Escape to Farmland

Chapter 814 Illusory figure like an immortal

Chapter 814 Illusory figure like an immortal

This simple action is enough to prove the suspicion in the phantom figure's heart.

However, he soon recovered from his convenience and returned to the previous lazy and casual state.

Just before that, its picture-perfect hand slightly lifted...


Xia Quan didn't know that his behavior just now alarmed that god-like figure.

She felt that her body, which had been relaxed just now, was being oppressed by a heavier force again, almost bending her straight waist.

She breathed hard into the nothingness, and looked at the palace gate that was getting closer and closer, with a look of determination in her eyes.

No matter what, she insisted on going in and taking a look.

Take a look at what kind of existence was tested for her inside.

It's not her style for someone to let herself suffer so much without showing her face. If she can't even see her, she will lose.

She said to herself secretly in her heart: "Xia Quan, you can do it, you can definitely do it."

"Try to take another step, as long as you take another step, you will be closer to the palace."

"Come on Xia Quan, nothing in this world can defeat you."

Xia Quan, who was drenched in sweat and evaporated by the heat from his body, walked forward step by step with the stubbornness in the bones of the Dazhonghua family.

The root of the tooth was bleeding from her bite, and the body was still trembling, and the cold sweat flowed down to the point that the body was almost dehydrated.

But the pace of the footsteps was firm and moving.

Seeing this scene through Qiu Ying's eyes, her heart was full of unbearable, she thought about taking out a drink from her storage space and preparing it for Xia Quan.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she made a move, an emotionless voice sounded in her ears: "Qiu Ying, go do your business, don't waste your time here."

Qiuying: "..." Is this the words of the Lord?
She remembered that not long ago, she heard her lord say:
"You, just do what you want. For those of us with a long lifespan, time is wasted."

Now her lord dislikes her wasting time guarding His Highness here.

But after thinking about it, Qiuying still didn't dare to disobey the Lord.

She said to Xia Quan with a complicated expression: "Your Highness, take your time, the servants need to go back to serve the Lord."

Xia Quan: "...OK"

Watching Qiuying disappear behind the palace gate, Xia Quan took a deep breath and continued to move forward.

She herself didn't know how long she had walked, let alone how many times she had experienced limit breakthroughs?

All I know is that when I was exhausted to the extreme, I finally walked out of the gravity zone and came to the gate of the palace.

The body suddenly loosened, and one of the feet lost control, and the whole person hit the grand and heavy door, making a dull "dong".

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but as her body hit the heavy door, the door also opened.

Before she could stand still, she rushed in along the opened door.

Fortunately, the basic training methods of these years were not practiced in vain. After taking a few steps forward, I finally stabilized my body and stood silently in an empty hall.

Xia Quan breathed a sigh of relief and raised his eyes to observe the environment in front of him.

"Huh? That's..."

An illusory figure in front of him was lazily leaning halfway on the bamboo couch. From that illusory figure, it could be seen that the other party was so perfect that it was not ordinary.

She blinked, blinked again, that phantom figure didn't disappear, wasn't it a hallucination?
Gathering up the courage, I took a few steps forward, trying to get a better look.

However, no matter how she walked, the distance between that phantom figure and her never changed.

Xia Quan had no choice but to stop, and carefully observed the surrounding area again.

Appreciating the illusory figure like a banished fairy more carefully, he took a deep breath and saluted: "Your Excellency is the Lord Mingyi?"

(End of this chapter)

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