Chapter 150 70s Green Tea Educated Youth (37)

When Chi Yun'er submitted the application for opening a sales department, the dean and the others took a dead horse as a living horse doctor and took out [-] yuan for repairs as start-up funds.

To be precise, it is equivalent to borrowing money. After all, no matter whether the sales department is profitable or not, the money must be repaid.

The hospital only provided a place for the sales department, and ignored the rest of the matter, at most it would cooperate.

They didn't have the goal of making a profit from the beginning. In their view, being able to solve three or five jobs is already a great achievement.

However, Chi Yuner and the others really surprised them time and time again!
A few young people barely used the one thousand yuan, and bought a lot of goods by themselves, which sold very well.

Leaving aside the profitability, four educated youths have returned to work in the city. Before, there were two mobile convenience stations. Because the effect was good, more than ten were directly added in the second week, stationed in nearby residential areas.

It is equivalent to the positions of more than [-] family members.

The demand for food in the sales department is huge, and the chefs in the cafeteria are too busy to work, so they call their family members to help each other, and seven or eight temporary jobs have been added...

That's not the most important thing, the sales department's net profit can reach more than [-] even after deducting the salaries and bonuses of the big guys in the entire July...

What concept is this!

In the report submitted by Chi Yun'er this time, apart from matters concerning the opening of the restaurant, there is also how to maximize the profit of the sales department.

The proposal was the first thing the dean read.

The above lists some disadvantages of the general hospital that have not yet been revealed, the advantages of other hospitals, and a brief discussion of the future situation.

All in all, the Kyoto General Hospital now seems to be the leading unit in the industry, but because of this sign, they are facing greater pressure and competition.

If they don't keep pace with the times, they will be eliminated sooner or later and become the middle or even the bottom of the industry!

How could the dean not know?
Doctors are not a profession that works behind closed doors. They need to study, visit and study, and communicate and benefit from time to time.

Now people's living conditions are better, and supporting facilities are increasing day by day.

They found that the more they were established later, the higher the starting point, the new and complete equipment, the better staffing, etc., they were faintly surpassing these old-fashioned units!

This is a realistic portrayal of latecomers taking precedence.

They were impatient, seeing that the employees were vaguely proud of themselves as employees of the General Hospital, but they didn't know what kind of crisis the General Hospital would face in a few years or more than ten years...

Because the dean and his party are superiors, they see a lot and think far.

They just thought about it in their hearts and never said it, but Chi Yun'er sharply pointed out these frightening development trends.

The dean, who still wanted to deceive himself, had to bite the bullet and face the reality, and paid more and more attention to this proposal!
If Kyoto General Hospital wants to maintain its advantages and leading position, it must work hard in five dimensions including equipment, talents, systems, benefits, and services.

Talent is the core, a hospital without good doctors, no matter how good it is in other aspects, the hospital is a gorgeous empty shell.

Chi Yun'er pointed out that the situation has eased a lot now, and it is a good time for the General Hospital to take action.

Many people have already returned to the city and returned to their original positions.

But more people are still waiting for suitable positions to be accepted.

These people have many comrades with excellent medical skills and good medical ethics. If the hospital provides them with jobs, it will be a win-win situation...

Dawn has arrived, but many people are still struggling in the dark. The General Hospital's action at this time is bound to be grateful to these people.

With the addition of a large number of technical backbones, how far can the students brought out by them be?

The dean's eyes lit up, and he had countless thoughts in his heart.

The general hospital has already picked up on people's teeth in terms of technology and prescriptions, and the scientific research institute is just a decoration. It has not achieved results for many years, and that is where the real talents and equipment are burned!
The dean was excited, holding a red pen, and approved the first suggestion: Approved!

The second is the combination of benefits and systems, and thoroughly implement the organization's more pay for more work, so that efforts and rewards are directly proportional.

The task of the sales department is eight or nine thousand a month, even if it is shared equally among everyone, it can still be two or three dollars.

Besides, the sales department is just the beginning, and there will be other profitable projects in the future. Money is no longer the key issue that shackles the transformation of hospitals.

Chi Yuner also listed many detailed, effective and targeted measures.

The dean glanced over and agreed without even thinking about it!
Money is linked to motivation, and every family has a difficult burden. Who can't live with money?

Involved in money, the General Hospital can now do it...

The third is equipment and technology, which have no national boundaries. Only those who can keep up with technological development can win the respect of others.

As long as the funds are in place, what equipment and technology cannot be updated?
The general hospital's word of mouth and technology are online at present, but in the long run, changes must be made.

The fourth is service, which is also an extremely critical aspect!

The hospital serves the people, so the attitude, quality and comprehensiveness of the service will become the thrust and resistance of the hospital's future development.

It's just more smiling faces, more patience, and more convenient facilities. It doesn't cost money and is just a matter of heart, so that patients and their families who come to the hospital can feel warm.

Passenger flow is the most faithful benchmark for the development of a hospital in an invincible position.

It’s not that there is a saying that what others don’t have is what others have, and what others have is superior. When people are excellent, I must have specialties and breakthroughs, and then master them, so that in the era of innovation, I will not be eliminated by the big waves.

The dean nodded again and again, agreeing to agree to everything, and he was going to discuss with a few subordinates, write out an application in detail, and submit it to the organization for approval.

Innovation is the only way out. After the application is approved, he will hold a general meeting of all hospital directors and above...

Then there is the matter of opening a restaurant.

The major matter on the head of the principal's mind was resolved, and he felt a lot more relaxed, with a smile and anticipation on his face, let's see what tricks these children will come up with.

"Open a restaurant street?" The dean was stunned just after reading the beginning.

But he kept looking down.

The hospital is very large, surrounded by walls, so the hospital guards excellent resources but does not use them, which is equivalent to rejecting [-] million people every day!
Although it is said that it is a restaurant street, Chi Yuner's idea is to give priority to the development of the north and east sides first, so as to win over the huge family courtyard.

The family area is very large, and there are only two small supply and marketing cooperatives to serve such a large consumer group.People often have to ride a bicycle or take a bus to go to the city's department stores and large supply and marketing cooperatives to buy.

It can be said that the flow of customers is good, and the location of the store is also good, which is very suitable for doing business.

The east wall connects the main entrance and the north gate, and has a wide range of radiation, allowing various restaurants to be opened.

The ownership of the restaurant belongs to the hospital, but each restaurant can match two to four chefs and waiters, and there can be more than [-] restaurants in one street, which will solve the employment of a hundred employees and family members...

The dean was shocked by such a big movement from Chi Yuner, "Are you guys being too radical?"

The fact that a sales department has a considerable profit in the first month does not mean that it will be the same every month in the future, let alone that it can be copied in batches.

Chi Yun'er chuckled and said, "But Dean, whether it succeeds or not, we don't have much to lose. It's just a matter of building a row of houses."

"At the beginning of the recruitment, it was made clear that if the business is good, everyone will have food to eat. If the business is not good, it will be closed and used as a staff dormitory or guest house."

"After the East Wall Street is successfully opened, the other three sides can also be opened one after another."

The inpatient department of the hospital is located in the middle, and all the buildings of the hospital are far away from the four walls, so they will not be disturbed by noise.

The dean was right after thinking about it, "Yes!"

Since it is a street of restaurants, it is natural that each has its own characteristics. The chefs need to be discovered, but the waiters can use the family members of hospital staff.

The plan was written in great detail. After the dean read it, he didn't let the three of them go, and directly called a short meeting.

As soon as they heard that only the house was built and there was no other loss, but when they thought about the profit of the sales office, everyone agreed without hesitation.

After the planning case is approved, Chi Yun'er is not concerned about other things.

She can make money for the hospital, but whether the hospital can continue to maintain its leading position in the trend of the times is a matter for the dean and the others.

That's all she can do.

Chi Yun'er didn't need to say anything, Zhao Jinming ran around with the materials, went to the Land Bureau to stamp, bought building materials, looked for workers...

Xu Chengfang took the job of looking for a chef.

Chi Yun'er continued to sit in the sales department, writing and drawing every day, trying to make the restaurant a hot business after it opened.

"Comrade, help me get an object," came a male voice with a clear smile.

The two lesbians who were busy in the sales department stared at each other. Who would be so desperate to molest women in broad daylight?

Chi Yun'er also had an angry look on her face. What does it mean to take a partner? They are serious business people.She sells nothing but sh...

But she raised her head and saw the man's handsome appearance, she was taken aback and then smiled, "Okay, little brother, what do you think of me?"

The two salesmen covered their faces, Director Koike should be more reserved, you are the one with a match!
Although this comrade looks so handsome with the sunshine as a foil, he is just an ordinary person.

The man nodded: "Yes, she looks cute and well-behaved, I like it very much."

Chi Yun'er's face was blushing. Seeing that the two young ladies of the salesperson were already stunned, she couldn't help but burst into a smile, her eyes sparkling and she asked excitedly:

"Brother Yihua, when did you come?"

"Are you going to leave this time?"

Jiang Yihua said with a smile: "I arrived early this morning, the affairs over there have been dealt with, and I will be stationed in Kyoto for a long time in the future."

"Tomorrow I will report to the Agricultural Institute. The experimental field assigned by the organization is in the suburbs, but they have equipped me with a jeep."

"Director Xiaochi, you pay for the fuel, and I'll take you for a ride?"

Chi Yuner followed his hand and saw a military green jeep in the yard, which was very beautiful and handsome.

She smiled and nodded, "I haven't been off duty for a month. I was able to make up for my off shift before the building on the east wall of the hospital was built recently!"

The little woman has a pair of moist fox eyes, and a fair face with a little baby fat, which is soft, waxy and delicate.

What she meant was that knowing that he was coming back, she deliberately didn't take a break from work all day, just waiting to make time to spend more time with him.

Such a little girlfriend moved him so much!
He smiled and couldn't help touching her fluffy hair, "I also worked overtime to complete the task and applied for ten days of leave."

"I don't know Comrade Xiaochi, do you have time to get a certificate to hold a wedding with me?"

Chi Yun'er curled her lips, "You say you're getting married, so I'm going to get married?"

Jiang Yihua looked at her darkly, and the longing in it made the tall and burly man look pitifully wronged.

She chuckled and said, "Just get married on your last day off work, before we have a relationship!"

It is also a marriage, but the time is very different sooner or later.

A man wants to look at a woman pitifully, but he can't tear himself apart with patience.

Women, on the other hand, are pretentious and pretentious before they get married!

Jiang Yihua nodded helplessly, what else could he do besides accept?
Chi Yun'er smiled and saw that it was almost time, so she carried her bag and said, "I'm going to the personnel department to ask for leave. The two young ladies will continue to work hard, and Deputy Director Xu and Deputy Director Zhao will come to work from time to time."

The two salesmen nodded repeatedly.Their jobs are hard-won, and luck comes because they have performed well in the past.

So in order to be more fortunate in the future, they have to continue to work hard.

After wandering around in the personnel department, Chi Yun'er forced herself to make up her way and applied for a ten-day vacation.

Jiang Yihua drove her directly to the farm.

The farm is not too far from the hospital, but it takes [-] minutes to ride a bicycle.

"Recently, there are a lot of employees returning to the office, and the family building is very tense. Let's choose a suitable apartment type and floor first." So today he also took the report materials.

Chi Yun'er nodded, thinking in her heart, she has made a lot of contribution to the hospital, and see if she can also apply for a house?

There are not enough houses, so come shops!
This can have.

After the report, Jiang Yihua led Chi Yun'er, and followed the young officer of the logistics department to the family area to look at the house.

He saw that Chi Yun'er was seriously investigating the field like a schoolboy, sometimes frowning and sometimes happy, nodding or shaking her head a little while, her expression was extraordinarily vivid and rich.

Jiang Yihua couldn't help but asked her with a smile: "Yunyun, do you prefer to live in a building or a bungalow?"

There are quite a few scientific researchers in the farm, as well as some support staff, and most of their family members' quarters are bungalows.

However, two rows of eight family buildings have just been built, and almost all employees have signed up and queued up to choose.The first row is a typical tube building with three floors, and each floor has about ten families.

The first row is buildings, with the specifications of one bedroom and one living room, two bedrooms and one living room, and three bedrooms and one living room.

Jiang Yihua is a technician and has the priority to choose.

Chi Yun'er turned around one by one with her hands behind her back. Buildings and bungalows each have their own advantages.

(End of this chapter)

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