When the gin knocks on the door

Chapter 203 Summon 2 people to come and play

Chapter 203 Summon two people to come and play

Shinide Hospital is a family-owned private clinic, and the director of the hospital is named Shinide Yoshiki.

Shinide Yoshiki also has a son Shinide Tomoaki who just graduated from Dongdu Medical University.

This new Zhiming is 25 years old this year. He is tall and has a gentle appearance.

As soon as the woman entered the hospital, her gaze fell on Shinde Tomoaki who was currently helping in her clinic.

This person is quite suitable.

Shinide Chiaki adjusted his glasses, and softly asked the big and small who came into the hospital.

"Hello, what kind of disease do you want to see?"

"I sprained my foot accidentally."

The woman slowly sat down on the chair, and gently pulled up the legs of her trousers, revealing some red and swollen ankles.

"Let me take a look." Shinde Zhiming put on his gloves, knelt down and carefully examined her injuries.

Slightly swollen, not serious.

"I'll give you some medicine." Shinide Zhiming stood up, ready to go to the pharmacy to get some medicine for bruises.

There were only two people left in the infirmary.

"By the way, kid, I haven't asked your name yet."

Conan scratched his head, looking a little naive, "My name is Edogawa Conan."

"Little Conan, for the sake of bringing me to the hospital, I'll take you to dessert after the medicine is given!"

"No need, it was because of me that my sister sprained her ankle. It's getting late, and the family will be worried if you go back too late." Conan waved his hand and refused, he didn't really want to eat dessert.

Seeing that he didn't want to go, the woman didn't insist. "Then Conan, you can go back first, I will go back after I finish the medicine."

"It's okay, I'll wait for my sister to finish her medicine."

As far as this woman is concerned, there is nothing abnormal.

The reason why there is an intersection with the other party is only because he caused the other party to fall and sprain.

Although he was thinking about other things at the time, his eyes were still looking straight ahead.

The lady strode forward without looking at the ground at all.Under such circumstances, it was obviously very difficult to accurately step on the small pebble the size of a fingernail that he kicked.

But now he has an attitude of acknowledging his mistakes rather than letting them go, trying to find Belmode from everyone who has intersected with him.

"Sister, what is your occupation?"

"I am a model."

A model... It's normal for a model to be so tall.

Dressed in fashion, the accessories on his body are also relatively expensive luxury goods.

At that time, it is very suitable for the identity of a model.

"Wow, I've only seen models on TV!" Conan was pleasantly surprised, and he was almost staring at this kind of character who can only be seen on TV.

The woman chuckled, "I'm just an unknown little model."

She smiled and watched Conan trying to play an innocent child.

Although it hasn't been long since he became a child, he has fully adapted to the current state, and he is very comfortable pretending to be a child.

She doesn't have to worry too much about them being exposed in this regard.

Although You Xizi said that his son was a bit arrogant, he was still able to put his face down in front of such a matter of life and death.

I don't know what happened to Xiaolan...but Xiaolan became smaller a week earlier than Kudo Shinichi, and Kudo Shinichi didn't resist, so Xiaolan probably won't resist, and won't act as a child What's wrong.

It doesn't matter if you don't act like a child.

Children have different personalities.

Some are naive, some are cute, some are autistic, some are cold, and some are like little adults...

No matter what kind Xiaolan shows, as long as it is not too adult, it will not arouse others' suspicion.

After all, most people don't pay too much attention to children.

The new doctor quickly came back with the medicine and rubbed it on her.

Belmode looked down at the man who seriously applied the medicine to him, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

Whether it's skin, body shape, identity or personality, it all fits her requirements.

The main purpose of her coming to Japan this time is his angel and cool boy.

Although they are fine now, it does not mean that they will be fine in the future.

She intends to find an identity that can conveniently appear beside them.

On the one hand, it can satisfy her desire to see them, and on the second floor, it can also protect them.

And the doctor in this hospital nearby is very suitable in every respect.

She can use this identity to become the school doctor, so that she can see them every day at school.In addition, you can also use the identity of Shinde Zhiming to contact them in daily life.

Among her several undecided goals, no matter how you look at it, this new Zhiming is the most suitable.

If I could see her treasure every day, life like this pool of stagnant water would be more colorful.

There was a crackling sound from her ankle, and Shinde Zhiming straightened her lower bone after applying the medicine.

This should make walking easier.

"Okay, it's best to walk less these days. If you need to walk, wear comfortable flat shoes. I'll open a bottle of medicine for you, and wipe it off when you go back..." After taking the good medicine, Shinde Zhiming stood up, He handed over the bottle of new medicine that he had brought.

Things like sprains cannot be cured all at once, they can only be raised slowly.The lady's sprain was not serious, and if she applied the medicine frequently, she would recover in a day or two.

"OK, thanks."

Belmode stood up, paid the money and prepared to leave.Just two steps away, he was stopped.

"Wait a minute." Shinide Zhiming looked at her bare feet and the high-heeled shoes in her hand, and took out a pair of brand new disposable slippers from the cabinet.

"Wear this, it may not be very comfortable, but it's definitely better than bare feet."

Belmode seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and quickly thanked, "Thank you so much..."

Seeing the woman get into the taxi, Conan started on his way home again.

For him, this is just an ordinary thing.

There was nothing unusual about the opponent, and he was actually injured.

Looking at it this way, his suspicion of the other party was a bit superfluous.

It's just when will the Belmode that will appear in the near future appear...

Conan here is worrying about when Belmode will appear, while Mingjue is very relaxed when he returns home.

Sure enough, it is still comfortable to live in my own home.

He put down his backpack and put it on the sofa.Fortunately, he brought a lot of things, but it didn't come in handy at all except for chargers and the like.

The knife he was carrying had never even been sheathed.

"Next time, there's no need to bring so many things..." This time I was inexperienced, so I wanted to be fully prepared.

Turns out, it wasn't necessary at all.

It's better to bring more entertainment equipment to avoid boredom.

The world of Conan is originally a long-term world. Except for some small cases that are encountered and then solved, some cases such as Blizzard Villa will last for a day or two, and most of the time is waiting.

If there is no means of entertainment at this time, Ming Jue will probably die of boredom.

"Take a day off and call two people to play tomorrow!"

He is now fully capable of dealing with two people at the same time.It is safer to have someone come together as a companion than to be here alone.

I just don't know who to call...

 I have a cold, my throat is sore, I have no energy, I feel uncomfortable╯﹏╰

(End of this chapter)

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