Chapter 786
And this time, when the big summer 004 was walking around the brand-new factory, it also walked out of a throng, and walked out of a rapid progress.

Medium-voltage direct current, nuclear power, sea, land and air integrated control command center, and the new generation of stealth carrier-based aircraft J-35 also rely on its powerful stealth performance and weapon-carrying capability, and it stole the limelight when it was unveiled.

Just when everyone felt that this aircraft carrier was strong enough.

Suddenly, three red lights flashed across the sky in the camera lens like meteors, just like the blue ocean a few months ago.

Mecha, originally a product of science fiction and fantasy series, is not practical in actual combat, but handsome enough, and has been tempting countless ordinary human beings of flesh and blood.

These three red ray trajectories, like the scars left by the sky being scratched, once again shocked the whole world.

"What is this? A missile? Or some aircraft?"

"This is a mech!!! The three that appeared in the blue ocean last time, aren't they?!"

"Can't you really play like this? With such a fast flying speed, there is a sonic boom. Can mechs really withstand such a large G?"

"I'm the only one who thinks this scene is very similar to the game in the spiritual world ecology? In the "Omnic Crisis" qualifying match, the appearance of the mech is played like this, breaking through the sky and descending on the ring."

"Treat the game as reality? Brother, you are not mistaken, this thing should not be a mecha, I think it should be a humanoid drone. After all, it is really difficult for a mortal body to withstand this acceleration."

Netizens who have been discussing a lot, some people think of the field battle video of Kyushu Entertainment at the new tour press conference.

"Kyushu Technology must have mastered a small, high-thrust engine, otherwise it would be impossible for these small mechs to perform like this."

"I heard that the top [-] members of "Omnic Crisis" have the opportunity to touch a real mecha. If I work hard, maybe I may have this opportunity?"

"Jiuzhou Science and Technology is a confidential unit, it should, maybe it may really have this technical power."

Although many netizens in Daxia know that Guo Jia's military strength is soaring every day, but after actually taking out this bunch of things, they still feel a little dreamy.

Netizens have this idea when watching the live broadcast, but what do the Uncle Sam's aircraft carrier fleet who witnessed this scene in the field think?

The previous commander has now been dismissed from get out of class for the two crimes of "improper command and corruption" and is forced to step on the sewing machine.

Although this commander is more radical, as the force most in need of calm in North America, he does not dare to fabricate something out of thin air and launch operations against the aircraft carrier ahead.

"The command center of the Pentagon, this is ***, the on-site information has been transmitted,... please instruct!"

Tom put down the microphone, his forehead was already covered with sweat.

The eyesight of the navy is very good, he can clearly see the three red lights across the sky, and then land on the opposite aircraft carrier.

The body is as big as those fighter planes on the deck, but it has an acceleration that is not inferior to these top fighter planes.


Tom swallowed unconsciously.

For the first time, he felt that he should not be aggressive, and when he was even full of thoughts in his mind, he had a thought that if the command center told him to take the initiative to step forward, he should reflect the situation more for the sake of his own head and delay the time.

It was clearly at sea, but soldiers on both sides could smell the smoke in the air.

The war may be imminent.

At such an anxious time, places like Korea and Neon are also buzzing with alarms, and countless people in the city are rushing to buy canned food, water and medical medicines.

Amidst the vandalism, looting and burning, the evil side of many human natures was magnified.

"Please don't panic, it's just a normal military exercise..."

"Stay tape, we, Neon, have a close relationship with Uncle Sam, there will be no war."

"Don't grab my wallet! Ya-蠛=蝶!!!"

While buying supplies anxiously, many people also followed the live broadcast channel of the exercise. 1
There are no bullet screens and speeches in the live broadcast room and channel comment area, and even the screen has started to falter, and some mosaic noises will appear from time to time, which makes people frightened.

Platforms such as Little Blue Bird Lite, Forum, and Kyushu Community suddenly began to enforce control over posting, and new accounts were not even allowed to reply to posts.

In addition, there is also a very lively market, which is running crazily.

That is the stock of military enterprises!

Whether it's Uncle Sam's military-industrial complex, or Daxia's Shenfei, Chengfei, and Suiren, or even the large military-industrial companies in Europe, as well as Neon's Mitsubishi and other military-industrial companies, the stocks are also soaring.

For every second of confrontation, hundreds of rich people will be born.

In addition to the military industry, futures and company stocks in sectors such as energy, heavy metals, non-ferrous metals, medical care, and food are all rising.

The war wealth came so suddenly at this time.

And so exciting.

Countless people had red eyes, watching every move of the two behemoths in the live broadcast room, while turning their heads from time to time to watch their stocks, funds, and futures go up crazily.

Every second, your wealth will appreciate a lot.

But they are all afraid that the flames of war will ignite this time, because if there are some sparks between these two behemoths, it will be a surging flame to ordinary people, which can easily destroy many things.

Besides, they are still greedily waiting.

Wait for your interest to peak before selling!

Gamblers don't think rationally.

You can make a lot of money by selling now, but as long as you sell one minute later, you can earn more!

It's only 1 minute, and very few people would be unwilling to wait for such 60 seconds.

Some places have entered winter at this time, but there are still people sweating profusely, watching with all their attention how this match will eventually develop.

And 10 minutes later, Tom also got an order from the Pentagon.

He looked at the string of letters on the screen, closed his eyes slightly, and then took a deep breath of the fishy sea air.

Force yourself to be calm and rational.

Opening his already numb mouth, he gave an order.


It's like a bandit who is whistling in the wind when something goes wrong.

The officers and soldiers on Daxia Xiaosi looked at the old ship opposite with a serious face, as if the old man saw some dangerous beast or danger, they staggered back.

And the netizens who were anxiously waiting for the situation on the front line in the live broadcast room finally saw the scene they wanted to see, or really didn't want to see, in the mosaic and crazy freezes.

 There was a power outage, so these two chapters were coded when I was racing against the battery of my laptop.

  It should be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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