Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 677 Technological Revolution

Chapter 677 Technological Revolution ([-])

Li Zairong almost exhausted all his strength before injecting the sedative into his veins tremblingly.

Feeling his heart beating slower, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that the assistant at the side noticed that the headmaster's pupils were a little dilated.

"Oh, why is that so?

Yes, why did our high-paying Kyushu employees leave?

Arranged a new generation of idols to accompany them, gave them so many good treatment, and even guaranteed their naturalization, either ours or the United States.

It turns out—cough cough cough. "

The assistant didn't dare to bend down until the headmaster coughed out a lot of the stagnant air in his lungs, and gave him a soothing massage.

He listened to Li Zairong's whispered sigh like a dream, and his hands trembled unconsciously.

"Is God going to kill my Korean star? The funds were given to Kyushu Technology, and all the money was spent on semiconductors, and the shares were all Wall Street.

Woohoo, what did I do wrong?
Father, what have I done wrong? "

When the assistant heard the word "father", he immediately withdrew his hand, lowered his head, and left the room as if fleeing.

He didn't dare to listen anymore, because at this moment, he already remembered where the previous assistants went...

It's just that there are some things that you can't escape if you want to.

As soon as the front foot left the office door, a colleague stepped forward and said, "Qualcomm CEO's dedicated phone number."

The assistant looked at his colleague with dead fish eyes, and nodded numbly.



Then he saw that the head of his family had lost the vigor of yesterday, and he was like a groveling beggar, nodding and bowing to his phone.

"Yes, I can guarantee that under the same manufacturing process, our foundry chips will definitely not be inferior to Xiaxin Technology, and will be 30.00% better than TSMC!

I will implore Kyushu Technology to license carbon-based chips to us as soon as possible. We have an agreement with Kyushu Technology that the technology of the latest process can be obtained within three years, no, within two years.

Well, I understand what you mean, I will.

Hansung Electronics will definitely be the first company in the world to obtain a complete set of carbon-based chip system technology. "

As the head's assistant, he could clearly feel that his head didn't mean anything when he said these words.

Or rather, it was all perfunctory.

But so what?Hanxing Electronics has fallen behind, so far behind that it treats the technology discarded by others as a treasure, and the move to buy it back at a cost of tens of billions is just like...

Just like what the live webcast barrage said now.

"It turned out to be a real carbon-based chip, not a PPT?"

"Wait, brother, this is a PPT, just a PPT with real objects."

"My God, I just learned to etch. How do these people's brains grow? How could their equipment have this kind of function? My fucking textbooks just changed!"

"I've only graduated a few months ago, and now I can speak C language. It's hard to find a job... If I knew it earlier, I should have taken the Kyushu industrial software platform qualification certificate at school..."

"Looking at this introduction, they are not just working on computers anymore. The mechanical language and logic of these devices are probably all in Chinese, which is really scary."

"The processor architecture and instruction set are also new. I don't know how much the performance will be improved. I hope the price will not be the same as the performance improvement."

"However, I am uneducated, and I can walk the world with a word of holding grass. Those who ride horses are simply holding grass, holding grass, holding grass!"

"So the technology that was sold at a high price before, is it?"

"Shut up! Whoever says this will die!"

"I'm going to tell you! These days, if a good person does good deeds, he deserves to be pointed at by a gun? What kind of magic is this riding a horse?!"

"In fact, they signed the contract and paid a lot of money. Now that I think about it, I have no choice but to go back on my word. I can only smash my teeth and swallow it in my stomach."

"One peach kills three scholars? Mr. Gu, one peach sells for tens of millions! It's outrageous. This scholar has a dark heart, it's too scary."

"Come on, fresh old accounts, Nvidia and Kyushu Technology signed 450 billion U.S. dollars, and AMD signed 280 billion U.S. dollars. Although they didn't give the full amount, Han Xing gave a real 1000 billion Xia Yuan and held a signing meeting. "

"Hold the grass, so it seems that Korean Korean stars have been cheated the worst? The more than 1000 billion is exchanged for Xia yuan. Tsk tsk tsk, give each of us [-] million, and our big summer will take off in an instant."

"Like you said, your math teacher probably took off."

Among the netizens who watched this global simultaneous live broadcast, in addition to netizens who like to complain, there are also many industry elites from foreign companies.

Wall Street chaebols and even stockholders on the street are frantically making phone calls, either selling their stocks, or grabbing the "waste stocks" of certain companies on the market.

The communication network transmits live images to all parts of the world, and the delay of a few seconds has also brought tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of losses to millions of wealth for some people.

Whether it is day or night, there are always exchanges on this planet that are open.

Gu Qing first appeared with the blueprint of Daxia's carbon-based semiconductor, which shocked Daxia's enterprises.And this second time, it really shocked global enterprises and users.

Today, semiconductor chips and electronic equipment have penetrated into all regions, even in the remote land of Africa, large-screen smartphones from certain manufacturers in Daxia have begun to be popularized.

And this time, the Daxia carbon-based semiconductor brought about a subversive revolution.

All rational people know that the implementation of carbon-based semiconductors in Daxia will be like the industrialization of nuclear energy and the generation of computers, a new reshuffle from the bottom of the semiconductor industry.

Even some countries with backward semiconductors, if they can take advantage of Daxia's carbon-based chip lane, they may be able to complete their counterattack in a very short period of time.

After all, the stability of carbon-based chips is beyond the reach of silicon-based chips.

At this time, the semiconductor manufacturers in the world are also full of fear, sorrow and joy.

Of course, for Western semiconductor chip suppliers such as Intel, Hansung Electronics, Qualcomm, SK Hynix, Micron, Toshiba, Texas Instruments, Broadcom, STMicroelectronics, and Renesas, there is only fear and sorrow.

For Xiaxin Technology, Yanjing Youyan, Xiawei Company, Jinling Xiasheng, Xiayou Semiconductor, Dongban and other Daxia semiconductor technology companies that have already invested in it, seeing the great project that they personally participated in was launched, which shocked the whole world. The happiness brought by the world has been raised to a level that others cannot empathize with.

"They actually did it, abandoning all the technology of foreign companies, and breaking through the thorns and opening a new path from the barren land full of thorns?"

In the meeting room of Rice Yanjing Headquarters, Lei Jun and other senior executives of Rice Company were pale at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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