Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 598 Biomedical Engineering

Chapter 598 Biomedical Engineering
There are three industrial revolutions in modern history. The first two are well-known. The first one was marked by the widespread use of the steam engine as a power machine. It ushered in the era of replacing manual labor with machines.

The second industrial revolution is an important symbol of the electrical age in the 19th century.

The third industrial revolution is the computer and information technology revolution.

The first two industrial revolutions were accompanied by the smoke of war, while the third industrial revolution was the crystallization of the smoke of war and the civilian revolution of military technology.

70 years ago, the Soviet Union launched the world's first artificial earth satellite, which ushered in a new era of space technology development and greatly stimulated the other pole.

Afterwards, you chased after me in aerospace, so that many fantastic ideas and later concepts during the war were realized one by one due to endless pressure.

After atomic energy technology was applied to the military field, the Soviet Union built the first atomic power plant and launched the first nuclear-powered icebreaker.In just 30 years, 22 countries and regions in the world have nuclear power plant reactors.

In addition, the achievements of electronic communication and computer technology, which were greatly strengthened for communication during the war, began to transform and develop.

Transistor computers and integrated circuits were commercialized. In 1978, computers could perform 1.5 million calculations per second.In the 90s and [-]s when Daxia was still solving food and clothing problems, the West was developing intelligent computers, photonic computers, and biological computers.

Roughly every 5 to 8 years, the computing speed is increased by 10 times, the size is reduced by 10 times, and the cost is reduced by 10 times.

Now, the academic circles have believed that the world is entering the fourth industrial revolution.

There is also a name: Industry 4.0 Intelligent Era.

Industry 123 in front refers to the age of steam engines, electrification, and information age.

This concept first appeared in Germany, and its core purpose is to improve the competitiveness of German industry so that it can take the lead in the new round of industrial revolution in the new century.

Daxia Youmanufacturing 2025 cooperates with German Industry 4.0. In the "Shade Cooperation Action Outline" signed by both parties, there are 4.0 clear items related to Industry 4 cooperation.

"In the last century, we completed the first three industrial revolutions dominated by electricity, internal combustion engines, household appliances, and the petrochemical industry in a few decades, which can be said to be squeezed out of sweat.

I have experienced so much ups and downs and pains on the way forward, and now the fourth industrial revolution represented by big data, artificial intelligence, and quantum communication, I have stepped in and gained a firm foothold.

Waiting for the second phase of biomedical engineering and semiconductor engineering to start to produce, it is time for us to start 'helping' the laggards to upgrade.

I hope some people can hold on a little longer. "

With emotion, Gu Qing gulped down some of the cooled tea like a cow chewing on peonies. The big-leaf tea from his own tea garden will be bitter after steeping for a long time, but if you don’t drink it, you will waste your elder’s heart.

When the tea is exhausted, I will be hungry.

After getting enough food and clothing in the cafeteria, Gu Qing went to the Titan Star Park through the underground expressway, and found Hu Ting, a former psychotherapist and now one of the deputy directors of the Future Warrior project.

"The scale of the experiment needs to be expanded." Gu Qing said to Hu Ting, who was wearing a professional suit: "The experimental data of the first phase of the future warrior has been collected completely, but the effect of the medicine is like a traditional Chinese medicine treatment, which is too particular about the user's physical fitness and psychological emotions. .

High-end transformation cannot be popularized, we need to make a step down, so that low-end optimization technology can be popularized harmlessly, at least to the extent of our citizens. "

When Hu Ting heard this, she looked at Gu Qing with bright eyes and bright teeth, and nodded slightly: "We have already reported the report on the experimental materials and data at the third group meeting, but the representative of Junfang didn't want to give up, so we kept the progress. Now.

The difference between the ancient and modern environments of Great Xia has resulted in subtle or even huge differences in the efficacy of most Chinese herbal medicines. This cannot be solved by simply modifying the environment, but also requires the plants to return to their ancestors from generation to generation.

Moreover, the human body is an extremely complex system. Even though we have the guidance of Chinese experts, the research on the biochemistry of viscera and five elements, as well as various qi mechanisms and medicinal materials is progressing slowly.

There is also the interaction of psychological emotions with the environment and drugs, which cannot be generalized, so I agree with your decision. "

Speaking of this, Hu Ting hesitated and said: "But you should also know that Jun's side has become a little obsessed after experiencing some of the achievements of the future fighters, and even forced them to issue military orders.

I admire them a lot, but it's totally unscientific. "

After hearing this "small report", Gu Qing took a deep breath.

Hmm, it smells like orchids, not too pungent.

"Military orders are like mountains, and they need direction to work hard, otherwise it is easy to cause chaos, so let's suppress it first, at least not cross the bottom line of the experiment and the red line area we jointly stipulated."

Gu Qing went on to say: "Taoyao is also a hypoallergenic drug, but after we take out the diluted Taoyao to ensure that the people of Daxia can drink it safely, what we get will not only guarantee the funds for research and development, but also improve the quality of the people. .

During this period of time when there were rumors outside, Professor Zhuang gave me a copy of their survey data.

According to the survey, for pregnant women who take Taoyao normally according to the dosage, the survival rate of newborns is 99.999%, and their physique is somewhat better than that of newborn babies who have grown a lot. The frequency of illness within two years is also the highest among developed countries. Lowest sickness rate in current age group.

People are simple, treat them well, and they will remember after experiencing it. If we publish these confidential survey data, Taoyao may become the product that all families in the world pursue.

But our current production capacity and experimental progress are not enough to support this.

It is impossible to eat this kind of thing into a fat man. We adults have already completed our physical development, but teenagers and infants have not. This important experiment of the relationship between the nation must be rigorous and rigorous, so I need you now Focus on this project.

Whatever Junfang wants to do, we just cooperate within the rules. You have to know that we are the core leaders of the experiment, and they are just students. "

Gu Qing's words were a bit heavy, and it stands to reason that Hu Ting, who had worked there, would be a little emotional when she heard such words, but the truth can be divided into big and small.

She said: "I understand that biomedical engineering is the core project of our Kyushu science and technology, and the new generation is the future, and the people's bodies are the foundation of development. It is so urgent because the effect is so good that people cannot resist it." Such a powerful temptation."

 PS: The outline of this book was changed crazily in the early stage due to river crabs, but the pits dug will still be filled.

  good night.

(End of this chapter)

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