Chapter 685 Old Friends

The full rollout of the semiconductor project, according to the semiconductor sector relying on supercomputer AI calculations, has already affected the capital flow of tens of trillions of Xia yuan in the territory of Daxia alone.

This number looks huge, but in reality it looks like flowers and plants that can be seen everywhere. There are many clusters but not "obstructing". It is undoubtedly more useful than concrete to promote the economy and guide the investment of financial capital.

From the initial backbone official enterprises and several leading technology private enterprises, the cooperative enterprises have now begun to accept many joint ventures and small and medium-sized enterprises to extend the product application stage.

For example, Ali and many institutions and banks are now in contact with Kyushu Technology and Xiaxin Technology, thinking about whether they can make some articles on carbon-based chip processors, such as those products with public molds and architectures. Of course, if there are 5nm foundry's Rocky X1 processor share, that's even better.

It's a pity that the big data processing centers run by Daxia basically used up the excess 5nm production capacity of Xiaxin Technology. Not only this quarter, but its orders have even been scheduled until 2025.

One of the reasons for this is that TSMC in Ryukyu Province, after "assessment" again and again, has completely disappointed Daxia after directly providing high-end production capacity to Pingguo for the latest time.

So blood is unreliable, only faith will not make people betray.

However, Xiaxin Technology has been "purified" several times, and now not only are all the senior management members of its own family, but the middle management, research offices, and grassroots technicians have basically achieved "localization".

Coincidentally, some of them were colleagues who had a good relationship with Li You and others...

The busyness is a true portrayal of many enterprises at this critical moment.

Angry and furious, it is the mood of the Federal Reserve, the Pentagon, and Uncle Sam at this time.

Although the U.S. stock market has now stopped its decline after emergency treatment and public relations, the think tank teams and consulting companies cultivated by various forces have given very clear investigation reports at this time.

A report that had just been printed was thrown on the table.

"When commercial products from companies like Xiawei, Xiaxin, Xiaxing, and Suiren come out in March, silicon-based chips will enter an irreversible decline?!

Some people even say that this is the harbinger of the twilight of the empire?These damned things!I really want to put the M17 into their mouths and let the 9mm bullet tell them what is irreversible! "

"Please calm down, the most urgent thing is that not only Congress, Wall Street, and Silicon Valley need us to take action, but many overseas military bases also need us to stand up at this time.

Only a strong enough deterrence can make Da Xia realize his mistake. "

What is wrong?

Between conservatism, radicalism, realism, capital chaebols, technology chaebols, medical groups, military-industrial complexes, and other large and small forces, they all have different interpretations of mistakes.

January NO.11, Wednesday.

Although the U.S. stock market did not melt again, it is still falling.

Today, a person born in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and even 00s who is often seen in textbooks gave a video speech to the global media.

Kissinger appeared to be in good spirits in the video.

"This year marks the 100th year of my life, and it is also the year I cherish the most.

A lot of people are saying that this year is the best year in decades to come, and I think maybe that's true.

In fact, both of us know that in the past few decades, we all shouldered great responsibilities, and compared with 50 years ago, the responsibilities of both sides are even greater now. "

To be honest, perhaps in the whole world now, he is really the only one who dares to call names so directly and publicly, and makes people think that this old antique is not selling the old by relying on the old.

He went on to speak: "Unprecedented changes are taking place in the world today, and the development of science and technology has made the relationship between major countries more complicated, especially for countries with high technology.

In this context, as a major country, it is necessary to establish the principle of coexistence.

Daxia is a civilized country with thousands of years of history, and its government governance and foreign policy are also based on thousands of years of foundation.

We are relatively young, and our policy is based on a pragmatic foundation.Under such circumstances, the two countries must find a way to coexist and avoid confrontation together. Confrontation may lead to conflict or even military conflict. This situation needs to be avoided in order to build a better world. "

Speaking of this, Kissinger said with a sincere face: "Everyone should work together to start a dialogue, through dialogue to fully understand each other's core interests, and respect the concerns of both parties.

Together maintain the framework established in the past.Apart from technological issues, many problems in the world should be handled in this way.For example, the advancement of technology has enabled unprecedented development and progress in the military capabilities of all parties, and the threats they pose to each other are not of the same order of magnitude as in the past.How to effectively control technology and how to avoid the possible destructive impact of normal development are all issues worth thinking about. "

On a level of realism and conservatism, the old man was right.

Looking back at history, many unnecessary disputes and consumption could have been resolved through dialogue and negotiation in the early stage.

But human beings, apart from their love of recording history, are also often the least able to learn the lessons of history.

The world is spiraling upward and forward repeatedly.And from a practical point of view, many interest disputes cannot be resolved only by verbal negotiations.

Of course, Daxia has always paid attention to etiquette first and soldiers later. Even Confucius, who has a high value of force, is humble to others.

Gu Qing is gradually leaving the semiconductor project, but it is inevitable that he will be taken seriously by the authorities.

Zhao Jianye and senior officials from relevant departments personally visited and had in-depth exchanges with him. After the two sides exchanged opinions, they left with their respective gains.

January NO.12, Thursday, weather: fine.

After being invited, a special plane flew to Alaska again, and the high-level talks attracted worldwide attention again.

Compared with two years ago, this time Alaska gave enough face.

Not only the security and living conditions have been improved, but more importantly, the blunt attitude at the beginning has also changed a lot.

"Wall Street Journal", "Los Angeles Times", "New York Times", Bloomberg and many other media have changed their dirty faces of smearing in the past. The headlines on the front pages are all about friendly mutual assistance, friendly negotiation, technology transfer and so on.

Even the U.S. stock market rose a little because of this good news without blood transfusion.

But the good times don't last long, and time won't wait for stocks to continue to rise.

The day of NO.13 in January will finally come.

Friday, the weather: overcast.

(End of this chapter)

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