Chapter 125 Choosing a Place to Stay (Please Subscribe for a Monthly Pass)
I heard noisy voices from inside, and some of them shouted: "Buy it and leave it! Buy it and leave it!"

"big big big!"

"Small! Small! Small"

"Three fours, Leopard! The banker kills all!"

"Ah... it's a leopard again! Could it be something tricky?"

"What's tricky? I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, do you know!"

Hearing the word gamble, Jiayin instantly understood that this is actually a place for gambling!

Looking at the man again, I heard the man talking to himself: "I heard that the money I picked up here brings good luck, and today I will definitely get back all the money I lost before!"

Jiayin's face puffed up when she heard this!It's fine if you don't buy medicine for your old mother, and you don't even have a thank you for the money!Excessive!
So Jiayin took the money back immediately, and destroyed a small mechanism hidden under the table by the dealer...

The man looked at his empty right hand, and rubbed his eyes vigorously with his left hand, thinking that his eyes were wrong, but when he looked again, there was nothing!

He anxiously looked down on the ground, thinking that the silver had fallen to the ground.

At this time, loud cheers came from the side, and he looked up, and it turned out that all the bettors had won money, and the banker was paying taels with an ugly face...

Afterwards, Jiayin saw a man whose wallet was stolen by a thief. He saw the man chasing the thief all the way in front, wiping away his tears and shouting, "Stop! Give me back the wallet! That's my Suxiu! Woooooo I can't go to school without Shuxiu..."

Seeing him crying, Jiayin felt sad, thinking that this person would be thankful for being helped by her!So he directly took it back for him with his spiritual sense, and then threw it at his feet.

As a result, the man stopped to pick up the purse, and spat in front of him: "Just your two knives, and you still come out to be a pickpocket! tui!"

After scolding, he put the purse into his arms, turned around and left.

Jiayin looked at the quiet exchange desk and wanted to put the bag of silver back into the hands of the thief!

But it didn't do that.

After that, she didn't give up, and saw a child running directly into the middle of the road.

He was about to be hit by a cart!At this time, Jiayin lifted him safely to the side of the road with a gentle push with her spiritual sense.

The child's mother ran forward and looked at the child all over to make sure that he was not injured. She grabbed the child's arm and beat the ass!

The child was beaten and cried, and Jiayin couldn't bear to watch it.

But after waiting for a while, the child stopped crying, and she didn't receive the golden light of merit...

In this way, Jiayin is no longer searching for those in need in the city.

Angrily withdrawing his consciousness, he decided to look for people who really need help like the previous refugees.

Early the next morning, Fang Youwei set off with seven people and two cars.

They planned to divide the troops into two groups of four, and go to two counties to inquire respectively.The main purpose is to inquire about the behavior of those county magistrates and officials below, as well as the situation of the towns and villages to which they belong.

See where the approximate locations are. They need to inquire about these in advance before making a choice.

It is impossible for the county magistrate to have a clear understanding of the situation in each village.

When the time comes, just point them to the one he thinks is the best, and if they are not satisfied, it is not good to change it.Otherwise, it's not to leave the county magistrate with the impression that things are too troublesome!

In the future, if everyone disagrees, they will live here all the time, and they must always leave a good impression on their parents.

Until the end of time, the eight people came back together.

After returning, he went directly to Fang Yunping to report the news he had heard.

They went to a county in a group of four, and instead of getting together to inquire, they separated.

Some went to the shop to drink a cup of tea and asked the clerk about the situation, while others mingled with the old people chatting together on the side of the road, heard some things and made some remarks.

Fang Yunping asked them to talk about the general situation of the two counties respectively.

Seeing that they didn't open their mouths, Fang Youwei said first: "We went to Nanping County, and we gathered the news on the way before we came back.

The size of Nanping County is about the same as the county where we went to buy grain before we entered the mountain.Let me not talk about the situation in the village they inquired about first, let me talk about the county magistrate there.

I heard a few people chatting in the teahouse, saying that some time ago, the brother-in-law of the county magistrate occupied the other courtyard of a wealthy family in the town below.

The wealthy family came to the county to sue, but the county magistrate slapped him and confiscated his property!

If the magistrate of this county does not change, I suggest that we should not go there.

A confused official like this can't manage any good places, and the officials and servants below will probably follow suit. "

Fang Yunping and everyone nodded when they heard the words, agreeing with his statement.

Being so close to the county town, these people dare to be so blatant, there must be someone above.

He is not afraid of people going to the higher authorities to sue, so he dares to act so arrogantly.

These little people.If he was born under his jurisdiction, he could only swallow his anger.But now they have a choice, there is no need to jump into it knowing it is a fire pit.

Then, Fang Yunping looked at Fang Youzhi again, wanting to hear how his investigation was going?

Fang Youzhi replied directly: "We went to Huayang County to inquire separately, Youlu and the others went to inquire about the situation in the villages and towns, and I went to inquire about the situation of the county magistrate and the officials below.

I went directly to the county government office, wandered around for a while, and happened to meet the county magistrate who was promoted to try the case.

I listened in the crowd, and it wasn’t a big case, just that one person sued the other for stealing his money, but the other refused to admit it, saying that the money belonged to him, and that person gave away his money when he saw him buying meat. , When he saw the money, he insisted that he stole it.

The man said loudly, how could he have so much money in such a poor body?obviously stolen
The man said loudly that he was a salt worker, and this was his two months' wages, which he planned to take home.

Later, the county magistrate asked the complainant what he did for a living.

The man said he was selling groceries.

The county magistrate asked the defendant to take out the money bag. Once the money bag was released, everyone could understand it.

It was a burlap bag covered in grains of salt.

After that, the county magistrate fined the person who made the false accusation against Jiancai twenty boards, and compensated the defendant one tael of silver.

I asked around in the crowd, and those watching the fun said that the magistrate of Huayang County has a very good reputation as an official.

Although he is not the kind of master of the blue sky, the handling of the case can be regarded as standard and fair.And the family is originally from a famous family, so they are not greedy for money.

And just donated a charitable hall to take in the homeless old people and children. "

After Fang Youzhi finished speaking, Fang Li next to him continued, "We also inquired about the villages and towns over there, and the villages are all similar, with mostly ponds and paddy fields, and very little dry land.

Large tracts of paddy fields are in the hands of those landlords, and the villagers are all farming from them.Only those terraced fields were reclaimed and planted by themselves. "

Fang Yunping thought for a while, thinking that the counties before they entered the mountain were all in the same situation, so there was no need to go back over the mountain the same way.

 Thank you "Sister Snowman" for your support
  Thanks to "Joysky" for the support
(End of this chapter)

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