Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 581 Problems Brought by Quantum Effects

Chapter 581 Problems Brought by Quantum Effects

Although Suiren Company is the life-saving talisman he handed over, Gu Qing wants it to become a strong anchor company in the Daxia stock market and financial market.

Although the stockholders of big A often spray their own big A magic dealer garbage, all financial markets in the world have dealers, and it is not empty talk to have no shares and no dealers.

The American stock market has market makers and hot money, and because the U.S. stock market is relatively mature, the people participating in the stock market are mainly institutions, and the proportion of retail investors is only 20%. Musk, who is in full swing today, has also been hemorrhaged by institutional market makers.

The biggest market maker is the country, followed by institutions such as the Federal Reserve, then major consortiums, and then various asset management institutions, such as insurance companies, as well as major investment banks, funds, and big bulls.

Therefore, people who lose money in Big A will most likely lose money in US stocks.

But compared to the U.S. stock market, the big A is indeed a small demon, so there is a capable company to support it. This is what the upper echelon likes to see and is willing to promote.

After discussing with Gu Qing, Dong Qi also chose to return to Suiren Company by car.By the way, he also brought an extra security team. After all, he felt that he was still too young to pin his hopes on the enemy's kindness.

After Dong Qi left, Gu Qing began to process the documents screened by the president's office and Xuanwu.

Zhang Tianhao and Li You walked into office building No. [-] almost together, and when they met their colleagues on the way, they would greet them affectionately.

In Kyushu Technology, although there is no clear distinction between management and employees, the R&D department has always stood at the top of the honor value.

Not only because of the generous bonuses and project dividends that are issued every year, but the most important thing is the example set by the executives of the R&D department led by Gu Qing. Almost all the old employees know that Kyushu Technology can have such a prosperous today, more than 80.00% All the credit goes to the R&D department.

Without the R&D department coming up with one black technology product after another, what can the factory manufacture?What can employees do?
Therefore, the popularity of Li You, Zhang Tianhao and others in the company is not low.

After getting permission, the two walked into the office, and Gu Qing was standing by the French window, holding a teacup in his hand, looking at the semiconductor experiment department in the distance.

Looking back at his two generals, Gu Qing sighed softly, "Unknowingly, the company has invested nearly [-] billion in research and development funds for the semiconductor research and development department and its semiconductor factory.

The R&D team of tens of thousands of people has scooped out excellent semiconductor technical talents from domestic universities and non-governmental organizations. I really didn't expect that you can study hard to keep up with the speed of this leap. "

Zhang Tianhao didn't feel awkward when some of the elders made fun of the younger generation, and even Li You, who had already married, didn't feel it was wrong.

In recent years, Gu Qing has been teaching and researching R&D personnel like university professors teaching junior high school students, and even some middle-aged people with enthusiasm came to Kyushu Science and Technology to create the world's top technology. But after just learning the basics, he no longer has the presumptuous thoughts he had before, and many people will feel admiration for Gu Qing.

The self-contained algorithm and language as well as the system architecture allow the favored ones to see clearly the difference between ordinary geniuses and gods.

Li You said with emotion, "Yes, despite your guidance, the teacher, we have spent countless days and nights on equipment transformation and production line research and development. If it weren't for the fact that the company's investment in semiconductors has snowballed more and more resources over the years, I'm afraid By 2025, we can touch the threshold of 5nm."

Zhang Tianhao also nodded in agreement, and said to Gu Qing: "It's just that now that this threshold has been crossed, we find that quantum effects have become more and more obvious in the most advanced manufacturing processes. No matter how we change our design ideas, electronic devices and signal behavior Anomalies cannot have a stable control."

Gu Qing glanced at Zhang Tianhao. He was so impressed with this kid. He was obviously just learning mechanics, but he didn’t know if he had been connected to Ren Du’s second vein or if he had gone in the wrong direction before. Clean up, the level of knowledge about semiconductors has already surpassed that of ordinary university professors.

He said to Zhang Tianhao: "You started as a machine. For most of the chip industry, quantum effects are actually a common topic, and foundries and equipment manufacturing companies like TSMC and Xiaxin are directly affected by quantum effects. Companies that spend huge amounts of resources every year just want to use new processes and equipment or even new architectures to minimize quantum impact.

Although the 3nm process advocated by Hanxing and TSMC is a process that is not worthy of the name, their foundry precision is indeed approaching 5nm step by step. These problems of quantum tunneling will eventually make them follow the old path of Intel. Crazy use of '+' to distinguish the previous generation.

For example, as a result of gate dielectric scaling and an increased electric field within the device, the carriers in the inversion layer are no longer located at the silicon dioxide-silicon interface, but somewhere below, thereby increasing the effective dielectric layer thickness.

This effect has existed in CMOS technology for some time, and as transistors get smaller and smaller, there will definitely be more quantum effects in the future. "

When Li You heard this, he also nodded and echoed: "For example, some things like body inversion, when we start talking about very thin FinFET devices, even nanowires, instead of surface inversion, the device will suddenly and completely deplete.

When we turn it on, the center of the wire is reversed before the edge.These are very interesting results, but the basic principles behind them are all the same. It’s just like the subject you assign to us every month. It looks very simple, but accidents always happen frequently in practice. . "

Gu Qing was noncommittal about this, and he smiled and asked: "Why, you won't be able to do this month's questions?"

Although he was smiling, Li You, as an adult with a family, subconsciously tensed up when he saw Gu Qing's smile.

"Although it is difficult, the students will solve it seriously."

Gu Qing gently waved his hand and said: "Silicon-based chips can reach 5 nanometers, and carbon-based chips are naturally not too difficult. As long as you open your mind and don't limit yourself to past experience, you will definitely be able to solve it.

And you also need to have a good communication atmosphere within yourself. After all, I am not an all-knowing and omnipotent God, and many problems are also bothering me. "

Zhang Tianhao wanted to ask Gu Qing about his homework, but when he heard what Gu Qing said, he controlled himself.

Gu Qing went on to say: "I asked you to convene the management and technical backbone of the R&D department today to announce a very important matter. Are they all here?"

Li You nodded: "Except for the expats who didn't come, the rest of the personnel have arrived at the underground base."

(End of this chapter)

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