In the years, he brought his son-in-law to the house and raised his cubs and became rich

Chapter 374 Steamed buns are fragrant, pancakes are fragrant, vegetables are fragrant!

Chapter 374 Steamed buns are fragrant, pancakes are fragrant, vegetables are fragrant!

Papa Jin and Ling Yue will be back soon.

Pulling back a truck full of bricks, the four of them didn't rest. After unloading the bricks, they had to run back to install another one!
The masons went directly to work in the field in the morning. Seeing Papa Jin and the others brought back the bricks, they hurriedly left their work and rushed to Jin's house!
Hurry up, maybe it will be finished by noon!Wheat can't run away in the field, so it's the same if you go to dry it in the afternoon!
Just now they heard Mama Jin say, go to the county to buy a sewing machine!

Good to buy a sewing machine!

They have already been numbered in Mama Jin's row, and when they bought a sewing machine, they could go up and step on it!
Thinking of this, one of the workers is more energetic than the other!

The output of the garment factory increased, and embarrassing things happened.

The delivery from the cloth factory is late.

Isn't it the promised ten o'clock delivery?Why hasn't it been delivered yet?

Seeing that the material was about to bottom out, not only Jin Baozhu was anxious, but the workers were also anxious!
What's the matter?The tractor broke down?Or fell into a ditch?

Jin Baozhu told everyone not to worry, there are still a lot of cloth heads?If it doesn't work, just quilt the head.
When the workers heard what Jin Baozhu said, they regained their energy.

In the past few days, there are more than a dozen sacks of cloth that have been cut, enough for them to work for several hours.

In the morning, Liu Qing steamed two pots of steamed buns, pasted four pots of pancakes, and fried six pots of vegetables according to Jin Baozhu's request. From morning to noon, he never was idle.

Just about to take a few breaths, the diners came!

have to!Hurry up and start eating!
The engineering team came first!

Their wires have already been pulled to the door of Jin's house. My good guy, this morning has been spent every minute and every minute.

So fragrant!
It smells like steamed buns and pancakes. What is the garment factory doing?

Is it going to open it up for them to eat, but is it a day?
In the morning, each member of the engineering team made do with one pancake, and they all waited for the garment factory to eat at noon.Now it's all right, smelling the smell, the gluttons are almost hooked out, my stomach is rumbling all morning, and I don't have much energy to work.

It's hard to lose the smell of steamed buns and pancakes, and the smell of cooking is coming again!

Mother!Just by the smell, they knew that the cook had changed at noon!
Mama Jin and Papa Jin's cooking is delicious enough, this one is even more delicious!
It's not the skill of cooking in the village, it's like a cook in a restaurant!
The taste is different!
"Captain, I can't do it anymore, I really can't do it anymore!" A young man grimaced and didn't finish his sentence, followed by a group of people to respond!

"Captain, we can't go on anymore, let's go eat..."

The captain has a stern face, are you the only ones who can't do it?
He can't do it either!
God, what kind of food does the garment factory make?Fragrant to death!
Still waiting for dinner?

Wait a fart!
With this fragrance alone, they are afraid that they won't be able to grab it if they go too late!

Eat, run quickly to eat!

Liu Qing was puzzled when he saw a group of people dressed up.

Don't you mean they are all workers?Why did the engineering team that pulled the wires come here for dinner?

Will you give me food?

Jin Baozhu was patted by Jin Laogen's family, looked up, and smiled immediately.

"It's time to eat!"

With a voice, Liu Qing immediately understood.

Take care of the meal!

Jin Laogen's family doesn't need to be arranged by anyone, just go directly to help!

"One pancake and one steamed bun per person, don't eat too much!" Jin Laogen's family loves to say that when cooking, and the ears of the diners can hear the calluses!
The women have long been looking forward to the meal. Where did Baozhu hire the cook? Why is the cooking so delicious?
It’s even more delicious than Uncle Jin’s frying!

(End of this chapter)

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