Chapter 45
The logistics lady seemed to know everyone's thoughts, and said with a smile: "The number of buildings built is sufficient, and the power station has just started trial operation, and the number of personnel is limited, so everyone can share a room for the time being. If you don't want to live in a room, you can share with us." It’s okay to live with someone who is compatible with you.”

"Think about it, everyone. If you think it through, come to me and register, so that I can allocate houses to everyone."

The men in the team didn't think much about it, and all chose to live alone, and some of them had already married.After settling down, maybe my wife and children will come to live with me.

Those who are not married will start a family in the future, and it is a rare house split. Whoever wants to share a room with two people is a fool.

The girls thought a little more, because they were afraid of the dark and had never lived alone.

After the men's registration is completed, they will go from hesitant to firm, and after weighing the pros and cons, they will live alone.I will be afraid to talk about it in the future, and when everyone gets familiar with it, they can sleep with their playful friends.

Yu Qing has never considered living with others. She has always been used to being alone since she was a child. When she was a child, a large group of children slept in the same bunk in the orphanage, and later when she went to school, the school had a big dormitory.

When I grew up, I always dreamed of sleeping in a room by myself. Later, I started my own business and bought a two-bedroom apartment to finally realize my childhood wish.

Come here, the work unit can share a suite for each person, which is what she wished for.

When assigning rooms, I don't know how the logistics lady thinks?
Even men and women mix and match!

Unlike dormitories in schools, men and women live separately.

A total of 15 people from their group came, and they could be accommodated in two buildings. There were five girls plus Yu Qing.The logistics lady does not divide the girls into separate buildings, nor does they put girls in the same unit building. She asks the girls to draw lots with the boys.

Everyone has their own fate, whichever set they draw will live.

Yu Qing drew to the first floor of the third unit of the furthest building.I took the key to find my house, only to find that it was the closest unit.

As soon as you enter the door, you will find the living room. The sunny side on the left is two bedrooms. Entering the living room is the bathroom and kitchen. The layout of the house is reasonable. Although there are many rooms, they are all described as small, small living room, small bedroom, and small kitchen. Plus a small bathroom.

The area is really small.

Enough for one person.

Two people live barely.

Three people live crowded.

In the whole house, only the bedroom has a single bed, and the other rooms are empty and without furniture.Opening the window of the bedroom, you can see rolling mountains.

Outside the near window was a wasteland of weeds.

The air is fresh and close to nature.

Not bad!

Yu Qing is already very satisfied to have a shelter.

It was only when Yu Qing was having dinner in the cafeteria that she was the only one of the five girls drawn to the first floor, while the other four girls were drawn to the second floor.

"." What Yu Qing could say was all due to luck.

"The first floor is not good, it's too humid, and there are many mosquitoes in summer."

The girl who spoke first was named Chen Yuzhu, she was transferred from the match factory in the city, and she had a primary school education. In the match factory before, she only packed match sticks.

There are a lot of people in the family, and the house is not enough to live in. My brother is going to get married, and he is forced to come here.

Once one person spoke, the others lost their scruples and spoke freely.

"I think so. Our place is near the foot of the mountain. Why do we get mosquitos in summer? Especially Yu Qing, who lives on the first floor."

After all, Yu Tiantian still clicked her tongue and gave her a sympathetic look.

Yu Qing who didn't express any opinion: "."

"Our second floor is not much better." Li Xiaoyu rolled his eyes at the two, is it necessary to poke the knife at this time?There are many mosquitoes in summer, she thinks there is no difference between the first floor and the second floor.

(End of this chapter)

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