Chapter 94 The First Sister of the 60s Art Troupe (33)

Speaking of this, Teacher Su was a little dazed:

"Children, it is impossible to repeat one's life. The youth of our dancers is only a few years. Many people can only be forced to leave this position because they are old, their bodies are not flexible enough, or old injuries have broken out."

"High marriage is the goal of many lesbians in art troupes. For example, there are very few of me who can continue to serve this bowl of rice with my strength. Most of them are forced by life and have to transfer to other jobs. There is no more beauty and glamor on the stage.”

"A qualified dancer wants to dedicate all of himself to the stage. There are too many distracting thoughts in his mind. How can he perform a pure dance? How can he continue to do what he likes?"

Xia Zhaoyun pursed her lips and smiled: "Thank you teacher, I won't think so much in the future, I will dance wholeheartedly and become the most shining one on stage!"

Teacher Su glared at her, "You also have to learn to be humble. You know what it means to be someone who is beyond others and someone who is beyond the sky. Are you bad?"

"The point is, he is still hardworking, modest and studious, unlike you. You are good-looking and quick to promise. You are really lucky to be in the General Political Department, and you will be gnawed to the bone!"

Xia Zhaoyun shrugged, but she was not as serious as before, and asked jokingly, "Mr. Su, what if I can get back the top three?"

Teacher Su sneered: "It's not that I look down on you, but that you have forgotten the true level of your dance partner. They are at most beginners. Given you a year, it is possible to achieve this goal."

"It's only half a month, and the ace teacher of the Zongzheng can't guarantee it."

"If you can really do it, I will make an exception and recommend you to the General Political Department!"

Xia Zhaoyun turned her head in surprise, "Mr. Su, are you telling the truth?"

Teacher Su took out her hand and poked her on the forehead angrily, "You treat me as you, and promise to come here regardless of whether you can do it or not? I really stopped here today, you just need to bring me the top three , I will let go of my old face and introduce you to the past."

"But let's talk about it first. I'm a recommendation. Whether you can succeed or not depends on your level."

Xia Zhaoyun's heart is very hot, this is her obsession, it should be said that it is the obsession of every dancer.

She bowed her eyebrows and nodded straight: "It should be, if I can't step into the threshold of the General Political Department, then I don't care to go in. I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail!"

"That's all you have to offer! What are you still doing here for a long time?" Teacher Su pushed the person forward and went to the practice room in front of her, without any intention of going to the next door to say hello for her.

Xia Zhaoyun touched her nose with a smile, raised her head slightly, raised her chest and retracted her abdomen, walked past a practice room and opened the door to enter.

There was a moment of silence in the originally noisy room. Everyone looked solemn and put on serious practice postures. Some were doing stretching, some were practicing split pony on the ground, and some were jumping and turning...

But everyone looked away from the corner of their eyes, seeing that the pillars at the front desk who had been chewed up by everyone as a topic had disappeared for half a month, rolled their eyes and hummed dissatisfiedly, their postures did not move, but their mouths clicked and talked again, Continue to return to the liveliness of the vegetable market.

"A batch of fashionable skirts came from the department store in the city center, do you go to them when you are off duty..."

"I have to go back to my grandparents' house with my parents. I have shirked it several times. My old man let me go, saying that if I don't go, I will not be a good granddaughter. That's called being selfless..."

"I'll go, but instead of going to the department store, I've made an appointment to watch a play..."

"A drama? That Mr. Huang adapted from Mr. She's novel, and the most famous Lantian and Dongfeng in the Zongzheng Drama Troupe co-starred in "Tea Shop"?"

"I also know about this. I heard that the higher-ups called for the ranking. To create an art show that is in line with international standards, there are more than [-] actors. It was watched internally before, and the response was particularly good. Only then did it start to go out. It's hard to get a ticket for the broadcast, and it will definitely be on the international stage in the future..."

"Whoever goes, isn't that the same as watching the performance with leaders at home and abroad..."

Lesbians who were able to go to the theater for a while became the object of everyone's pursuit.

Xia Zhaoyun turned her eyes slightly, smiled and stepped forward to sit with them, posing a beautiful one-character line and said: "Comrade Zhao Sien, what a coincidence, I will go to see "Tea Shop" with my family on weekends, we can go together , I’ll go to my friend’s place for barbecue after we’re done.”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for everyone's reaction, she turned her head to the other and said: "Comrade Peng Shulan, I know that the skirts you mentioned, the skirts from Magic City are indeed novel in style, but the fabrics are not as good as those in our factory. Woolen cloth."

"If you like it, I'll draw it for you later. Let's take the fabric from the factory and step it out with a sewing machine according to our own size. We will keep Comrade Peng Shulan and become a summer scenery in our factory!"

Xia Zhaoyun continued to change the person and said: "Comrade Yao Yunying, I also know a few sets of summer shirts for the elderly. They are simple, elegant and beautiful! The cotton and linen in our factory are breathable and sweat-absorbent. Keep the old man and the old lady wearing this. My good granddaughter feels sorry for Kaner..."

Everyone was silent, Qiqi stared at her.

It was still Yao Yunying who said, "Song... Comrade Xia Zhaoyun, you are so capable, why don't you go to heaven?"

Xia Zhaoyun snapped her fingers and said solemnly: "Comrade Yao Yunying's idea is very creative and inspired me, so I am going to make drastic changes to the program we are participating in."

"Just add a flying link..."

Is that what they mean?

Xia Zhaoyun stood up with a smile, clapped her hands and said, "Girls, I am very happy to be appointed by Teacher Su to lead everyone to prepare for the sympathy party held by our brothers in Beicheng half a month later!"

"Moreover, I also got Teacher Su's promise that as long as we can get the top ten places, we will have the opportunity to be transferred to participate in the art festival held by the city in August."

"Going to the city, I have the opportunity to meet handsome and talented little brothers in various positions, aren't you excited?" She suddenly asked in a low voice.

The girls in the room were flushed with embarrassment at her words, and the temperature in the room rose five or six degrees in an instant!

"Xia Zhaoyun, are you, are you ashamed? You're married, but we haven't dated yet..." Zhao Sien bit his lip, and he didn't have much strength to refute.

Xia Zhaoyun laughed, "What I said is the truth. Like me, I reunited with Comrade Huo Tianhao at the previous concert. Tsk tsk, the little brothers at the concert are all like dogs."

"Comrade Xia Zhaoyun," Yao Yunying gritted her teeth, "You graduated from high school anyway, can you stop using words indiscriminately? It's a derogatory term for being like a dog!"

Xia Zhaoyun raised her eyebrows, "I think the wording is very accurate. You are looking for someone who is good-looking, has a good family background, and has excellent work ability, but they are also picking on us."

"Some sons, it's all for a moment's novelty. After making the girl happy and taking advantage of it, they turn around and marry comrades of similar family background."

Everyone was ashamed and angry when they heard it, "We, we are not bad, now is a new society, family status is wrong! Newcomers get the certificate, it is entirely their own nodding, it has nothing to do with their parents..."

Xia Zhaoyun smiled, "For the sake of love, can you not give up the bride price?"

They nodded heavily, "Of course, love is priceless, we have hands and feet to start from scratch, and we can still live a happy life!"

Xia Zhaoyun couldn't help laughing, and when everyone was about to burst into anger, she put away her smile and said lightly: "Naive, you think you are great, and your love with men does not involve any interests."

"But you won't get the respect you deserve in front of your in-law's family. Your mother-in-law will even show off to others. My son has the ability to marry a daughter-in-law with a single gesture. No dowry, but a generous dowry?"

"You are cheap goods in front of them. It is a reality that you can go back and forth as soon as you call them!"

"You eat and drink at your mother's house, and make money at your mother-in-law's house. In the future, whenever you come to your mother's house to walk more and carry more things, you can just look at the faces of the man and mother-in-law."

"You don't like your mother's family selling their daughters, but whether your husband's family is willing to save face for you is also considering the family's definition of your status."

"Perhaps in the future, everyone's quality will be high, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can live in harmony, and we women can also stand upright. In terms of family status, we will be equal to men, regardless of marriage. But right now, there are not many harmonious relations between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, even if it is In the new society, bride price is also a necessary procedure.”

"You are different from me. I directly hold all the savings and wages of the man, and a house left by my mother-in-law."

"If a man dares to treat me badly, I can turn around and take money to find a better little brother..."

Everyone stared wide-eyed, "Comrade Xia Zhaoyun, you, you are not a hero who will not marry? You are living well, and you are already planning to divorce?"

"Wrong, I don't want to marry him because he is good to me. If he has two hearts, how can I wrong myself and let love be tarnished?" Xia Zhaoyun said confidently.

"What I want to express is that you have to guard yourselves, and don't be coaxed away by someone's two words. The bride price and the certificate are for our own guarantee and respect, and I am giving you a reminder."

Peng Shulan couldn't help retorting: "Comrade Xia Zhaoyun, what qualifications do you have to preach to us? We are all adults, so we still need you to teach?"

Xia Zhaoyun smiled, "I was afraid that I would bring you out to see the world, but you would be so dazzled that you would be so dazed, and I should never have brought you to excel together."

"I like to put the ugly words first. It's because you are willing to degenerate, have no self-respect and self-respect, and can't control yourself. It has nothing to do with me."

Even though everyone is still a simple little girl now, she still tells her that it seems that she has really done something outrageous.

They all flashed their white teeth and said fiercely: "Impossible, we are not casual girls like Comrade Xia Zhaoyun. If you don't get a certificate, you will never get close to gay men. This is a matter of principle!"

"Mr. Mao said that love not for the purpose of marriage is playing hooligans..."

Xia Zhaoyun nodded. In fact, the girls in this room are the most impetuous. They have a little family background and have never worked hard for the future. Some want to find true love, and some want a better life. was not happy.

Seeing them and thinking of what happened to them in the future, Xia Zhaoyun couldn't help but think of herself, so she wanted to wake them up with slightly mean, extreme, and realistic words, so as not to ruin her people, money, and reputation in the end!
After such a commotion, everyone's previous attitude towards Xia Zhaoyun has changed, and now they are holding their breath to see how Xia Zhaoyun pastes their mud on the wall.

Xia Zhaoyun walked among the crowd with her hands behind her back, "We are all old colleagues, so there is no need to say how much we are with each other. Although I haven't seen your condolence party for the preparations for the war, I can guess the situation of the first two groups. almost."

"Your basic skills are not very solid, and many difficult movements are not in place. To you, being uniform is nonsense! So, I am going to let each of you dance solo!"

After she finished speaking, everyone was in an uproar, "Xia Zhaoyun is the same..."

"Please call me Teacher Xiao Xia, thank you," Xia Zhaoyun raised her chin slightly, with a haughty and arrogant attitude that made her hands itch, "I don't mind what you call me at other times, but during training, I hope you remember that I am Teacher, whoever yells wrong again will give me an extra hour of basic skills!"

"Otherwise, just go outside the classroom by yourself. Since I take over you, it also determines who of you can't participate in this party."

It's too domineering, and everyone is so angry that they are about to mutate into puffer fish.

"Mr. Xia," Zhao Si'en gritted his teeth, "Are you serious about asking us to dance solo?"

"No matter how bad we are, we will enter the primary election. At that time, not only we and you will lose face, but also Teacher Su, other leaders in the regiment, and our entire factory!"

Xia Zhaoyun shrugged indifferently: "In the final analysis, you are holding this bowl of rice, but you don't dance well, you lose face at home, and you even get involved with others."

"It's so embarrassing, you guys are ready to resign."

"But obviously we can rehearse according to Mr. Su's choreography. Although we can't get the ranking, we won't be ashamed." Peng Shulan argued with her lips tightly pressed.

"If you don't get the ranking, you're just making up for it. You guys have the nerve to stay here, take advantage of the organization, and be kept in captivity like rice worms?" Xia Zhaoyun laughed. "I'm too embarrassed to look at it!"

Aww, there is no need to talk about this!

Everyone exchanged glances, and they were all ready to stand still and see what tricks Xia Zhaoyun could come up with.

They will cooperate under reasonable requests, and when she loses face, it will be her arrogance and arrogance that will monopolize the choreography. Who will resign when she sees it!

Xia Zhaoyun saw that the big guy became obedient, and looked at everyone with a light smile.

Although everything in front of her made her feel unreal and world-shattering, but with a little effort of her brain, she was able to remember the situation of the seventeen little girls in the room.

Every position in Zhaoyang Garment Factory has relatively high requirements for employees. Even these little girls have worked hard to get in smoothly. But after entering this door, they relax.

There are excellent and hard-working employees leading the way. They are happy and comfortable, and they spend more time on grooming themselves and making their lives colorful.

Their basic skills are under the grasp of the teacher, but they are not so bad that they cannot be picked up.

If it is a difficult movement, they may not be able to do it well, but after a long time of nurturing, their posture is graceful and attractive, their stage performance is barely qualified, their rhythm control and body flexibility can reach the level of fooling laymen. It is enough for the top three in the show organized by the marching brothers!
If it is said that Mr. Su used a series of difficult moves to get high scores for Xie Xiaoqin in the choreography, then Xia Zhaoyun is going to work hard on the novelty of the plot.

When Xia Zhaoyun was a ghost cultivator, she watched the changes of Xia Hua's dance a lot, and her head was full of dry stuff. Once she found the direction to work hard, all kinds of ideas rushed out.

Since this is a sympathy performance for laborers, and it is jointly organized by major factories in the north of the city, they can completely transform into specific types of work and perform a musical together. Dull, regular, but also allows each dancer to get a chance to express themselves.

Not to mention that people in this era don't have many opportunities to drink chicken soup. A word, a look, and a short story can be full of emotion and passion. Even in the Spring Festival Gala of later generations, there is such a musical that can make people feel a sense of emotion. The vigor and longing to come!

Relying on these girls not only working hard, but always wanting to show their desire for performance, they will definitely be able to handle this musical to death!

Xia Zhaoyun asked them to continue to practice according to Teacher Su's requirements, while she sat cross-legged against the wall, and then took out a pen and notebook and began to write and draw.

She used her left hand to hold the pen, and wrote the title at the beginning: "City North Work Summary and Commendation Conference". Every dancer has an identity and can wear corresponding costumes as performance costumes. Magical music and dance moves.

Let multiple elements such as plot, music and occupation make up for the lack of everyone's dancing.

But in half noon, Xia Zhaoyun had already designed the occupations and movements of the [-] dancers including herself. As long as it was accompanied by music and a little plot, there was basically no problem!
Seeing Xia Zhaoyun's serious appearance, everyone was quite embarrassed.

"Mr. Xiaoxia," Comrade Yao Yunying, who loves to represent other people the most, couldn't help stepping forward and whispering: "Actually, you don't need to bother us so much, not to mention the strength of the art troupe of other units, it is the comrades in the first two groups." They can all compare us.”

"If you rehearse with us, you will be held back by us. Why don't you apply for a solo dance with the head of the troupe, and you can be selected. Even if you lose points in terms of number of people and don't get the ranking, it's better than not being with us in the end. Are you going to perform on stage?"

"I heard that the ranking of this performance is related to the city's art performance in August!"

 The author is not aloof, just restraining the desire to complain~
  Dear friends, leave a message and vote to get restless~
(End of this chapter)

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