Chapter 312 Collecting Seafood (seeking Subscription and Monthly Pass)

Fang Zhiyuan and the others were very interested in this talk about chasing the sea.

Although the route they took was not far from the seaside when they came, they had never been to the real seaside, and they had always walked along the roads between the village and the foot of the mountain.

Jiayin used her spiritual sense to look out, and she saw some women, old people, and children wandering back and forth by the seaside with wooden barrels.

Use small wooden sticks to pick and pull to find some small fish, shrimps and some shellfish washed up by the sea.

Jiayin is not very interested in those things, but thinks it's fun to do these things.

Especially those children, when they picked up something bigger, they would shout excitedly and smile brightly, as if they had found a treasure.

Liu Yu'er and Yang Huiyun were very curious, especially Yang Huiyun, who hadn't been to the beach for so long in Hainan County, which was quite strange.

The two couldn't help chatting with the few villagers they had met before.

These villagers not only told them when is the most suitable time to go, how to find and catch them, but also taught them how to cook shellfish, how to make them taste the best.

Of course, most of the methods here are boiled or steamed, and then put some seasonings to remove the fishy smell, or adjust some dipping sauces, and just dip them in and eat.

After all, the seasonings here are not very complete, unlike the rich products in the inland.

But Fang Zhiyuan heard it differently. People who are good at cooking will naturally think of many cooking methods when they hear the ingredients.

After going through the available seasonings in my mind, I listed a lot of flavors that can remove the fishy smell and enhance the freshness, and you can completely change them to your favorite taste.

At this time, Yu Fugui saw that the villagers were almost here, so he stood on a flat big rock and shouted loudly: "Everyone, calm down first! Listen to me!"

When everyone gradually calmed down, he said again: "I think you all know that a few days ago a caravan came to collect seafood from our village, and told us that the north has suffered a disaster!

But today a few little brothers came to our village, they came from the north, and told me that there was no disaster in the north at all, and the weather has been good for the past few years..."

Hearing this, the villagers below have already started talking.

"What's going on? Why did the people in the caravan want to lie to us? What good is it for them?"

"Yes, yes, what good is it to lie to us? He also charged our seafood at a high price and left."

"Isn't that losing money and making money?"

"That is to say, people in the caravan will never do business stupidly..."


Yu Fugui quickly raised his hand and pressed down.

"Calm down, everyone, and listen to me!

Whether those people were fools or not, I have no way of knowing.

It's just that the young people in our village were moved after hearing this, and ran to collect seafood, and even went out to sea.

Just now, I asked Gensheng and Genfa to inquire about it, and the two villages next to each other also had a descendant born in the sea.

It was earlier than when we went out of our village, and I haven't come back yet!

It is said that they are planning to go out for three or four days, and the food they brought is not enough. It is said that there should be no food on board.

As a result, it has been more than two days and has not come back!Their village is ready to go to sea to find it.

What I want to say is, should we go out together to find it?

To tell you the truth, today I heard a few little brothers say that we were cheated, and I have always been a little uneasy.

Everyone knows that several of my Yu family's nephews are on board, and I feel uneasy, lest something will happen to these children.

I suggest that we also go out to sea to look for it together. If there is nothing wrong, it’s okay, and if there is something wrong, we can rescue it earlier. "

Hearing what the village chief said, the people below started discussing again.

"How do you say this? The sea has been calm for the past few days. Why didn't the younger generation from the next village come back?"

"Something must have happened, otherwise it wouldn't have been two days before I came back."

"Oh! Oh my god, my third son went with me! Is everything going to be okay? Woohoo, my third son hasn't married yet..."

"Okay, okay, don't say such bad things, didn't the village chief say it? Just go and have a look, it doesn't necessarily mean that something happened."

"Then let's set off early tomorrow morning to have a look! Hurry up and prepare food and water today, and overhaul the fishing boat..."

Normally, the youngsters from their own village have only been out to sea for three or four days, which is not a long time, so they wouldn't be worried.

But after hearing what the village chief said, the merchant lied to his village, why did he lie to them?This lie, which can be exposed beyond the boundaries of Hainan County, is definitely not a trick to trick them to the north.

These young people, including those from several surrounding villages, went to sea together, and they haven't come back yet, so there is something wrong.

Those whose families had children who went to sea began to get nervous, urging the village chief to organize people to go to sea to find them, because they were also afraid that something might happen.

Although there are quite a few children in each family, they are the pillars of the family after they finally grow up. If something happens, the sky in the family will collapse.

Yu Fugui saw that everyone knew the seriousness, so he started to organize, and the women went to prepare food and water for the kelp.

Experienced old people went to overhaul the fishing boat to see if there was anything to be repaired.

Another twenty strong ones were ordered, and the boat will go to sea tomorrow.

It's late today, the sun has already set to the west, now there is no time to go out to sea, and the boat at night can't figure out the direction at all, and accidents are more likely to happen.

They usually go out to sea at dawn, and arrive at the fishing position just before dark.

It is safest to drop anchor near the island first, rest there at night, and then go fishing nearby during the day.

In this way, all the families who will go to sea tomorrow have gone back to prepare, and Jiayin and the others followed back to the village chief's house.

Everyone was silent along the way, it's too early to say anything else, we have to go and have a look first, it's best if we can come back safely.

Back at the village chief's house, Fang Zhiwen and Fang Zhiyuan stepped forward and said to Fu Gui: "Uncle village chief, we brothers all have kung fu.

I just heard from the village head uncle that if you encounter danger, it should not be the storm at sea, but the most likely encounter with pirates.

How about letting our brothers go out to sea together, maybe we can be of help at that time. "

Yu Fugui was taken aback for a moment, then overjoyed, thinking that these young people came all the way from the north, but all of them were rosy and not embarrassed at all, knowing that these people must be capable.

Ordinary people go so far, even the caravans will look dry and emaciated, and even the big bosses will lose their appearance.

After all, it is a long journey to eat and sleep in the open air, so it must be difficult to eat and sleep well.

Unlike these people, even the three little girls are all juicy, and they don't look like they came from afar.

The other party offered to help, of course Yu Fugui is what he wished for, but...

Yu Fugui said hesitantly: "You come from the north, you must have never been on a boat, right?
The boats on the sea are no more stable than those on the lake and river, they are all swaying with the waves.

It's the first time to take a boat, and some people will be so dizzy that they can't get up, and they will vomit and have diarrhea..."

Fang Zhiyuan and the others also hesitated a little, they had never been on a sea-going ship, and they really didn't know if they were dizzy or not.

Jiayin interjected: "It's all right, we have prepared a kind of potion, after drinking it, you will feel refreshed and you won't get seasick."

Although Yu Fugui still didn't believe it, since the other party said so, he could try it tomorrow, and let them rest in the cabin if it didn't work.

Just listening to the little girl, could it be that she is going too?
Hastily said: "The little brothers can go out to sea with you, but women are not allowed on the boat. We have a tradition here that you must never take women on board when you go to sea, otherwise it will be very unlucky."

When Jiayin heard it, she was a little disappointed. If this happened, wouldn't she be unable to take the boat?
But the other party also said that this is a tradition on their side, and it's not easy to force it. If you don't want to take a boat, don't take a boat. You can swim directly to the island tomorrow.

Anyway, as long as the person is saved by her, the merit will belong to her, it doesn't matter whether you take the boat or not.

This sea is the world of good news, even if you can't use the teleportation technique, a fierce spear can pierce through it.

Of course, the only regret is that I can't show my original shape, otherwise I can fly over directly, but it will scare many people.

After all, Jiayin can't be invisible, so how many people might see such a big dragon!
At this time, the villagers who had promised to sell them dry goods before, some pushed small carts, and some carried baskets on poles, and brought them over.

The brothers of the Fang family were dazzled looking at the dry goods, many of them didn't know each other, so they carefully asked about the names and methods.

After classifying those things and weighing them, Fang Zhiyuan took out a pen and paper, and wrote down the name and method one by one on each category.

Take it with you when you send it back, and the family will know what to do when they see it.

One after another, some villagers brought over the sea goods, and they didn't stop until they collected nearly 600 catties.

The main reason is that they all look good and want them all, and they didn't tell lies before the other one.

They do have a shop, but they don't sell dry goods, they take them back and sell them in restaurants, and they can still earn a lot of money.

After all, Nanyue County does not rely on the sea, these are rare goods in Nanyue County, they are fresh food.

They gave a piece of silver for every piece they received, and it was all cash. Yu's family was shocked when they saw it. How much cash did they bring?
What Yu Fugui and the others were given to them just now was a bank note, and they thought it was the same for the villagers, and they were still worried, after all, many villagers were illiterate, and some of them had never seen a bank note, so they probably wouldn't dare to accept it.

Take a look now, okay?What the other party paid was either copper coins or broken silver, which was not wiped out at all. I don't know how much these people brought, but they paid all of them.

Looking at the huge pile of dry goods, Yu Fugui was worried about them, how to get rid of them?
Fang Zhiwen winked at Jiayin, and Jiayin nodded understandingly.

Pretending to go around the two cars, he called out Pangpang, and put all the luggage in the car into the storage bag.

When Yu Fugui saw Pangpang, he was very surprised!I didn't expect that there was a beast hidden in the car!
I can't blame them for daring to go out with so much silver. It turned out that there was a beast guarding the car.

He looked at the bear paw that was as big as his own head, so whoever dared to use his brain will not be slapped to death!
Although there are no animals like bears in Hainan County, the village chief is quite knowledgeable. He has heard it from outsiders, and it is scary to see such a huge size!

This time, the good news did not explain that Pang Pang is harmless. When they paid the money just now, a few people looked a little wrong, and it must be some bad idea.

Those people didn't come to deliver dry goods, but came along with them and stood by to watch the fun.

The action of swallowing saliva and the greedy expression, one can see that he is a kind of bum in the village.

So before Jiayin called Pangpang out, she also asked Pangpang to make some fierce expressions and not allow it to be coquettish and cute, just to frighten it.

It's fine if those people don't make a move. If they dare to make a move, they must let Pangpang take care of them.

Jiayin still wanted to help them save people, which really affected her mood.

Fatty put his hips on his hips and bared his teeth not far away. There were two people over there who pretended to be looking at this side unintentionally, and were taken aback by Fatty's expression.

Although Chubby looked harmless with his arms crossed around his chubby waist, when he bared his big white teeth, he was quite capable of bluffing.

Pangpang tried his best to resist the urge to cuddle with Jiayin and hold her high, trying to maintain her vicious state.

After a while, the mouth became sour, and the corners of the mouth couldn't help drooling... quickly sucked back.

The small eyes swept around, and when others were not paying attention, he wiped the drool on the chest hair with his bear paw, and continued to bark his teeth.

The corners of the Fang brothers' mouths twitched as they watched...

Shaking his head funny, he began to load the dry goods he bought into the car.

Fang Zhiwen said to Fu Gui while pretending, "Uncle Village Chief, let's send these things out first.

Our fellow countrymen are waiting for us in Wuling City. It was agreed before that we will let them take them back to their hometown.

We drove back to Wuling City and we should be back in an hour or two. The younger sisters and younger brothers stayed here to wait for us to come back. "

It's actually not far from Wuling City here, and it's only about an hour's journey if you hurry up.

If they hadn't found a place to rest for a while because of the sun, they wouldn't have arrived at Mitsui Village in the afternoon.

Yu Fugui stopped them and said, "The sun is going to set soon, why don't you go after dinner, there is no curfew in Wuling City."

Fang Zhiwen and the others looked at each other, seeing that everyone had no objection, nodded and said: "Then trouble the village chief uncle, we will try to go back quickly."

I must be back today, after all, I will go to sea with him tomorrow morning.

Yu Fugui said again: "I'll ask the old lady to clean up the empty room, and then you three younger sisters will rest at home first.

Don't worry, my Mitsui Village is very safe, you don't have to worry at all, I will also let you clean up your house together, when the time comes, you can go directly to the house to rest. "

So it was settled like this, Liu Yuer and Yang Huiyun went to help the village head's wife and daughters-in-law cook.

There were so many of them that they all ate other people's food, so Fang Zhiyuan and the others took a bag of rice from the carriage.

I also took out a lot of fresh seafood collected before, so I just learned from here.

Seeing how polite they were, the women of the Yu family smiled even deeper.

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  Thank you "1stLove" for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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