Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 592 Some people can't sit still

Chapter 592 Some people can't sit still

"I'm sorry, my little one, um, this gentleman, please read the announcement clearly, the Lingland lander is a device that needs to be closely attached to the body, so people who wear colored contact lenses, perfume and foundation are not allowed to enter the device experience.

Excuse me. "

That is to say, the law and order environment in Daxia is good, so even though every experience venue of the Spirit Realm Lander is crowded with people, there are basically no vicious incidents and stampede-stamped-shit accidents.

Under the control of the staff and the public security department, some sensational Internet celebrities also left this sad place of right and wrong in disgrace.

"Wuuuuuu, my family and sisters, they actually want me to remove my make-up, take off my contact lenses, and put on sportswear before I can go in and experience the Laoshizi lander.

After complaining a little, many Internet celebrities found that their accounts were banned by the platform soon after the complaint video was released.

Only then did they realize later that the status of Kyushu Science and Technology in the country cannot be shaken by "vulnerable groups" like them
Although there are some top players who choose to use various trumpets to continue laning, without exception, every time the trumpet gains attention, or publishes news that has a relatively bad impact, it will be banned by the platform immediately.

This is true in Kyushu Community and Jiebei Community, and it is also true in platforms such as Bibo and Douyin that are not affiliated to Kyushu Technology.

Some people still can't see the situation clearly, that is, there is currently no Internet in China that is willing to mess with Kyushu Technology, a local snake.

Even the bib clip has always regretted that he did not have a good relationship with Kyushu Technology more than once, which led to Kyushu Technology's own social platform and caused his own bib to start a huge loss.

Now among all the companies in Daxia that want to develop big data and artificial intelligence, which one does not lick Kyushu Technology?

That is to say, under such circumstances, the birth of the Spirit Realm lander was naturally touted wildly by various media outlets.

"Virtual Reality Science Fiction World Products"

"2022 Trans-epoch masterpiece! "

"Liu Cixin shed tears after the experience, Han Han abandoned the racing car after playing"

"The Entertainment Industry Will Usher in the Most Ferocious Change in History"

There are sensationalists in this group of Internet celebrities, but there are also hardcore players who are genuine.

So after asking the staff and getting permission to connect to the video source of their screen, they also cooperated with the team to upload their experience video to the Internet.

Novels and movies need logic, but reality often does not.

Gamers originally dreamed of a life where they could buy a high-performance graphics card for a few hundred yuan, which basically met their hardware requirements for playing 3A masterpiece games, but after seeing the various experience videos of the Lingland lander.

My heart still moved.

"Stay on the couch?! PCs, consoles, and mobile games are more fun than the virtual reality games of the Spirit Realm Lander?! I-fucking grass!!!"

"Mom, my heart feels like a cat is scratching. I really want to play in the spirit lander, even if I touch it."

"Although the modeling of "War Simulator-City 1" has changed a bit, it still makes my heart move. It's like another world. Huh, I really want to experience it again, but the queue for the experience venue has been lined up for a week. Later╥﹏╥"

"You guys are playing games, but I used the spirit lander to experience a virtual reality tour, flying in the sky on the top of Huashan Mountain. It felt really good, but my pants were a little wet."

"There is a training ground for soldiers in Lingjing, I won't tell you how much fun it will be to shoot targets there, especially when shooting snipers, the instructor will also let kittens and puppies to play with, hehe (*^▽^*)"

In addition to these entertaining players, there are also some users who have other needs to make comments:
"Are you only interested in playing? Take a look at the library in Lingjing. The variety is so complete that you can find translated documents even in small languages. I really hope that the Lingjing lander can be commercialized and popularized earlier. My thesis will be saved if it is checked for plagiarism. "

"I'm already in the top [-] in the progress of conquering the Himalayas in the Lingjing mountaineering project. Although I haven't succeeded in reaching the summit, I think it will be stable next time. It's just that the queuing for an appointment is too uncomfortable. We are in third- and fourth-tier cities here. , this week is full."

"Boss, after half an hour of experience time, I went directly to the Himalayas. I spent half an hour playing in the novice experience and teaching area. This spirit lander is really cool, Wuhu takes off!"

"I watched a ten-minute virtual reality movie. We can actually walk into the movie scene and experience the plot with the protagonist like a supporting role, but there is no sense of interaction and object collision."

"My friends upstairs~ If you want me to say, if there is a sense of collision and interaction with objects, the spirit lander is simply such a magic weapon!"

"Hastily, luckily I was wearing that special clothes to isolate, otherwise I won't kick you out when I see you being so rude!"

"Ah? I'm talking about physical training and teaching artifacts. There are many dangerous movements. We can't train them in reality, but we can train them in the spirit lander. It's just that some movement restrictions are still relatively large, and the system will not be 100% Simulate it out.

The gossip said that there is a military version of this thing, the limit is much smaller, and there are some upgrades such as strong touch, I don’t know if it is true or not. "

The users of Daxia are frantically sharing their experiences, and they are also enjoying the envy and hatred of many people who have not experienced the Lingland lander.

It's just that there is a voice that used to be relatively rare among them.

"Why!? Tell me, why can't we foreigners experience the spirit lander? I can speak Daxia Mandarin. Although I don't have a Daxia green card, I have a visa! Why don't we use the spirit lander?!"

"Hey man, I feel that this is a kind of discrimination. Kyushu Technology doesn't respect us foreign tourists at all. I used to not even be able to buy useful equipment such as Titan processors in China. I can only buy them when I come to Daxia.

Oh, and Jiaolong mobile phone, what a cool product, but I can't buy it in my country!I asked the customer service of Kyushu Technology at the beginning, but I could only get a blunt reply from them, which area does not support it, and they are negotiating and communicating.

Shet!This is the same as politicians shirking the scapegoat. It is basically an expression of unwillingness to deal with the problem! "

"You are buying Jiaolong mobile phones, but I am here to buy the Rocky X1 server on behalf of the company. God, you don't know how arrogant Daxia Kyushu Technology is. They even said that next year's orders have run out of production capacity. If we want , You have to wait until 2024! And you have to sign a contract and pay a deposit.

This is simply an evil capitalist! "

(End of this chapter)

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