Chapter 171 Planning of the Dragon Temple (seeking subscription for monthly ticket)

Jiayin doesn't care about feng shui. The dragon clan itself has great luck. Wherever the dragon is, there is the dragon's lair, and the feng shui will become better the longer the dragon clan stays.

And Shenlong, in the sky, in the ground, in the water, can adapt to any place, so there is nothing suitable or not, whether it is Fengshui or Fengshui.

Of course, places with water will definitely be better.

The good news of that crack has been probed with spiritual consciousness before, there is water under the crack, and there is an underground river deep in the crack.

It was because it was so deep that it looked like a wide crack to the naked eye.

Because of that crack, after the Fang family lived here, the adults told them not to let the children play there.

In addition, there are deep weeds growing in the open space, the children are very obedient, and they don't like to get into the weeds.

That's why the children ran to the spot where they played hide-and-seek before, but because of the kidnapper, they never went there again.

...I am the dividing line...

Now that he has money, and even has a lot of surplus, the building of the ancestral hall can also be put on the agenda at the same time.

The ancestral hall is faster, because the scale is small, and the materials are all common, and there is no need to customize it like in the temple.

After they finished the land deed, they stopped by the dental shop and asked the familiar dental staff to help them find people and purchase materials. Since they were not short of money, they asked the dental staff to find a master craftsman who had experience in building temples. It's also okay, they add money and take care of the board and lodging.

The most important thing is to have good workmanship, and of course the materials must be good. I paid Yaren a deposit of 1000 taels in advance, which shocked Yaren at that time.

Good guy!He was surprised enough when the whole village built brick and tile houses before, but now not only the ancestral hall mentioned earlier has been upgraded, but also temples are being built!This Fangjia Village is really rich and powerful!

no!After the temple is repaired, he will go to worship as soon as possible!It must be a very effective God of Wealth Temple...

Fang's family didn't know about Yaren's psychological activities. They were discussing who to enshrine in the front hall and side hall besides the Dragon God in the main hall.

Jiayin didn't understand at first, but after listening to Mrs. Yang's explanation, I realized that a temple has several halls. In addition to the main hall dedicated to the main god, there must also be a front hall and side halls, such as the attendants of the main god.

So Jiayin asked Xiaoling to deliver the message directly, and the statues of Xiaoling, Liuliu and the little eagle cub were placed in other halls.

They are all recognized by the Dragon God.

When everyone heard it, they understood!

So after everyone's discussion and consultation with Dragon God, the statues of Xiaoling and Liuliu were enshrined in the main hall in front.

There is a statue of a little eagle on one side of the two side halls.

Of course, when the time comes, they are going to ask Yang Chengsi to design a mighty and domineering image for the envoys of the Dragon God.

In that case, if someone comes to worship God and offer incense in the future, they will think it is a joke!
Although everyone in the Fang family knew the abilities of Xiao Ling and Liu Liu, others didn't!
In the eyes of others, they are ordinary starlings and donkeys. Who would build such a large temple, with a starling and a donkey in the front hall?

I'm afraid it's not a serious illness...

Now that the front hall and side hall are arranged, the main hall in the middle must be the dragon god, and it will be shaped according to the image of the dragon god drawn by Yang Chengsi before.

The supporting halls on both sides of the main hall are temporarily empty, what if the Dragon God accepts a new messenger one day?You can add more to it.

Behind the main hall is a large courtyard, with a lotus pond built in the middle, some bamboo planted, and pavilions and corridors built.

This is in the kind of big temple they have seen before.

Then build a row of side rooms behind the yard, which can be used by people stationed in the temple to live in.

Another one is, when the Dragon Temple becomes famous in the future, there will definitely be rich families and rich people coming to offer incense.

If the journey is far away, you can arrange to stay in the wing room at the back.

Don't ask them why they think so far, because everyone thinks that the Dragon God is so effective, and it will be a matter of time before the Dragon God Temple becomes famous.

Instead of waiting to add it in the future and disturbing the peace of the Dragon God, it is better to fix it all at once.

It doesn't matter if they don't need it, anyway, they don't need money now, right?

Jiayin kept coming up with ideas through Xiaoling's mouth at the side, what to build a well in the backyard, it is called Shenshui Well. Can relieve pain.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the water in the well itself has that curative effect, but it must be asked for sincerely, and the Dragon God will bestow it.

This is what Jiayin thought of afterward. People in the village have headaches, brain fever, and toothaches, and they love to pray for the blessing of the Dragon God.

Jiayin would sometimes put a little spiritual water in their water tanks when they were swept away by their spiritual sense, and it would definitely be fine the next day, and then they would receive the golden light of merit.

Thinking that everyone in my village can do it, if outsiders come, I will cure them myself, and then spread the word to ten, ten to hundreds...


Doesn't the golden light of one's own merits just soar up!What else do you worry about?

Of course, if she is not sincere and prevents herself from getting the golden light of merit, then she will definitely take it back, and it is definitely impossible to take advantage of her!

Jiayin took another look at the space of the Boundary Breaking Bead, and thought about what else could be used.

I saw the piles of rice at a glance, so much rice, how to deal with it?
After giving so much silver, I just freed up a storage bag, and there are still some storage bags in the other storage bags!
There are also those gold and jewelry, but these things are shiny, she is a bit reluctant, so let's put them first.

Jiayin rolled her eyes. If a temple is built, many people must be invited. If there are too many people, they must buy a lot of rice, and I have rice myself!

She asked Xiao Ling to ask when the work would start, and if the work started, would she have to take care of the food?
Xiaoling raised questions according to Jiayin's words.

Fang Yunping said: "I have already made an agreement with Yaren, but it is hard to say when the craftsmen will be able to find it. After all, the rainy season has just passed, and it is the time when everyone is busy building or repairing houses.

But I have already told the Yaman that I can add some money, and I think there should be news in the next two days. "

Jiayin nodded in satisfaction, thinking in her heart, when someone comes, just go to the village and put food in the public warehouse by herself, and the rice in the space will be consumed soon after thinking about it.

Jiayin is thinking very well now, but when she took out the rice, the villagers saw that it was all good rice, so they were reluctant to use it, so they went to the county to buy brown rice.

The rice is ready to be eaten during the Chinese New Year.

After doing that, Jiayin was so depressed that he didn't even send out half of the food. Fortunately, the space can keep fresh and won't spoil.

Jiayin was so angry that she almost took back the rice she gave away, but fortunately she held back because she received another golden light of merit...

 Thank you "joysky" for your support!

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(End of this chapter)

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