The most powerful patriarch in the late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 121 Three people become tigers

Chapter 121
When news of the marriage between the Lu and Yang clans came out, the children of the two clans were a little surprised at first, but they quickly accepted it.

The effect is surprisingly good, and the training and cooperation between the children of the two races is smoother.

Yang Zhengbao has only one daughter, and he is very concerned about getting married. The etiquette of the three books and six ceremonies is indispensable, and the birth date is used to match. I heard that he even bought a dowry. He discussed with Yang Zhengbao slowly.

If there is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure, Lu Changle can also worry about so many old people in the family.

In fact, it is best for the second uncle to do this kind of thing, but the second uncle has more important tasks.

public opinion.

Lu Changle selected some clever children from the clan, and let them train with other clans or forces, and use the training gap to talk about things related to the Zheng family,

Zheng Zhilong's deeds at sea, betraying his sworn brothers for the purpose, how cruel and easy Zheng Zhibao is to kill, Zheng Du relied on himself as the second son of the Zheng family, tortured and killed common people, robbed civilian daughters, and those subordinates who were originally pirates, Putting on official clothes and doing all kinds of bad things,
Those militia defense members also have many relatives, and from time to time one or two people echoed their words, and even enriched the details to appear more real.
The team members mentioned it to their family members when they went back, and when the family members were chatting the next day, they spread the word among relatives and friends.

One to ten, ten to a hundred, a hundred to a thousand,

The publicity spread quickly, and the common people were already dissatisfied with Zheng Zhilong's actions.

Under the ferment of public opinion, it is even worse.

Lu Changle is now busy with the linkage between several militia groups,
When a member of the militia joint defense has an emergency, how to send an alarm and how to quickly reinforce,
Building beacon towers, ringing bells, setting up message trees, and establishing quick connections between each other, Lu Changle started from the establishment,

This time I went to Lianjiang to bring the secret weapon, the pigeon raised by Luo Dagui.

When recruiting talents, I accidentally discovered that there is a man named Luo Dagui in Luolian Village who is good at raising pigeons.

When Lu Changle found out, he was like a treasure, so he immediately dug him to Xingping Village. He didn't need to do anything, but raised and trained pigeons for himself.
He also selected two clever young men from the clan to help him.

Thin Monkey is one of them.

He is thin and has little strength, even with Gan Hui's special training, he has not made much progress, so Lu Changle simply transferred him to the pigeon loft,
Anyway, the thin monkey likes to touch fish and catch birds since he was a child.
Needless to say, thin monkeys are not good at martial arts, and they are quick to learn how to train pigeons. Even Luo Dagui is full of praise.

"Shouhou, did you train these pigeons yourself?" Lu Changle asked as he walked.

"Hehe, the master trained more than half of it, and I will take over later. Don't worry, the patriarch, these pigeons are very good, really." Shouhou patted his heart and said.

Before Lu Changle could speak, Yang Xuan pouted at the side and said, "Skinny Monkey, are you a wangpo selling melons, are you boasting?"

Yang Zhengbao and his wife originally wanted Yang Xuan to stay at home for a while and learn how to do needlework and cooking.
Yang Xuan persisted for only two days and couldn't sit still. With one move, she could hold eighteen sword flowers and hands with hundreds of thorns, but she couldn't control the small embroidery needles, and kept poking her own fingers. I was hurt five times, and my heart hurts seeing Yang Zhengbao,

As for cooking, the rice is raw, the vegetables are burnt, either without oil or extremely salty,
Seeing that their daughter was getting more and more depressed, Yang Zhengbao and his wife discussed it, gave up training, and accompanied her with more dowry and maids.

Yang Xuan was bored at home and became Lu Changle's bodyguard again.
Dare to go to the arena of life and death and forcefully push Lu Changle, what are you afraid of being a guard, anyway, I promised,

Yang Xuan was not afraid of what others would think, anyway, no one dared to speak ill of her face to face.

The thin monkey quickly explained: "Sister-in-law, it's really not bragging. The pigeons raised by ordinary people can be sent to the place, but they fly low, and sometimes they are playful in the middle. When the pigeons I raise, I use a fishhook to wrap them when they fly together. If there are too many, they fly to a very high position when they fly together, and it is difficult for bows and arrows to shoot."

"Who is sister-in-law, don't bark," Yang Xuan said shyly.

Lu Changle laughed: "That's right, you smart ghost, the pigeon practiced well, and this sister-in-law also called well, I will reward you with a pig's leg when I go back."

A new trick, it is eaten all over the world, the stunt of the thin monkey hook jumping fish, made a great contribution in the arena of life and death, unexpectedly it was used to train pigeons.

In theory, it's totally doable.

"Thank you patriarch." The thin monkey said with a smile.

Yang Xuan bit her lip lightly, and cast a cursed glance at Lu Changle, but did not refute his words.

Lu Changle was a little moved when he saw that startling gaze.

Tired from riding a horse, Lu Changle saw a small tea stall in front of him, so he led the team there, drank a bowl of hot tea and ate a steamed bun before heading on the road.

This is an official road, and in the cold early spring, there were quite a lot of guests, four of the eight tables were seated.

Lu Changle and Yang Xuan sat on the same table, and Shouhou very tactfully squeezed a table with Lu Changwei and the others.

Yang Xuan loves cleanliness. After the store delivered hot tea and steamed buns, she used half a pot of hot tea to wash the bowls and chopsticks carefully.
Still like a little daughter-in-law, it is natural to wash Lu Changle's share too.

Lu Changle took it with a smile, made a silent gesture to Yang Xuan, stretched out his ears to listen,

Several tables next door were discussing in low voices about Mrs. Zheng:

"Have you heard that, the second son of the Zheng family, five maidservants have been beaten to death this month, and one of them is still alive and hanged on the flagpole?"

"What is this? His uncle, Zheng Zhibao, doesn't even have evidence. He said that rich man Li and his family of 29 were gangsters. They were all dragged to the gate of Quanzhou and beheaded. They didn't even spare a three-year-old child. It's too miserable."

"I heard that he took a fancy to rich man Li's daughter and asked people to come to him to raise a sample. Rich man Li is also stubborn, but he refuses to agree. Can he let him go?"

"Zhoushou, I heard that Zheng Zhibao married nine concubines last month, and the youngest of them was only 12 years old."

"Hey, you guys don't know, Zheng Zhibao has learned a sorcery, using virgins to hold ceremonies on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year, and it is said that he even sucks their blood"

"Didn't it mean that Zheng Du was possessed by the black fish spirit and killed a few people every day, or else the black fish spirit would suck his lifespan?"

"And this thing? No way"

"Why not? Last time I heard from Li Ergou who came back from Quanzhou that at night, the whole city of Quanzhou was full of crying. Even the big black dogs dared not approach. Some people saw a large group of ghost soldiers wandering on the street. Think about it"

"The one surnamed Zheng is a pirate who does all kinds of evil. It's easy to change the country, but the nature is hard to change. When did you see a wolf eat shit?"

"Don't let the surname Zheng come to us, or how many people will die"

"Once they come, let alone money, they can't keep their wives and daughters."

Then, the people talked more and more mysteriously,

Some people say that Zheng Du descended to earth from the killing star, while others said that Zheng Zhibao was the reincarnation of the devil, bathing in virgin blood and refining medicine with babies every day,

Yang Xuan lowered her voice and said, "Lu Changle, your rumor is too scary, it makes my skin crawl."

"I really didn't pass it on. What I let people tell is the truth." Lu Changle said with a wry smile: "Nine times out of ten, it's the second uncle's credit. Don't look scary, the effect is really good."

After intensifying the propaganda, there were several hesitant forces who took the initiative to ask to join the militia joint defense.

Now the militia has 500 people in the joint defense, and even people from Luoyuan, Funing Prefecture, have sent people to express their goodwill to Lu Changle, hoping to establish a relationship of mutual respect.

The second uncle went out, one for two.

After listening for a while, Lu Changle and his party went on the road again.

"Xuan'er, did you tell your father about the printing?" Lu Changle suddenly remembered this matter, and hurriedly asked Yang Xuan who was beside him.

Public opinion is okay to deal with ordinary people, but if you want to impress the gentry class, you have to work harder.

The gentry is the most powerful class in Ming Dynasty. At the beginning, enlisting the help of some enlightened gentry is very good for your own growth.

Lu Changle told Yang Zhengbao about this last time, but there is still no news.
I don't know if he is busy with the dowry.

Yang Xuan nodded and said: "Our Yang family is doing printing, and some of them are craftsmen. The kind of paper you want is a little troublesome. We need to rush to make a batch, and the most experienced elders in the family have been watching. It is estimated that it will be completed in two or three days, and you can think about what is written on it."

As soon as Lu Changle said it, Yang Xuan understood what Lu Changle was going to do, which was to make something like a mansion newspaper,
Many large guilds and poetry clubs also regularly print some private newspapers, Yang Xuan is very concerned about this matter,
I really want to see how Lu Changle's private report is.

 Thank you book friends for your votes and subscriptions, especially thanks to Brother Wandi, who helped Xiaopao catch bugs many times, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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