Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 714 Commercial and Military

Chapter 714 Commercial and Military

What is Li Zarong thinking?
Wall Street investors and those leeks who bought heavily in U.S. stocks some time ago may have some common ideas with the head of the Korean star at this time.

It's obviously just a new game launch conference of a big summer company, and even this company hasn't been listed yet, but because of those "little toys", countless people are extremely anxious.


U.S. stocks were closed, as was the bond market.

Investors in foreign financial circles are anxiously waiting for the stock market to open tomorrow, or sell their shares in military enterprises, or sell their shares in game and entertainment companies.

Everyone knows that if Kyushu Entertainment really keeps its word, then the right to use the future mechs and the quota of hands-on experience will definitely make this new game called "Omnic Crisis" very popular in the next few months. It has always dominated the game rankings.

This is no longer a gamer's dream, it also includes the exploration of technology in a big country, the desire of some corporate organizations and even the military industry departments of some countries.

It can be said that just after the on-site mech competition, they have been able to find professional players of certain competitive games and the world's top high-level players to discuss future cooperation plans.

Executives of Internet entertainment companies such as Douyu, Bizhan, and Douyin are also working overtime to discuss future strategies.

"Tomorrow Kyushu Entertainment's new game server will be launched, and the top [-] anchors must be allowed to conduct live streaming!"

"The live broadcast event will come up with a charter tonight, and it will start simultaneously tomorrow!"

"In the short term, players with strong technical strength must be found, and they can even be signed with high salaries! Be sure to buy players! Only these players can get the top [-] rankings, or even the top three. When the time comes, we will just live broadcast mech battles. You can make a lot of money!"

"Increase live broadcast bandwidth and servers! We need to allow users watching live broadcasts to have a high-definition visual experience."

"Contact the Department of Commerce of Kyushu Entertainment, and Suiren Company, which hosts Kyushu Entertainment's foreign platform, and ask if they can grant more rights to live broadcast?"

"The live broadcast source of Lingjing ecology can support 8K video streaming, but Kyushu Technology's Rocky X1 server and Titan processor are needed to get the best streaming effect, so the purchasing department hastened to draw up a batch of lists."

"Since the company's listing has been chased and intercepted by Kyushu Entertainment Platform and other companies, the company's market value has been falling again and again. This time, "Omnic Crisis" is likely to be the outlet for future game entertainment live broadcasts. Gentlemen, we must seize it!"

It's just that the live streaming platform company is already anxiously preparing for tomorrow's "Omnic Crisis" server opening event.

At this time, many senior executives of companies and organizations in the military-industrial complex have been ordered to log in to the Kyushu Entertainment platform to watch the live broadcast of Kyushu Entertainment's new game.

Perhaps it has been lying on the credit book of war dividends for too long. When the senior executives of these military companies and institutions saw the appearance of mechs, they almost all "sneered" without saying anything.

"This fragile structure is destined to be unable to bear much recoil."

"The money to build this mech can buy a lot of mercenaries and drones."

"Want to pull us into a mecha arms race? Do they think we're those neon bastards? Are we going to build a junk Gunpla that's a few stories tall?"

The ridicule is almost automatic, because it is.

The military capabilities of Neon and Goryeo are basically disabled, and every small action is really a "small" action.

But after these professional staff officers, high-level officials of the bacteria, and senior engineers of the military industry witnessed the two mechas fighting at the press conference, dozens of conference rooms in the West that stayed up all night were almost silent.


"Someone of us is at the press conference, right? Contact him quickly, what happened! What did Kyushu Technology do! FK!"

"Why is this weapon of war directly used by civilians? What are our spies and experts doing!?"

"Contact Thomson quickly! I need to know the scene of this damn press conference as soon as possible!"

These high-level officials, who were anxious to the point of incoherence, quickly got first-hand information.

An underground meeting room in the Pentagon.

A young officer lowered his head vigorously.

He didn't dare to raise his head, let alone make his breathing louder by a few decibels.

In front of him are high-rise buildings with stars, as well as core high-rise buildings that often haunt certain special buildings.

But at this time, these bigwigs who used to talk and laugh happily, and can decide regional disputes with a wave of their hands, no longer have a good face.

Not long after, a leisurely sigh came.

Born Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at Winchester, Massachusetts

At this time, the eyes are strict.

No matter how brilliant his resume is, his expression at this moment is so gloomy and terrifying.

Seeing that none of the other high-level executives dared to speak out, Mark Millai sighed while holding the tablet in his hand.

"Gentlemen, it has happened.

Now is not the time to turn over old scores. The cooperation between Kyushu Science and Technology and Daxia Junfang has always been very close, so the level of confidentiality of this technology will definitely be high. I don't blame the staff in front. "

When Mark Milley said these words, the top leaders of the intelligence department instantly relaxed.

But then, everyone lifted up their spirits in an instant.

"The noise of politicians is their business, our responsibility is homeland security! The important task of world peace is on our shoulders!
Tomorrow is the release of this new game called "Omnic Crisis", I need to know its detailed information as soon as possible!

If everything is true, then among the top [-] players in the world, there must be enough of our people in it!

And the top three in the world must all be our fighters!
If it wasn't for our people to take the top three, we must buy them after the rankings come out!

My principle is one, at all costs, get all the information on this mech technology!
Daxia used these technologies to make this kind of mecha toys, which is already warning us!This will never be tolerated!
They are provocative!Or there are other military purposes, we must be highly vigilant..."

As he spoke, the general couldn't control his emotions, and began to vent some emotional words.

Of course, this meeting room is not the only one in the Pentagon to discuss this matter tonight, the Pentagon is not the only one in the United States, and Onsa is not the only one in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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