Chapter 53 Camp in the Forest
In the mountains here in Huaiyang County, the forests are basically locust trees, willows, and poplars.

Except for some small insects on the locust tree, snakes are rare, and even if there are, they are non-poisonous cauliflower snakes, and most of those cauliflower snakes like to stay in places with water.

Now that the little dragon cubs are here, they will automatically avoid them.

Everyone has already set up a bonfire, and the fresh wild animals hunted on the road must be cooked and eaten first, so as not to spoil them, and the pickled ones can be stored for a while.

Several large pots were set up, and the women stewed yams, wild vegetables and wild animals into the pots, and the men caught dozens of fish later, and stewed a pot of fish soup directly.

There are many bones in this fish, and children can't pick them off. Adults just give them two mouthfuls of fish belly and drink some fish soup.

After eating, everyone put away the pots and stoves first, and the fire was not extinguished, leaving it for the night watchmen for heating and lighting.

Just after eating, Jiayin wanted to digest food, so she wandered around the camp, let out her consciousness, and scanned the surroundings.

Her spiritual consciousness now covers a much larger area than before. It used to cover a radius of about one mile, but now it can cover a range of three miles.

Jiayin scanned the surrounding area for three miles, and found nothing but woods, pheasants and hares, and returned to Fang Youwei's shed feeling bored.

Although the Fang family believed that Liuliu, the wild donkey king, could act as a deterrent to ferocious beasts, they did not dare to take it lightly. They arranged for four people to be on duty at night. up.

Jiayin couldn't sleep anyway, so she chatted with Liuliu.

In my mind, I said to Liuliu: "Liuliu, when you get out of the range of this mountain, don't you know how to get there?"

Liuliu replied in his mind: "Yes, our group has been to the farthest place, that is, the place where we go one day further, and if we go further, I have never been there.

But I heard from them before that if you want to go straight south, I can still recognize the direction, and it will be fine if you go straight south.

As for finding water sources and so on, you are here! "

Jiayin thinks about it too, even if Liuliu is not familiar with the route in the future, can't she know the things three miles away in advance!
Liuliu bowed his head and ate two mouthfuls of green grass, and said to Jiayin: "After half a day's walk ahead, there is a village at the foot of the mountain. We passed by there before, and the donkeys of the same group were caught by people in their village, but they escaped later. came back.

There were no strong people in that village, so they couldn't tame it, but the donkey who ran back said that there were a lot of fields in that village, and the purpose of arresting it was to make it plow the land and work. "

Hearing this, Jiayin's eyes lit up, and she had been listening to old lady Yang and Fang Zhiyuan talking about farming, and she had never seen what a field looked like!
After all, after coming here, apart from floating in the water, or hiding in the mountains, there is no chance to see it at all.

Jiayin said excitedly: "Then we can go and see what the fields look like!"

Liuliu didn't understand what's so good about the field, isn't it just patches of grass?It's just that the seeds that grow on the grass can be eaten by people.

Liu Liu, who didn't understand what the little dragon cub was thinking, lowered his head and continued to chew the grass on the ground.

Jiayin felt that there was nothing to talk about with Liuliu, so she had nothing to do, so she replaced all the water in the family's bamboo tubes with the spiritual water in the space, and also replaced Fang Yunsheng's.

I haven't had much contact with other adults, Jiayin. I have been learning how to weave with Fang Yunsheng some time ago, so the relationship between the two is very good now.

And Fang Zhigang, the water of Fang Zhiqiang and the children who played well with her were also changed.

Everything she likes is replaced with space spirit water.

After a period of time, these children and the old man Fang Yunsheng have basically never been sick, and their health has obviously improved a lot. Everyone thought that the environment in the mountain depression is good and more supportive, so everyone's health is getting better. come better.

Before, she fed six or six spoonfuls of spiritual honey and gave it drinking spiritual water every day. Its body is stronger now. If it used to be able to smash the skull of a wolf with one hoof, it can kill a tiger now!
(End of this chapter)

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