Technology: Breaking the monopoly global hegemony

Chapter 780 International Public Opinion

Chapter 780 International Public Opinion
In the end, the leader of Daxia Merchants said very domineeringly: "If we cannot protect the legal rights and legal demands of our corporate funds, we will never provide any help to the Korean financial market."

A set of combined punches hit the high-ranking officials in Goryeo with bruised noses and swollen eyes. They were stunned and did not dare to object loudly.

In the end, after many rounds of discussions, Lawyer Yin, the chief executive, could only express humility: "This is a big matter, and we need to communicate and negotiate again. Please wait patiently."

After the meeting in the afternoon, the Korean media had just released some news reports about fishing in troubled waters, and they were immediately hit by the news push of Daxia products.

The detailed minutes of the two meetings on September [-] released by Xiahua News Agency were used by Kyushu Smart Home, Haiyan Electric Smart APP, Kyushu Global Entertainment Platform, Lingjing Ecology, Kyushu Community, Gonggong System, Zhurong System, Hongmeng Software and hardware platforms such as systems and boundary markers have been pushed globally.

This time, the double blessing of Daxia's external publicity and internal publicity is a real one-stone stirring up a thousand waves, and it has aroused the interest of netizens all over the world.

Even netizens far away in the west call Walter Majafa.

"How could the competition between Da Xia and Uncle Sam be controlled by a little Gao Li?

Under the global financial crisis, only the stock markets of Daxia and North America are in good condition.It has to be admitted that technology companies such as Kyushu Technology also have a decisive influence in the financial market. "

"I went through the minutes of the two meetings carefully, and I found that Da Xia's request was quite reasonable, while Gao Li's side was like a succubus, wanting everything without any real promises. willing to do."

"People in Korea are still worrying about their jobs tomorrow, Daxia Kyushu Technology has enough money to 'secretly launch' more than 100 satellites into the sky.

This is the unfairness of the world, the forces that dare to confront Daxia head-on, have never been pleased. "

"European semiconductors, which were clamoring to restore their glory two years ago, are now humbly begging Daxia Semiconductor for authorization. I really can't figure out why Korea Hansung Electronics is willing to give up such a powerful technology?"

"I doubt the purpose of this meeting in Korea. They are like a group of rascals who see that they are about to lose and start making jokes. When others want to help them, they will be accidentally injured."

These more rational remarks are very precious in the scope of global public opinion.

The middle and lower classes with happy education in North America don't care about these "rational" things at all.

In their view, if Korea goes bankrupt, it will go bankrupt, as long as it does not affect their life and work.

Some people even said: "This is the disadvantage of not relocating all production R&D and manufacturing centers to our North America. If Korea is half as strong as ours, it will not have an economic crisis at all."

"If Kyushu Technology also understands this situation, it should also move its headquarters to North America, so as to get better protection and more financing. We will also have more job opportunities."

"It is unbelievable to hear that the meat we eat in a week is enough for a Korean family to feed for a month. No wonder they are all so slender."

"There are so many troubles happening on such a small island, why should we spend energy to help them? Our own prices are also rising!"

In addition to these weird speeches from the West, there is a strange place where the speeches of netizens seem to be very "sincere and true."

That is Africa, Pan-Asia and other regions.

It is said that under the hegemony of Western public opinion, the history of the Great Xia propagandized to Africa intentionally or unintentionally deleted the crimes committed by itself, so African people combined modern history with the images of various countries, and what they heard was...

"Great Xia has been a superpower for thousands of years, but they are too arrogant to leave the land, and then they were all victors in World War I and World War II, and they are still fighting against the most powerful Uncle Sam in the world."

So here comes the funny thing, Africans and some Pan-Asian people’s acceptance of Daxia’s products is definitely at the forefront of the world.

The products of many companies in Daxia are also massacred in related industries in these countries. In this case, the speeches of netizens in these areas in the Kyushu community are very cute.

"Daxia is kindly helping this disobedient little brother, but he has been deceived. I think Gao Li may be educated by Daxia to be smart."

"Great Xia, a superpower that has existed for thousands of years, has never garrisoned troops in Goryeo to destroy their politics and economy in history. Even in history, Daxia helped quell civil strife in Goryeo many times. Daxia is really a powerful country. And benevolent Monarchy, if we can have the garrison of Great Xia, it would be great."

"Why don't you sign these agreements with us!? What a good condition! Give money to technology and return to engineers! You can also build a logistics storage center and a supercomputing center! Are the Koreans stupid?"

Netizens in Daxia, who need to surf the Internet scientifically all the year round, saw such a diverse international community through the Kyushu community, and they all called "hold grass".

"Hold the grass?! Is this the atmosphere of the Kyushu Science and Technology International Community? I thought they would all reprimand us for occupying Goryeo and threaten Goryeo."

"Why do the big brothers in Africa and some pan-Asian countries speak so bluntly? It looks scary. It can't be a robot navy?"

"There are trolls in the Kyushu science and technology community, but the cost of trolls is very high, and as long as you report it, you will be banned immediately if you check it out. The accounts that made these speeches have survived until now, and [-]% of them are used by local real people."

"Believe it or not, some of our mobile phone manufacturers can't win the domestic competition, and now they are developing very prosperously in Africa."

"We have always been non-interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, so everyone should be careful when speaking in the international sector, and don't be caught by others."

"Haha, I have chatted with a little girlfriend in the international section here. I teach her Daxia Mandarin through video chat every day. She is about to graduate soon and will come to Daxia. My brothers bless me.

According to her, they don’t require dowry gifts or require the man to buy a house, and even the girl’s natal family will give the man big red envelopes to make the girl’s life better after marriage.

Oh, what a paradise, hehehe. "

"Standing on the horse, everyone was still discussing international influence, and you got on the bus right away? Dog, take my blessing and get out!

Hey wait, you come back.In the future, good brothers can ask your wife to introduce their local young lady or little sister.Woohoo, I can bear it even if there is ink, as long as their ideas are really like this. "

(End of this chapter)

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