Chapter 92
The plan fell through, and Ali was not rescued on the spot, which made Lin Yin feel a little heavy.Originally, she thought that this was a pure land where there was no intrigue, no conflict with the world, and simple folk customs, but she did not expect this to happen.

Favorable feelings were instantly replaced by words such as arrogance, ignorance, and ignorance.

After everyone left, Lin Yin looked at Ouyang Xiao, and said faintly: "Do you think there really are gods?"

Ouyang Xiao shook his head: "No."

He is a cultured cultivator, so he naturally does not believe in the existence of gods.

Even if there are gods in the world, they are evil gods.

Otherwise, how could there be so many phenomena of "good people don't live long, and evil people live for thousands of years"?

In his view, the so-called gods are nothing more than tricks created by strong men with sinister intentions or people with special abilities to achieve a certain purpose.

He was very depressed: he was pretended to be a coward in public by the so-called envoy?


Ouyang Xiao pointed to the people of the Dai tribe who had gone far away, and sighed: "But, they believe! Moreover, it is an unshakable belief."

Long Shihua said bitterly: "I really don't know what they think."

"Then what should we do?"

Lin Yin knew that Ouyang Xiao was right.

Thinking about it carefully, she felt that she was a little impulsive just now.

If there is a conflict, the situation of the three of them will be very bad, and they will even die!Ouyang Xiao is indeed powerful, but can he fight against the entire Dai tribe?What's more, there are at least a dozen tribes controlled by Dashensi, how can they compete?



Here, the Great God Division is the greatest law and the greatest official.

They are bound to fall into a situation where they have nowhere to turn and besieged on all sides.

Seeing that Lin Yin was depressed, Ouyang Xiao comforted him: "President Lin, don't worry! I will handle this matter well."

Lin Yin sighed softly: "It's really impossible to do, let's forget it."

In order to save a person who doesn't have a deep relationship and is still in two worlds, it is not cost-effective to take the lives of the four of them.

Ouyang Xiao nodded: "Well, I will take care of it!"

Seeing Ouyang Xiao's confident face, both Lin Yin and Long Shihua lost their minds for a moment.They completely forgot his age, and only felt that with him by their side, it seemed that nothing could threaten their safety.

Hmm, very safe.



After everyone fell asleep, Ouyang Xiao quietly came to the ward where Dayin Division frequently visited.Although he looked at these patients from a distance once, he did not use his soul power, but just glanced at them casually out of curiosity.

This time, he wanted to take a closer look at what kind of illness these people had.

If he can cure it by himself, then the envoy's statement that Ali offended the gods will naturally be self-defeating, and Dai Changli will be exonerated as a matter of course.

Naturally, there is no need to have any conflicts with the envoy.

What he didn't expect was that someone had already arrived before him.

Holding a small flashlight, he is sneaky, and he is not a good person at first glance.Uh, it seems that I am not very aboveboard?

Ouyang Xiao approached quietly, and restrained the enemy with a move with his right hand.

The man was startled, and the small flashlight fell straight away. Ouyang Xiao took a copy with his left hand and took a photo of the other person's face: "Is it you?"

"It's you?"

The man also recognized Ouyang Xiao.

"Why did you come here? Isn't the lesson on the train not enough?" Ouyang Xiao was speechless.

I thought to myself, you are a little nurse, why do you always want to work as a doctor?

Zeng Chunhua whispered: "I just want to see what kind of disease these people have. I don't believe in curses."

Ouyang Xiao shrugged: "Same! Do you see anything?"

Only those who are proficient in medical skills can become a great Yin division.

Even the big Yin Division can't cure the disease, it is estimated that the little nurse is not good enough.


"What disease do you think a little nurse like you can see?"

Zeng Chunhua was upset: "What about you? Do you know medical skills?"

The corner of Ouyang Xiao's mouth twitched, he had nothing to say.

In terms of medical knowledge, he is indeed far inferior to the little nurse.


A gentleman moves his hands but does not speak.

If you say you can't win, then start working directly.

Ouyang Xiao began to examine the patient with his soul power, and from time to time put two fingers on the patient's pulse.

This made Zeng Chunhua very curious.

He is so young, but he knows Chinese medicine?
After taking a closer look, I was suddenly dumbfounded: A Chinese medicine doctor who knows a hammer!It turned out to be pretending.Who is this guy pretending to be for?Is it not enough to have two beauties, but also to tease me?It really is a small batch!

Ouyang Xiao lay innocently on the gun.


Soul power is really easy to use.

Ouyang Xiao quickly found out the cause: "Strange..."

"You know what's wrong with them?"

"They're not sick."


"It was poisoned, a very strange poison."

Ouyang Xiao frowned slightly, he didn't know what poison it was.I just noticed that the blood flowing in the blood vessels of these people is not normal.And when taking the pulse, there was even a faint intention to attack him.

"Who poisoned them? Why did they poison them?"

"How do I know?" Ouyang Xiao glanced at her.

Turn around and walk out.

Now that the cause of the disease has been found out, and there is no cure for it for the time being, it doesn't make much sense to stay here.

And staying with the nurse is also suspected of being under the sun in the melon field.

As soon as his right foot was lifted away, Ouyang Xiao's eyes froze suddenly, and he moved three feet horizontally out of thin air.The speed is as fast as galloping horses.

A series of voices sounded, among which was mixed with Zeng Chunhua's exclamation.


Just as Ouyang Xiao was about to fight back, the lights in the ward suddenly turned on.

Da Yinsi stood at the door with a gloomy face: "What are you doing?"

Ouyang Xiao knew that this matter was not open and aboveboard, so he explained in a low voice: "Don't be angry, Director Da Yin, we just want to find out the cause of the patient."

After speaking, he swept his eyes.

The place where he stood before was shining with silver light, and there were seven silver needles lying there impressively.

But Zeng Chunhua has already been hit.

The little nurse was about to pull out the silver needle, and Dayin Division said coldly: "It will take an hour to pull it out! Otherwise, the seven orifices will bleed to death!"

Ouyang Xiao's expression changed.

"Da Yinsi, there is no need to be so ruthless, right? We have no malicious intentions!"

"We don't need outsiders to intervene in the affairs of our Dai tribe, just take care of yourselves." After finishing speaking, Dayin Division left straight away.

It was a complete mess of coldness and arrogance.

This is Ouyang Xiao's kindness to the Dai tribe, otherwise we don't know how the Great Yin Division will deal with them.

No wonder she became an old woman who couldn't get married!
Who can stand this kind of temper?
Blind a good skin in vain!


"how do you feel?"

Ouyang Xiao glanced at Zeng Chunhua who had a painful expression.


Zeng Chunhua felt a little wronged, the typical kindness was not rewarded.

However, her complexion soon changed.

I felt a burning sensation rising in my body.

And the source is the acupuncture point hit by the silver needle.

After Ouyang Xiao felt it carefully with his soul power, he couldn't help being secretly surprised.Zeng Chunhua has a silver needle inserted in each of the seven key points before the acupoint.

Seven evil cone heart needles?
Dayin Division actually has such skills?

Underestimate her!

(End of this chapter)

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