Chapter 527 Why?
"Father, Mom, what if you don't know what to do? Come pick watermelons with me?" Jin Dabao said with his hands behind his back, as if his mother was upper body.

No matter what Ling Yue was thinking, Jin Baozhu twitched first.

Good guy!Two consecutive critical strikes!
"No, let your dad go with you. Mom doesn't know how to shoot watermelons, so I don't know if they are cooked!" Jin Baozhu immediately blamed Ling Yue.

Basically, it is foreseeable why the madman is showing his power again!

What do children think when they can't see it.After seeing it for more than two hours, I can't wait to send it to the old man!
Let them chant the old scriptures!It just so happens that the old ones also like to chant scriptures, the old and the young should chant against each other, two against one, to see who can recite better than the other!
Ling Yue saw Jin Baozhu's happy appearance, and couldn't help smiling.

"Okay, Dad knows how to shoot watermelons, let's find your uncle and go pick watermelons together!"
When Dabao Jin heard this, he was immediately happy.

"Father, how do you know which one is familiar? Why don't I know." Jin Dabao was puzzled.

Ling Yue explained patiently: "Because you are a child."

Jin Baozhu was watching from the sidelines, and the little excitement in her heart couldn't be suppressed, just like bubble gum swelled up a little bit, coming, coming, coming soon.

Baby Jin tilted his head, and immediately asked in his soul, "Why?"

The bubble gum blown by Jin Baozhu exploded with a bang.

Think gloatingly, see how you answer.

Ling Yue glanced at Jin Baozhu silently, and the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger.

"Because children are young, they don't know. I'll tell you now, and you will know!"

With big eyes, Jin Dabao looked at Ling Yue ignorantly and fearlessly.

"Why didn't you know when I was young? I asked my grandpa, but my grandpa didn't know either. Who's older, you or my grandpa?"

Good guy, three consecutive questions.

It's hard to kill this dog Ling!
Before Ling Yue turned her head towards Jin Baozhu again, she ran away.

slip away!

Why is the little devil something she can handle anymore?
Let's see who can run the fastest now!
She likes her boa!But also scared why the little devil!Why the little devil, let Ling Yue deal with it!
The factory building opposite has been expanded, and it was built by Papa Jin and the villagers.

The machine that Liu Lianshun bought arrived yesterday morning, and professionals came to adjust it, so no factory workers were needed.

For Jin Baozhu, it depends on the output, quality and style!
On the basis of the existing denim and high-elastic fabrics, the production volume must be increased. In the next ten or even 20 years, this will be the main product.

Indeed good discontinued!
When Jin Baozhu made the announcement, Liu Lianshun and the skilled workers in the factory were shocked.

Isn't this the most sold material now?The clothes worn by their family members are also of good quality.

Good cloth, why stop production?

Doesn't this cut off a way of making money?

Jin Baozhu looked calm, and smiled slightly: "In the future, the entire textile industry will be a blended market, and it will be a matter of time before we eliminate such inelastic materials!"

What's more, it is indeed more expensive than blended fabrics. Once blended fabrics are available in large quantities, fools will buy clothes that are not elastic at all and expensive!

Some things will be eliminated sooner or later, times are changing, people are changing, things have to change too!
If you don't quickly adapt to the changes in the market, the textile factory will be finished sooner or later!
Hearing what Jin Baozhu said, everyone including Liu Lianshun fell silent.

They just can't accept the discontinuation of Zhenliang, which is a hard-earned material.

As for Jin Baozhu, they also 100% accepted it!

What Boss Xiaojin said is not wrong. If it weren't for Boss Xiaojin's leadership, their textile factory would have closed down a long time ago.

What's more, what Boss Xiaojin said is very reasonable!

The blended fabric is really elastic, and the price is cheaper than Dacron. If it weren't for their clothes, they would have made them a long time ago, and they wouldn't be bad. They all want to get a blended dress to wear.

(End of this chapter)

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