Chapter 436 Turn over the hanging tag and have a look!

The leaders and directors of the department store kept their faces dark and silent, and they were also waiting.

Unlike Jin Baozhu's waiting, they were waiting for one of them to run over and tell Jin Baozhu to let her settle the matter quickly.

But no one dared!
Just now, their old faces were already trampled on the ground, and they didn't want to lose face again in front of so many people!

Wang Haixiu did not disappoint Jin Baozhu, and invited people here after a while.

"Let let, let let!"

When people saw it, they groaned.

Why did you invite Gong and An?

Now the department store is about to end!

When Wang Haixiu arrived, she corrected her right away: "Comrade, comrades, they are the ones who took the fake clothes from our factory and went to the department store to make trouble and ask for money!"

A total of four officials came, and Ann, in fact, only one person is enough for normal attendance.I can't stand what Wang Haixiu said is a big deal!
What tens of thousands of dollars, case, what kind of system, fake, fake, fake, gang, gang, etc...

They are a small county in Yongchang County, but they have never seen such a big battle!

The county magistrate, Anli immediately paid attention to it!

These four are still the first batch of people. What about the people who will be transferred from other factions later?

When the women heard what Wang Haixiu said, they immediately became anxious, and began to explain in a hurry.

"It's the clothes they sell here, we didn't make trouble..."

The woman who was lying on the ground was also frightened when she saw Gong and An. She quickly got up from the ground, took her clothes and started to complain.

"It's because the clothes sold in their department store are not good, why are you still talking about us, comrades, you can't wrong us just because they are rich..."

The four men and An were quarreled by several women. Where is the owner of the department store?Call out first.

Don't need them to call, Jin Baozhu stood up by herself!

"Xiao Wang, bring the clothes from our garment factory!"

Jin Baozhu's name is Wang Xiuhai. When the others heard that Wang Xiuhai was no longer needed, they did it.

The leaders of the department store, one by one, looked at Jin Baozhu eagerly, waiting for her to speak!

The four men and An saw that she was a beautiful woman, so they didn't care.Looking at it again, everyone in the department store listened to her, so they paid attention to it.

Jin Baozhu looked at the crowd of people with satisfaction, swept aside, and directly stood on the counter with a stool.

Everyone looked up at Jin Baozhu.

What is she doing standing so tall?

After Jin Baozhu stood firm, she fired directly, "Did you guys buy that clothes?"

Jin Baozhu pointed to the clothes in Hu Guangyuan's hand and Wang Haixiu's hand and asked the women.

How many women still think what's the matter?Nod immediately.

"We bought it!"

Jin Baozhu sneered: "Department stores have receipts for buying clothes, what about your receipts?"

The women didn't even think about it, they all said the same thing: "We bought it and threw it away, who still keeps that stuff!"

There is also a big helper who is not afraid of trouble.

Jin Baozhu's face remained unchanged, and she directly asked people to take the clothes from the department store and compare them with the clothes they brought!
"It's all the same, even the brand is the same, it's the same everywhere!" The person next to him bluffed.

Jin Baozhu rolled her eyes in her heart, and said loudly, "Turn over the hanging tag!"

At first, the leaders of the department store didn't understand, they just followed Jin Baozhu's operation, let them turn over, and turned over.

"Hey, it's different. This one has words, that one doesn't." The sharp-eyed person said something, and the people around hurriedly gathered around to look.

"Is there a word on the back of Yongxing Textile that is produced by Baozhu? That one doesn't!"

More than one is missing, and the clothes brought by several women are missing!

On the clothes brought from the department store, there are four words on the back of the tag that are produced by Baozhu!

The four women's eyes flashed in panic, and they immediately made excuses: "Maybe the worker forgot? Just because there are a few words missing on the tag, you say that the clothes don't belong to your family?"

(End of this chapter)

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