Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 724 Knowledge makes me fear the unknown

Chapter 724 Knowledge makes me fear the unknown
The big family delegation is not only good at throwing money, a military representative said: "The energy of these exoskeleton suits is not enough at all. Counting the reserve energy, it can barely support two hours of high-intensity combat time. Not even enough for the first half of a campaign.

The bundled price of the exoskeleton suit you gave is unacceptable to us, and the cost of personnel training is also..."

The implication of this person is that he will leave without lowering the price.

In recent years, Kyushu Technology can be said to have stole the limelight, so many people present wanted to see Kyushu Technology make a fool of itself on this occasion.

Zhang Tianhao shook his head with a smile.

Facing the group of big customers surrounding the booth, he said seriously: "These are engineering prototypes, and the exoskeleton suit and personnel training fees are all bundled. After the customer places an order, we have to carry out specific training according to the customer's needs. Transformation and optimization, so that the equipment can better serve people.

And this price is already the best price we can give, absolutely value for money. "


Someone in the crowd couldn't hold back their laughter.Then he immediately covered his mouth, but his voice was controlled, but the crazy trembling of his shoulders was uncontrollable.

Some people's hands were trembling while chatting on their mobile phones.

The reporter of the military fan publication crazily complained in the group: "Turtle, it's too fierce. Kyushu Technology called a sky-high price for the big players, which surprised the big players. In this session, Kyushu Technology is absolutely It is the one with the most expensive beer, no wonder they can do such a big business, after all, few people have the courage.

The representatives of the big households at the scene also looked a little unsightly, and we didn't want to take pictures so we didn't show them to everyone.

I can only say that it is too strong, I am afraid that the officials will not dare to invite Kyushu Technology casually in the future. "

"Grasshold? Kyushu Technology is really a big butcher."

"Investigate and report again, today's headlines are here."

"Find a way to shoot something that's not out of the ordinary but catches the eye."

Hearing Zhang Tianhao's "slaughter" introduction, even the big dogs who have been slaughtered for so many years also showed some discomfort.

Someone in the delegation said with a little sarcasm: "Your company's products have never been tested by the market, so you quoted this price. What we need are reliable military products, not high-tech concept hype.

Hope to have better cooperation with your company in the future. "

After speaking, the large representative team gradually left the Kyushu Technology booth while chatting and laughing, leaving only a few representatives who were interested in high-tech "toys" and UAV systems to stay.

At this time, many people picked up the equipment in their hands to take pictures.

Seeing the crowd gradually moving towards the next booth, Zhang Tianhao was a little at a loss.

In his experience, in the research and development base cooperated with Junfang, when will the technology thrown out by him not be sought after by others?

Seeing the deflated look of this confidant, Gu Qing smiled and shook his head.

He patted Zhang Tianhao on the shoulder and said, "Due to environmental reasons, we can't say much to them."

At this moment, when a young representative of a large household saw Boss Gu walking out, the expression on his face instantly bloomed like a daisy.

"Dear Gu Qing, I'm your loyal fan, can you sign me? It's on this notebook that I carry with me?"

The young big man had a straight nose, looked at the man in front of him with deep eyes, and looked excited.

Moreover, his level of Mandarin in Daxia is very good, and he may not need to translate the dialogue.

Gu Qing looked at the young man who appeared out of nowhere, and helped the temple of his glasses without any trace.

After comparing the portraits with the official information provided by the exhibition, Boss Gu smiled and nodded at the young man.

An Hetang stepped forward from the side, took the young man's notebook, and then took out the signature pen in his pocket and handed it to Gu Qing.

Knowledge makes me fear the unknown
——Gu Qing

It could be seen that this young rich man was not joking. After taking back his notebook, he solemnly put it in his handbag.

Afterwards, he said to Gu Qing: "I didn't expect you to participate in this exhibition in person. I believe that you and your company will definitely not be just 'selling dog meat' like the old saying in Daxia. What are these exoskeleton suits? Isn't there a lot of special places that haven't been told to us?"

Looking at the young big family looking seriously, Gu Qing shook his head.

"There is nothing special about it. Wearing these exoskeleton suits can neither fly nor defend against large-caliber heavy firepower.

In addition, in order to make the intelligent system better serve users, we have installed too many sensors on these exoskeleton suits. Although these sensors can accurately transmit the wearer's body data to the system in real time, too many devices will lead to exoskeleton suits. The maintenance requirements of the skeleton suit are not low.

In addition, in order to make warfare more efficient, our intelligent system is involved in too much data processing. Once there is a problem with the system, the exoskeleton wearer will fall into a dangerous situation of being stuck.

In fact, in my opinion, there is still a lot of room for upgrading this exoskeleton suit. Of course, this will inevitably increase the cost.

These products have the official test data of the bacteria laboratory. If you are interested, you can take a look, because at least compared with the products of other institutions, they still have some advantages. "

The young big family took the tablet handed over by Zhang Tianhao, but within a few seconds he was dumbfounded.

An experimenter wearing an exoskeleton suit equipped with protective equipment can not only block the continuous shooting of a 7.62mm high-power rifle at close range, but also cross the line of fire in the rain of bullets and run a 100-meter mountain road in nine seconds?
There is also an experimenter wearing a sea mushroom exoskeleton suit who jumped from a height of 2000 meters and fell into the water. After the video was fast forwarded for an hour, he emerged from the water on the other side of the big island, assembled a sniper rifle, and hit [-] meters away with one shot. moving target.

In the mind of the young big family, such a scene has already emerged at this time.

The scene where the own exoskeleton special forces rampage in some hostile forces.

Thinking of this, his eyes on the documents became more and more fiery.

"Wait, my uncle and the others didn't see these materials just now, I told them to come back! Wait a minute."

After seeing Gu Qing nodding, the young big family hurriedly took out the Jiaolong X1.
After a short conversation, the young man watched the delegation that had just walked away begin to return, and then said to Gu Qing: "Please wait a moment."

Facing this kind of polite young man, Gu Qing waved his hand patiently: "It's okay, you didn't see these materials just now, it's because some of the data's confidentiality level is too high, and the staff here don't have permission to give you. "

(End of this chapter)

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