by creating money, and is not limited by its revenue in terms of fiscal expenditure.In other words, as long as the government borrows in its own currency and the inflation rate is not out of control, there is no need to worry about the deficit problem, because the government can print money to pay back the debt, and does not need to pay taxes to its own citizens.

In order to stimulate the economy, the last leader once opened the floodgates of MMT. Tax cuts and increased government spending have greatly increased the federal government's budget deficit.The Federal Reserve raised interest rates eight times in three years to curb an overheating economy while reducing its balance sheet, which has eased to some extent a series of problems caused by the government's massive money printing in the wake of the financial crisis.

As a senior elite politician, George knows that he has made no achievements in the economy and military, and even his political achievements have nothing to do with these hard power projects.

But he understands the profit-seeking nature of capital. The reason why the previous one resigned was that he was unwilling to share the cake. Therefore, if he wants to continue to hold power, he must divide the cake well.

Whether it's a Russian bear or a big summer, it's actually just a rhetoric, the point is - cake, not some maga...

(End of this chapter)

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