The host is dedicated to her career

Chapter 229 The Ancient Empress

Chapter 229 The Eternal Empress ([-])

After returning to the palace from Nanying, Shen Changming breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation of the original owner was worse than imagined. On one side was the eyeing regent, and on the other side were the disappointed royalists. Fortunately, those royalists would not ignore them, and things still had a chance to turn around.

After staying in the military camp for a whole day, the original owner provided food and drinks in the palace all year round. Although Daliang respected women, she was still delicate.

Taking the wet handkerchief from the female officer and wiping his face, Shen Changming said, "Bring me my sword."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

In order to gain a firm foothold in Daliang, in addition to being powerful, one must also have the ability to protect oneself. It is hard to guarantee that Shen Xuefei will not rush over the wall and send someone to assassinate her.

The thick palace walls trapped several generations of the Shen family, the moonlight shone glisteningly, and afterimages swayed.

The female officer waited quietly, looking at the empress who was wielding a sword in front of the hall, feeling suspicious.

Since yesterday, the empress seems to have changed into a different person. It seems that Mu Shijun's departure has indeed dealt a big blow to the empress.

I don't know when, the empress became more and more stupid, but the regent became more and more outstanding, not only in the court but also in the empress' harem.

I can't remember when it started, the empress never turned over the sign in the harem again, and the servants in the harem no longer competed for the empress's favor, but rushed to seduce the regent one by one.

This time, it would be great if the empress could wake up because of her admiration for serving the emperor.

The female officer watched the empress grow up, and if she could, she certainly didn't want the regent to become the emperor of Liang, after all, she probably wouldn't be able to live by then.

Leng Gong.

When the high fever finally subsided, Mouton heaved a sigh of relief, and for the first time felt a sense of gratitude for the empress besides hatred.

Nan Yanyun leaned against the soft pillow all afternoon without moving or speaking, but at this moment she suddenly spoke.

"Mouton, can you help me find out about Shen Changming's whereabouts?"

"Inquire about the whereabouts of the empress?" Mouton was taken aback, "Why do you want to inquire about the empress?" It is clear that the son hates that woman so much.

"She saved me today, I don't want to owe her anything, I will find a chance to say thank you to her."

Puzzled in his heart, Mouton nodded in response: "Okay, my lord, I will keep an eye on the empress's whereabouts."

"Thank you, Mouton." Shen Changming, the revenge of the Nan family must be paid with blood!
Maybe he died once, and suddenly his heart became enlightened. Instead of living in this cold palace all his life, it is better to avenge Shen Changming's mother before Shen Changming is killed by others.

Day two.

Shen Changming directly ordered the female officer to tell him that he would not go to court, and generously said that everything about the court would be handled by the regent, but she ran to Nanying herself.

The empress does not go to court until the third month when the regent will go to the Zhou Dynasty to discuss peace.

The people in the court even believed that the empress was so fatuous that she could not be saved.

The night before the regent's mission to the Zhou Dynasty, the palace held a banquet to practice.

How could it be possible for the regent to go in person for such a thing as envoy to the enemy country?It's a pity that Shen Xuefei is a modern person, she was tired of staying in the Imperial City for three years, so she naturally wanted to take the opportunity to go out for a walk.

The imperial city is all her people, and she is confident that she will not be able to make waves if she leaves Shen Changming, even if Shen Changming makes a move, she will be the first to know the time to come back, so she is fearless.

What Shen Changming appreciates the most is Shen Xuefei's self-confidence. Blind self-confidence and self-righteousness are almost a common problem of all traversers.

As the saying goes: In the struggle for status, the most taboo thing is to leave Beijing.

Shen Xuefei really dared to leave the puppet empress in the imperial city, even if the original owner is a puppet and the puppet master is not around, how can other people stand up to a monarch?
At the banquet, the beautiful man was beautiful and his voice was graceful, which made the minister feel lost in thought.

Shen Changming leaned on the main seat to cover up the sharpness in his eyes, he drank a glass of wine without stopping, and falling in the eyes of others was just drinking to relieve his sorrow.

During the entire banquet, the empress sat alone on a high place, and the ministers below kept toasting to the regent, who would not refuse anyone who came. At the end of the banquet, the whole person was drunk, and was finally helped away.

After all the courtiers had left, Shen Changming put down the wine glass in her hand and stood up. She stepped down from the main seat and stopped beside the servants.

Several men with outstanding looks reluctantly looked at the direction where the regent was leaving, and only bowed their heads when the empress stood in front of them: "Your Majesty."

"Yinghong." This was the name of the female emperor's personal servant.

"The minister is here." The female officer folded her hands and bent down to the empress's side.

"Drag those seducers to foreign ministers and beat them to death with sticks."

"This..." There are only a dozen servants left in the empress's harem, so it's not good to kill so many at once?
"What? Do you have a problem with me?"

"I dare not! I will go now!"

The servants waited until Fengluanwei appeared and came to their senses, remembering that the empress was their wife-lord, but when they wanted to beg for mercy, Shen Changming had already disappeared.

Cool night breeze.

The moonlight elongated the figure.

Shen Changming walked forward along the palace road.

Although the palace is deep, it is really beautiful. The peonies on both sides are blooming lushly, the breeze is floating, and there is a dark fragrance on the sleeves.

On the palace road that Shen Changming must pass through, there are two figures.

"My lord, can you still get up?" Mouton carefully supported Nan Yanyun.

Nan Yanyun bit his lip and shook his head, borrowed his strength to get up, and Moutong relaxed a little when he stood up straight, but there was a terrible pain in his ankle, Nan Yanyun lost his center of gravity and fell backwards.

As Nan Yanyun expected, a pair of hands wrapped around his waist, and there was a faint condensed fragrance on him.

Shen Changming glanced at the man leaning in his arms, with white lips and half mask, but he didn't let go. Her eyes fell on the male waiter: "What are you doing here?"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" The blood faded from his face like a tide, and Mouton hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy, "Your Majesty, forgive me! The young master did not intend to offend His Majesty, but accidentally sprained his foot."

"A sprained foot?"

The person in his arms seemed to be frightened, and his body shook harder than the male waiter on the ground. He subconsciously grasped the collar of Shen Changming's shirt with both hands to suppress his fear.

Shen Changming followed the male waiter's gaze and looked down. Sure enough, the man's right ankle was swollen the size of a bowl.

Can you still walk like this?

The empress hesitated for a while and picked up Nan Yanyun horizontally, then asked, "Which palace do you live in?"

Is the empress going to send the young master back?

Mouton's eyes flashed with joy, and he immediately replied: "Lenggong."

"Lenggong?" Shen Changming was taken aback, she didn't recognize the male servant kneeling on the ground, and she didn't know the identity of the man in her arms, she only knew that this man was Shen Zheng.

There is only one person living in the Lenggong in the entire Daliang Palace, and that is Nan Yanyun, the son of General Nan Yi, so isn't he the enemy of Shen Zheng?

With a sinking heart, Shen Changming pursed his lips and walked directly towards the Golden Phoenix Hall with his arms in his arms.

It was this stupid king who killed his whole family.

Nan Yanyun leaned against the empress's embrace, looking fragile, like a doll that would fall apart at any time, he tightly squeezed the hairpin hidden in his sleeve.

Killing her like this is too cheap for her, and he can't hurt Mouton.

Back in the Golden Phoenix Hall, Shen Changming carefully placed Nan Yanyun on the Phoenix bed, and then sent a female officer to announce the imperial physician.

After the female officer left, Nan Yanyun lay on the bed and clutched the sheets nervously, looking at Shen Changming, just like a weak and deceitful little white rabbit.

Shen Changming glanced at Nan Yanyun, turned around, walked to the side table and sat down. She poured a cup of tea to play with, and looked at the night outside the hall.

The clothes on Nan Yanyun's body were carefully selected, and even light makeup was applied, because Shen Changming saw makeup in the corners of his reddened eyes when he hugged Nan Yanyun.

This "little rabbit" was specially hunting her, the empress, in the palace road.

Thinking about it, the corner of Shen Changming's mouth slightly raised an arc: I never thought that one day I would have to guard against being killed by Shen Zheng.

 The heroine and the heroine are physically and mentally clean!The original owner had no substantive relationship with the people in the harem.

(End of this chapter)

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