Escape to Farmland

Chapter 400 Ning Dejun Has Opinions

Chapter 400 Mr. Ning De Has an Opinion (Second Watch for Various Supports

When Xia Quan spoke, his hands didn't stop.

Ding Qing'an didn't hear anything else they said.

But because of Xia Quan's sentence, "Student Ding wants one, I will make it for him." 'Then I woke up from the record in my hand.

He stared blankly at the busy little girl.

Xiao Quan even said to make a safety light box for himself!

Although the siblings have been very polite to him these days, there is always a sense of separation.

The young man thought that their siblings were always on guard against him, and he didn't give him a chance to get close to their siblings' lives.

Unexpectedly, the little girl still had his brother in her heart.

No, it's a good thing that no one else has yet, so she thought of giving herself one.

Obviously he didn't say he wanted it, so the little girl was going to make one for him.

Doesn't this prove that the siblings are slowly accepting him as an elder brother?

With such thoughts in mind, Ding Qing'an's delicate face burst into an incomparably bright smile.

Taking a deep breath, he didn't bother Xia Quan, but continued to learn the battery making steps in his hand.

Including the process of refining that material into energy and incorporating it into a container the size of a penny, he read it very carefully.

Ning Dejun, like the other children, watched Xia Quan's skillful movements with curiosity.

This proficiency made Ning Dejun feel ashamed.

Let her do it, it is impossible to dig out such a small and straight groove on such a hard wooden board.

About half an hour later, Xia Quan's new light box was ready.

She got up, and while moving her legs and feet, she vigorously blew the sawdust and other things in the wire slot.

Then use fine sandpaper to finely polish the burrs in the wire groove.

She moves very quickly, as if she can precisely control each stroke to achieve the best.

After only one pass of the sandpaper in the hand, the wooden thread groove is polished smooth, and the finger touches it, and the game does not feel half a bit of unevenness.

Ding Qing'an estimated that the whole process really took about half an hour.

Xia Quan raised his head with a smile on his face: "Are you ready?"

She looked at the boy with a smile, "I'm going to start the installation."

Ding Qingan: "Ready, please."

"Student Ding Qing'an, what are you preparing for?"

Ning Dejun looked at the boy, "Does Xiaoquan need help here?"

"I am going to record the process of making the safety light box, which may be useful in the future."

Facing this teacher that Xia Quan loved, Ding Qing'an's attitude was quite good.

"This was made by Xiao Quan."

When Ning Dejun heard the news, he was anxious and forgot about Ding Qingan's possible extraordinary status, "Student Ding, you can't steal her."

Ding Qing'an: "...I don't need the teacher to remind me."

Xia Quan: "Thank you, Miss Dejun, for thinking of me."

"But it's okay, it's just a small thing."

"It's no small thing."

Ning Dejun looked at her seriously, "If you make this thing, I don't know how many people will like it."

"Little Quan, you'd better think about it carefully."

As she said that, she looked at Ding Qing'an: "Student Ding Qing'an, what would happen if you said that Xiao Quan handed it over to the Institute of Flame Sciences in person for such an important thing?"

Ding Qing'an: "..."

The boy hesitated for a while, and said as if he had made up his mind: "The teacher is right, this should indeed be handed in by Xiaoquan himself."

Xia Quan: "..." I just wanted to divert the boy's attention.

Who's going to turn it in in person?

If she really wants to do these things herself, why should she show it in reality?

"But please rest assured, Teacher Ning, I'm just helping Xiaoquan record the production process, and I will never be greedy for her credit."

As he spoke, he looked at Xia Quan seriously, took a deep breath and asked, "Xiao Quan, you believe me, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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