Escape to Farmland

Chapter 550 There is always the illusion of going to the wrong studio (6 more support, good night, h

Chapter 550 There is always the illusion of going to the wrong set
Faced with the keen insight of its own host, Beidou is really powerless.

"Hey, this one, yes."

After being speechless for a while, Beidou still told the truth, "The merit of the son of the plane is twice as much as that of Mr. Quan, but there is no way to digitize it."

In fact, twice as much is more, but there is no need to make it so clear about Beidou.

"Then how do you know that he has enough merit points?"

Xia Quan was very curious about this, "Anyway, he doesn't have a system, and he doesn't need to use this thing to trade anything. What use is merit to him?"

"It's very useful."

Beidou explained, "Don't look at the son of the plane who has no system or anything, but he has the will of the whole plane to help him."

"As long as he continues to maintain this mentality, he will have a bright future, and his life and body will be blessed with merit."

"As for luck..."

"Aren't you guys from the technology side? Why are you talking about luck again?"

Sometimes when Xia Quan listens to Beidou or the system, he always has the illusion of entering the mysterious side inexplicably.

"This kind of luck is different from what Mr. Quan imagined."

Beidou is also very helpless about the ability of its own host to focus on key points, "It is brought about by merit, and it is caused by doing one or more correct things and causing changes in the surrounding aura."

After hesitating for a while, Beidou added: "It's as if he met you, Master Quan for the first time."

"At that time, because he saved many disaster victims, he had a lot of luck."

"Then those black sheep wanted to harm him, but he escaped. This is because the will of the plane is helping him."

"Help him escape the catastrophe, and help him find someone who can save him."

Xia Quan thoughtfully...

So, that's how 'good people always have good luck' come from?

It seems that the three views are correct and doing more good deeds is not without benefits.

So go ahead.

"Then if Ding Qing'an hopes to obtain something through me, and he is willing to exchange something from himself, can his merits be deducted?"

During this time, she has been thinking about a question...

Why can Ding Qing'an become his family as a matter of course?
Now that she has received Beidou's explanation, she understands that it is the will of this plane that guides the young man.

Let him stay with you happily and get the benefits he wants.


It is very likely that the will of the plane has vaguely sensed something not very good, and wants to try to save itself.

80 years?
The deadline for her main mission is also the eve of the end of the previous world.

Is this a coincidence or is the will of the plane interfering?
Perhaps, it wasn't an accident that I transmigrated to this plane?


Beidou answered her question, "However, the premise is that he wants to trade with Master Quan on his own initiative, otherwise Master Quan can't force it."


Xia Quan didn't think about those problems that he couldn't research, and changed the subject, "Do Uncle Ding and the others have any merit?"

"Yes, there are many."

Seeing her changing the subject, Beidou's tone became much more relaxed, "The radiance of their merits and virtues is very dazzling."

After hesitating for a while, Beidou added: "However, in addition to meritorious deeds, they are also very murderous, which will also affect their subsequent development."

"Shouldn't those beasts be killed?"

When Xia Quan heard this, a flash of cruelty flashed in his eyes, "It's just killing a group of invaders, what kind of murder is this?"

"But for the will of the plane, those are also its people."

Hearing Xia Quan's unfriendly tone, Beidou quickly explained, "It's like a pair of parents giving birth to many children. Some of these children are filial and some are disobedient."

(End of this chapter)

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