Chapter 524 Essays

When the words fell, he denied himself without waiting for Xia Quan's answer.

"But I found that the people who come in and out of here are very real."

"Whether I pass by them or they pass by my place, I can feel the temperature and smell from each other's body."

Xia Quan: "You can treat this as a dream."

"A scene as real as a dream that can realize the wishes of all beings."

"Just as you have a strong desire to get something when you come in, after you come in, you will be able to find what you are looking for."

"Then if I trade this book, can I read it at home?"

Hearing her answer, Mr. Zhou had already made countless turns in his brain, "Will the food they traded be eaten after they leave?"

"Of course."

Xia Quan smiled confidently, "Before entering the door, Uncle Zhou should have seen the word 'Emperor Star Trading' on the Guangmen."

"It's commerce, and what you do is trade. When customers come here, as long as they complete the transaction, they can enjoy the ownership of the transaction."

"I seem to understand."

Mr. Zhou nodded thoughtfully, "Then I trade this book with this watch, what's wrong?"

He remembered that it was after he took out his pocket watch to complete the transaction that the little girl in front of him came forward to attract his attention.

"It's not wrong, it's just that the younger generation likes to collect some rare ancient objects."

Xia Quan told the truth, "I want to buy your pocket watch with the common currency in the store. I wonder if the senior is willing to give up?"

Cough, to be honest, it is quite tiring to let her a modern soul talk to Mr. Zhou.

But thinking that the other party might be the thinker, educator, and GM he admired most, Xia Quan was very happy to chat with him more.


When Mr. Zhou heard that this was the case, he couldn't help laughing, "I see."

"If Miss likes it, I can give it to you."

"Juniors don't dare to take what Uncle Zhou likes by force."

Xia Quan smiled and said, "Besides, you are still waiting for the yellow and white things to trade this book?"

"Oh hahaha..."

Mr. Zhou couldn't help laughing heartily, "Miss has already seen it."

"Other than this, there is really nothing long on my body."

"That's it, then use it to trade this book with Miss."

"In this case, the junior will not be polite."

Xia Quan also laughed, "Your watch can be exchanged for about eight denominations, and the book in your hand only needs three denominations."

"The junior has to make up five face coins for you."

"There is no need to make up."

Mr. Zhou looked at the dazzling array of goods in the store, "I see that there are many urgently needed items here, can you let me choose a few and make up enough."

"So wonderful."

Xia Quan also didn't know, so he called Xia An and confessed: "Please take Mr. Zhou to pick out items with five face coins."

"By the way, Mr. Zhou has three denominations in his hand, and eight denominations together."

"Wait until the selection of Mr. is finished, and you can settle it together."


Xia An respectfully agreed, "Please, Mr. Zhou."

Mr. Zhou looked at Xia Quan: "Thank you for your hospitality and clarification, Miss. I have bothered you just now, so I won't waste Miss's time."

"Uncle Zhou is polite, you can do whatever you want."

Xia Quan said goodbye to the other party politely, and secretly confessed to Xia An that he could give Mr. Zhou some discount later.

Xia An nodded slightly after receiving the instruction.

After watching the two of them shuttle between the shelves, Xia Quan looked away, turned and returned to the treasure house.

After hesitating for a while, he went into the laboratory.

There are too many things going on recently, and she hasn't studied new things for some days.

As for the cooperation with Yan Guo, maybe they are frantically reading and understanding the advanced information they provided.

I'm afraid it won't be possible to come up with a feasible solution for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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