Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 628 The sincerity of seeking peace?

Chapter 628 The sincerity of seeking peace?
Rongcheng, the office building of Suiren Company.

Gu Qing's speech caused quite a stir in the alliance of western foreign companies.

Many executives of foreign companies let go of their worries.

"We have cultivated the market and patent barriers for decades. How can a small company like yours break through the siege?" Intel CEO Pat Kissinger said to the executives beside him with a smile: "Look The delay before coming here is indeed that the senior management of Kyushu Science and Technology is vacillating in choosing to surrender and seek peace or to die."

He turned his eyes away from the well-known young genius not far away, and turned to the senior executives of other foreign companies present at the meeting.

This year, Intel has entered the graphics card chip market, but it has been doing very well with Nvidia/AMD abroad. If Kyushu Technology hadn't intervened, perhaps it would have been a three-legged rivalry now.

But it's not too late, when I think of the semiconductor wafer production capacity of Kyushu Technology and the powerful performance of the Chenxing chip and Titan processor.

He sighed in his heart: "As long as we have these technology authorizations from Kyushu Technology, after learning and turning them into our own use, can companies like Nvidia continue to occupy a share?"

Intel CEO Pat Kissinger is not unfounded. Although the market value of Nvidia and AMD has soared to a level higher than Intel in the past two years, it is almost cut in half now.

In terms of cash flow competition, Intel can compete with Microsoft.

"I just don't know how many bargaining chips this kid is offering for peace? What is the mode of cooperation?"

This question hovers in the minds of all senior executives of foreign companies.

And the senior executives of Daxia Enterprise have even more complex expressions.

In addition to Xia Wei and Rice, Xiaxin Technology, Yanjing Youyan and other "family members" attended the meeting today.

Kyushu Technology's technology authorization and technology shareholding model have made many Daxia companies popular and popular in recent years.

It's just that foreign devils will be introduced suddenly. What should we do in the future? ?

After Gu Qing's tirade, the summer in Rongcheng is still bright.

The heat wave outside was smoldering on the asphalt road, and the air-conditioned air in the meeting room was blowing everyone's hearts.

There are also some people who are speculating and uneasy. Looking at Gu Qing on the stage, they think of the process of the semiconductor industry's transfer from the West to Neon, and then from Neon to Korea.

Could it be that Kyushu Technology has been tricked there?


Marquez once said: After the work is published, it has become a different thing that does not belong to me.

At this time, Gu Qing suddenly felt a little bit emotional.

Looking at the people in the conference room, he suddenly felt like the emperor of an ancient feudal dynasty.

Although they own the world, the world is also dominated by scholar-bureaucrats and wealthy families.

There are Intel, Nvidia, AMD, Texas Instruments, Microsoft, Apple, AS-ML, Goldman Sachs, Korean Star and other foreign enemies.

But fortunately, an interest group has been formed internally around Kyushu Science and Technology to live and die together.

Of course, the most important thing is to win the hearts of the people.

Water can carry a boat and capsize it. The people of Great Xia treat their own businesses like parents treat their children.

If he grows crooked, he will spout anger and even punch and kick, but if he grows up like a child in other parents' mouths, he will naturally receive great preferential treatment.

So he is looking forward to what kind of sensation Suiren will cause when the company goes public after today's meeting.

Of course, the most important thing now is to unite vertically and horizontally, to muddy the waters of the foreign enterprise alliance, and to win a group of allies to their side.

Of course, if you can raise a dog, it is not impossible.

So far, more than [-]% of the people believe that Kyushu Technology intends to sue for peace.

In fact, Gu Qing did what they wanted.

After his speech, he said in a deep voice: "I know why everyone is here today, and what everyone's demands are, so I want to know.

Our Kyushu Technology can provide Kyushu-standard 5nm chip stacking technology, the sales share of Chenxing chips, the supply of core components for Titan processors, the OLED screen technology of the Kyushu system, and the semiconductors of the Kyushu system. technology.

It can even come up with project cooperation in Lingjing Ecology, as well as future technology supply.

So, what can you come up with in this business battle of technology companies that runs through the law of the jungle?

Due to the complicated relationship between everyone's itinerary and business, you can discuss and discuss on your own. Before [-]:[-] tonight, sort out your own demands and willingness to exchange conditions and send them to our Kyushu Science and Technology President's Office.

Our company will give a reply within ten working days after internal discussion.

The above is what I want to talk about today. Thank you for coming from afar to participate in this meeting. "

After finishing speaking, Gu Qing left the conference room straight away.


On the chessboard, Kyushu Technology's cannon aimed at the opponent's commander, and it depends on whether the opponent is willing to move the commander or find pawns to defend.

As for eating this cannon?

The waists of the relevant departments in Daxia are not soft, and no one wants to get into trouble.

Moreover, the time limit was very tight, and a plan had to be come up with in just a few hours, which really tested the decision-making ability of the company's senior management.

But on the other hand, Kyushu Technology is indeed a showdown, and has already gone in the direction that many people expect.

Everyone sitting here has different thoughts and faces.

Of course, no one thought there was anything wrong with Gu Qing just throwing his hands away and running away today.

After all, everyone knows that if it is not because of some force majeure, the boss of Kyushu Technology may never "bow his head".So some rude behavior is also forgiven.

But after the foreign company executives listened to the translation, although they all felt that it was impossible to determine specific cooperation projects in a few meetings, at this moment, after seeing the sincerity of Kyushu Technology, everyone couldn't sit still.

Even though Gu Qing has left, even though there are many business executives from other countries here, and even though this is someone else's meeting room, many elites have already started to make calculations.

"Kyushu Technology's semiconductor technology system is different from TSMC and Hanxing, and the light source is different, and the lithography machine is also different.

If we get the semiconductor technology of Kyushu Technology, we will have to spend tens of billions of dollars to rebuild the manufacturing system. Is it worth it? "

"According to the laboratory test results, it can be known that Xiaxin Technology's 5nm chips have performance advantages over TSMC's 3nm chips, so I think that the funds for expanding wafer production and manufacturing plants will be directly transferred to the semiconductor manufacturing plants of the Kyushu system. This will give our company an advantage in the future semiconductor market."

"Those fabs in Daxia can offer a supply price lower than that of Hanxing, and the quality of the wafers is higher than that of other companies, relying on the wafer manufacturing technology of Kyushu Technology. If we get this set of technology... ..."

 PS: I changed my schedule, my biological clock started to resist a little, and I actually slept for a while tonight.

  There will be an update later.

(End of this chapter)

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