She is no longer the best female match for period essays

Chapter 379 Return of the Interstellar Prostitute Daughter

Chapter 379 Return of the Interstellar Prostitute (3)

Wei Tingbai understands that sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood. On the one hand, he teaches young people to make them completely surrender and be loyal to him. On the other hand, the improvement of their abilities will be of great help to her in the future. All good things!

She has experienced so many planes, even if she has no memory, she will watch her own film and television dramas before, summarize them, and participate in the training held by the company.

However, since entering the era series plane, she seems to feel that she has a bright future, and she can't wait to complete the task and retire as a support staff as soon as possible, so she has not been able to observe her own works for a long time, and check for gaps.

Professor Wei Tingbai's youngsters are the things in the boot spree, systematic, practical, comprehensive, the key is crash!
After this period of understanding, Wei Tingbai roughly calculated the law of putting in material boxes and putting in criminals.

The spaceship flies according to the established route. When it stays in the air, it is also at the same point. However, the angle of delivery is different, and the direction in which the material box falls is also different. However, it should be set up in advance to strive for coverage within the jurisdiction.

It seems random, but they are all within a certain formula!

Only in actual operation, the material box will be affected by factors such as wind direction, which produces another uncontrollable randomness.

Wei Tingbai also learned about the things in his own space, which ones can be taken out without fear of being seen by others, and which ones cannot be seen by others.

This brick factory was opened by the Lord Sir. It provided many people with jobs to support their families, and they could exchange their labor for defective bricks to build houses.

In addition to brick factories, there are also paper factories, textile factories, etc., but these factories have strictly controlled every link to reduce environmental pollution.

Half a year passed in a flash, and Wei Tingbai had changed from a brick mover to a small construction site supervisor who directly took orders from the factory manager. He lived in a small single room, and his three meals a day were prepared separately in the small cafeteria. Nutrition and wages make people around look up to them.

During the day, she works on the construction site, and at night, she enters the space to practice.

Every time she came out of the space, the spiritual power in her body would flow away at an extremely fast speed, and she also felt a heavy feeling of crawling out of the water.

However, the big difference between the inside and outside of the space made her practice twice as fast as before!
"Inspector Wei, it's too bad, the brick-burning masters are leaving!" Suddenly, a young man named Monkey ran over panting, and hurriedly said: "I heard that someone wants to pay a lot of money to lure them away!"

Wei Tingbai raised his eyebrows, "Then let them go."

The monkey was taken aback, "Wei Supervisor, you, are you talking in anger?"

"Our brick factory can be kept open all the time because of the support of these master craftsmen. Without them, we don't know the ratio and can't make bricks at all."

"They all gained experience little by little after training. Now that the master is gone, we are the only ones left. How can we complete the order?"

Wei Tingbai said with a smile: "The price our brick factory gives to workers is very fair. It can be said that how much effort a person puts in and how much value they embody are all included in it."

"I heard that Ferguson was involved in setting prices. Those masters were taught by Sir Ferguson. They forgot their roots and sought another development for profit."

"I think they are nothing more than forcing our factory to raise their salary, or they have already received the benefits and are going to work in other factories."

"If someone is not good at accounting and is willing to pay more wages foolishly, we can't delay those masters to take advantage of it."

"As long as Sir Alex is around, the factory can still be opened."

It just so happened that she could also see this lord without attracting attention!

The monkey also had the same reasoning when he heard it, but he said worriedly: "My lord is so kind to us, taught them how to make bricks, and gave them such a good treatment, why are they not satisfied?"

"And I heard that their family has moved away a long time ago, probably because they are afraid of our retaliation, ah..."

"I'm just worried, will the master master trained by Sir Sir be still a white-eyed wolf?"

Wei Tingbai locked the door and walked out, "It happens to be a two-day rest for the big guy, let's see how Sir Alex arranges it."

The monkey scratched his head: "I can't rest. Two days ago, our factory received a big order. The customer wanted a lot of bricks, and the time was tight."

"The original arrangement was that we had to work overtime to complete it. Now that the master chefs have given up their picks, if we take a rest, won't we have to lose money?"

Anyone with a little brain will also understand that the big order is clearly a reminder!

"Does the factory manager know? Didn't you tell Sir?" Wei Tingbai asked casually.

"Understood, I'll come here to tell you, alas, the factory manager can't do anything, he's already gone to find the Lord..."

"Actually, the director of the factory took over this big order privately. He wanted to make some achievements to show Sir Alex, but he didn't expect to overturn the car..."

Wei Tingbai's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't know whether the factory did it on purpose or was used by others.

When they arrived at the construction site, the factory manager nodded and said something to the man in the wheelchair.

As if aware of it, the tall and strong figure with his back to the crowd suddenly turned his head.

Wei Tingbai looked over indifferently, the man was resolute and handsome, and he was casually dressed in casual clothes, but the muscles on his body were clearly textured, and he seemed to be full of amazing explosive power.

Even though he has a very ordinary cropped cut, it still doesn't detract from his handsomeness, on the contrary, he shows his arrogance even more!
It's a pity that those eyes are dark and dull, which makes people feel a lot of regret.

Wei Tingbai stroked his heart, a little confused, only missed a beat and then calmed down.

Thinking about the last two planes, he didn't appear too early, maybe he is on another star?

Sure enough, the man turned his head away calmly, listening to the factory manager's chatter in boredom.

"Since you've all had heartbreak, the brick factory should be closed immediately. I'm not short of money, so I opened the factory just to provide you with a place to eat."

"If you don't cherish it, I don't need to open a factory."

"As for the list, go and tell that person, don't think I don't know what he means."

"If you want to steal my money, you have to see if he has the ability."

"If he knows how to stop when enough is enough, then we will not violate the river water in the future. If he bullies me as a blind man, his heart will also become blind, then I will accompany me to the end and see who can play with whom!"

As he spoke, the man signaled to the person behind him to push him away.

But the man stood still, and just apologized: "I'm sorry Sir, I, I want to resign with you."

"I know you..."

Lord Ferguson sneered: "Stop it, you were lured away with a high salary. You know in your heart why. Don't think that you can escape the guilt of your own conscience by saying a few more words to me."

The factory manager and the man looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and left without saying a word.

The other workers in the brick factory, even those who move the bricks, can't help but follow. After all, someone has been lobbying for a long time, and the wages offered are [-]% higher than here.

They thought of the goodness of the lord, but faced with the interests and the heavy burden of the family, they had no choice but to leave with a dull conscience.

However, Wei Ting's group of teenagers with white belts did not leave alone, and they just stared at others and left with dark faces.

And the people behind Sir Alex also left one by one, and soon there was no one around him.

The monkey said in a low voice: "Everyone says that someone wants to mess with the lord. He has touched too many people's cakes. Anyone who seeks the interests of the people is betraying the powerful."

"It can't be said that you are noble even if you make money alone. If others exploit more, you will be compared..."

"It seems that many people have united and spent a lot of money to bring down Sir Alex, and then the big guys will rate Sir Alex's property..."

Wei Tingbai nodded and stepped forward.

The monkey quickly said: "Wei Supervisor, don't go, or you will be targeted next."

Wei Tingbai smiled lightly and said, "I'm the only one, so I'm not afraid of being targeted."

After finishing speaking, she walked up to Sir Sir step by step, her voice was that of a young man who was not yet fully shed, "Hello Sir, my name is Wei Tingbai, I am a sinner who was thrown down half a year ago... ..."

The lord hummed coldly: "So, what do you want from me?"

Wei Tingbai said generously: "I hope to find my elder brother Wei Liangjun through the Sir, and then we will return to the interstellar world together!"

Hearing this, Sir Alex couldn't help laughing, and then he snorted coldly: "Whimsical, people who have arrived at Blue Star have never left successfully."

"Do you think I'm a god?"

Wei Tingbai was not annoyed, and chuckled lightly: "You are not a god, but there is a reason why Lord Sir must return to Interstellar."

"Since we have the same goal, why can't we work together?"

The grandfather sneered: "So many people have betrayed me, do you think I should trust you, a person who has never met and knows nothing?"

Wei Tingbai still replied with a gentle temper: "I don't think the Sir is such an easy-to-attack person. Some people are not worthy of your trust, but the world is so big, can't everyone be morally deficient?"

"Trust is just the beginning of cooperation. If you can go forward together, you can join hands. If you can't, you will break up with a clap of hands, and you won't lose a piece of meat. Why give up a possibility of achieving your goal?"

Sir Alex turned around and raised his eyebrows: "Since it's cooperation, tell me what kind of help you can provide me?"

Wei Tingbai stepped forward, stared at the count's expression, leaned into his ear and whispered: "I can probably take us to the interstellar world, but what I lack is the contacts and information of the count."

As long as she can find her brother and get enough information, she can find a way to leave here, after all, there is a helicopter in her space!
Wei Tingbai has observed that the spaceship drops material boxes and criminals at a height of 5000 meters, while the special helicopter in her space can reach a height of 6000 meters.

As long as she burns the invisibility talisman without feeling distressed, she will definitely be able to seize the right time, sneak into the spaceship when the sinner casts it, escape from here and go to the interstellar...

Sir Sir curled his lips and nodded without even thinking: "Okay, deal!"

Was he so easily persuaded?
Wei Tingbai was stunned for a moment, then she asked with a smile: "Then Sir, what are we going to do next?"

Lord Ferguson said lightly: "Since we are leaving and someone wants to take over the property under my name, I am going to close all the factories."

"They don't want a comfortable life, they have to dig into the net made by others, but I will see what kind of life they can live without my intervention."

"One needs to be content, otherwise it is like a blind man breaking a stick, and in the end there is nothing left in his hand!"

Wei Tingbai nodded with deep feeling, people have to have a bottom line, why they have to make a choice for the family burden, in fact they know very well in their hearts whether their choice is right or not.

I believe they know better than anyone else how much labor they put in and how much they can get in return.

There is no such thing as a pie in the sky, but everyone is confused about it, and their self-confidence is unprecedentedly inflated. They really treat themselves like green onions!
Who knows what the intentions of those who stay behind are?

People's hearts will be cold, and the young man is full of enthusiasm. If he fails to get a response, he will quickly cool down.

For so many years, Ferguson has gone through this cruel and realistic process.

The betrayal of relatives is the ridiculous ending of his many years of hard work!

It's just that there are no regrets in life, and there is no need to turn back the path he has traveled. If he starts over again, he will still choose the same path, right?

Wei Tingbai pushed the Sir into the car, and even the driver was pried away, but immediately a young man stepped forward and offered to drive.

Followed by a few motorcycle tricycles that the teenagers remodeled from waste products.

They went to the factories under the name of Sir Alexis. Sure enough, almost all the old employees in these factories were poached away, leaving only a few people who were either stubborn or wanted to seek a different future.

When they got the news of the closure of the factory, these people were not happy, and they all said: "My lord, you can't treat us like this?"

"We stuck to our posts and waited for you to come over. As a result, you didn't punish those people, but made us unemployed... We are so loyal to you, so you treat us like this?"

"If I had known we would have left with them, now we have a big family behind us, just figure it out!"

"I thought we would become veteran employees, but I didn't expect you to shut down the factory with just one word, it's too irresponsible..."

Some said with tears in their eyes, "My lord, they don't miss you, but we do."

"At the beginning we were very poor here, relying on the barren land, we depended on the sky to eat, and we couldn't eat meat once a year...It was the Lord Sir who came, we had our own factory, and many people worked in the factory to make money...We The standard of living has improved are our guide!"

"We can't live without you..."

His expression was cold, without any emotion, he just said indifferently: "The factory over there is newly opened and there is a shortage of experienced workers, so you can get a job if you go."

"I have to leave sooner or later. The changing of the guard is also something you will experience. I hope you will not forget your original intention."

"But you don't have to worry too much. With work experience and technology, you will never be without food."

Everyone who was flustered just now became at ease because of his words.

(End of this chapter)

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