Airborne hot search!Dressed as a villain, I became popular

Chapter 328 Every important day, I want to participate

Chapter 328 Every important day, I want to participate

Meng Yao's eyes fell on the host on stage. Her eyelashes were long, but her eyes were calm.

It is not surprising to be nominated, after all, Guan Liang has already told her in advance.The next step is the highlight, whether you can get this award.

The beating of the heart is slightly faster, which can be regarded as anticipation and tight tension.This feeling is very strange, Meng Yao seems to have returned to the moment before the report card was issued in modern times.

I don't know when she is more immersed in the current world, and she will always have different mood waves because of various things.

Everyone else gathered their spirits together, hoping to see who would win the best heroine in the end.

"Sister-in-law, are you nervous?" It was Rong Yiqing's voice.

Meng Yao truthfully replied, "A little bit."

But she is still confident. The results of "Mirror" are obvious to all, and she can win this award without accident.

"Sister-in-law, don't be too nervous. If you want me to say that this award belongs to you."

"The winner of this year's Huazhong Awards for Best Actress is—"

Meng Yao felt her heart beat a little faster.

It's not the tension that instantly reminds me of the excitement of the plot, but the tension that arises unconsciously, just because of the incident itself.

"Meng Yao, who plays Jiang Jian in "Mirror"!"

The host smiled and said, "Meng Yao, congratulations."

There was thunderous applause in an instant.

Meng Yao rarely felt a little dizzy, and Rong Yiqing who was beside her patted her arm lightly: "Sister-in-law, it's time for you to go on stage to receive the award, hurry up!"

Meng Yao regained her thoughts and slowly stepped onto the stage.

What surprised her the most was that the award presenter was actually Xu Shuiqing.

The moment she was in a daze, the other party had already given her a hug first: "The best supporting actress last time, the best actress this time, I am really happy for you, Yaoyao, congratulations."

Meng Yao nodded and took the trophy from her: "Thank you..."

The moment she held the microphone, she looked a little serious, much more serious than last year.

"First of all, it is a great honor to receive this award. Here I would like to thank..."

After finishing the old opening remarks, she expressed her feelings: "I am really excited to receive this award."

It was just a simple sentence, but a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she was no longer as perfunctory as before.

It is rare for Meng Yao to have a moment of overwhelming sense of accomplishment, but this time it is undoubtedly.

Sweeping down, he saw a person in an inadvertent moment.

She looked slightly dazed.Even the applause from the audience could not be heard clearly.

The person sitting below came over at some unknown time. He was wearing a light-colored suit, and his cool and handsome face was still eye-catching among all the stars.

He applauded lightly, noticing that she smiled when she looked over.

Meng Yao's head was filled with many doubts, such as how did Rong Yan come here?When did you come here?Why do you want to come here...

He hadn't informed her before this.

Meng Yao returned to her seat, holding the trophy but still distracted.

"Sister-in-law, why are you in a trance?"

"I saw your brother."

"my brother?!"

He didn't control his volume for a while, and covered his mouth belatedly, but he couldn't help looking back: "Where is it? Where is it? Why didn't I see him..."

"It's a bit far from us..."

"My brother is really serious. He didn't say a word when he came here. Isn't this a surprise attack?" Rong Yiqing scratched his head: "Then didn't he know that I didn't get the award just now? It's too embarrassing Bar……"

Meng Yao took out her mobile phone, found Rong Yan accurately, and quickly sent him a message:
[Why didn't you tell me before you came? ]
After the unmodified words were sent out, they seemed to be blamed. Before Meng Yao had time to delete them, he saw that the other party had sent a message.

[Give you a surprise. ]
He asked again:
[Is this a surprise? ]
Meng Yao deleted, deleted, and deleted, and finally typed two words:

[sort of]
Rong Yan laughed without warning, which shocked Xia Yansen.

"Brother Rong, what's wrong with you?"

After Rong Yan sent a message, he put away the phone, and he said lightly, "It's nothing."

"Really?" Xia Yansen didn't believe it.

"I said it's fine, Brother Rong, you came to the awards ceremony secretly, why did you choose such a remote location. It's thanks to Meng Yao's sharp eyes, I might not even be able to see you!"

"The light here is good." Rong Yan tilted his head slightly: "Have you finished the photos you took?"

Xia Yansen patted his chest: "I'm sure there's no problem, but Brother Rong, why are you taking so many pictures of Meng Yao?"

"hang up."

"hang up?"

After the awards ceremony, Meng Yao got up slowly, and the members of the FREE boy group bid farewell to Meng Yao enthusiastically.

Han Mei left behind the members, and glanced back in Meng Yao's direction.

He still remembers the dazzling appearance of Meng Yao standing on the podium, like a radiant sun, emitting infinite light.

He blesses in his heart, hoping that she will go farther and higher, this is a sincere thought.

The secret love ended without a problem, but he always hoped that she would still live a chic and unrestrained life, free from any troubles and constraints.

Handing all the trophies in his hand to Guan Liang, Meng Yao did not leave in a hurry, but told Guan Liang that he still had some urgent matters, and he would not leave with them if he had to deal with them first.

"What's urgent? There will be an interview later..."

What responded to him was Meng Yao's back.

It was not difficult to find Rong Yan, he was standing in a very conspicuous position, as if to make it easier for her to find him.

Meng Yao walked over quickly: "When did you come? I was surprised when I saw you."

Rong Yan smiled: "Didn't I say it, this is a surprise, don't you think so too?"

He took Meng Yao's shoulder lightly and left, lowering his head slightly to get closer to the distance between the two: "I didn't think it through before."

"Every important day of yours, I want to be a part of it."

I don't know if it was because of the hot breathing, Meng Yao felt like her ears were on fire, maybe her earlobes were red, but she was not sure because she couldn't see it.

"Every important day...?" Meng Yao read, then smiled.

"Husband, how do you feel about my performance today?"

"Very dazzling, very eye-catching..." He said slowly, his eyes fixed on her.

"You always surprise me."

"Really?" Meng Yao paused, "Then this is a two-way surprise for us?"

Thinking of the interviews he had yet to complete, Meng Yao said, "I have to leave first, there are a few interviews."

Rong Yan nodded: "I'll wait for you outside."

Meng Yao just turned around and heard his voice again.

(End of this chapter)

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