Chapter 533 One day off, buy, buy, buy!
He has long been envious of that motorcycle.

Now it's not that he insists on riding, doesn't he want to do errands for the village?
Jin Laogen's front teeth almost fell out of laughter.

Okay!Just ride!
Just be safe on the road!

Jin Laogen is very careful, no one will fall if he falls!
When Jin Laogen pushed out the big motorcycle, the person who installed the phone was shocked again!
I am obedient!Big motorcycle!

Everyone in this village is rich!
All of them are real people who don't show their faces!
Anyway, everything had to be done, so Jin Laogen simply yelled on the village's loudspeaker.

If you miss this time, you have to go to the county to do it yourself, don't come to him!

People in the village are active in everything, especially the old ones!

As soon as I rushed to the brigade headquarters, when I heard that I had to pay, I immediately felt distressed again.

If you don't install a phone, you can't die. How good it is to save money!
It's different if my family members work in a garment factory. They are more active than the other, and almost blow up the house in the brigade.

Do it, do it quickly!
The Baozhu family has already done it, maybe it will come in handy in the future!

Their family does not lack this money now!
Everyone in the village knows Jin Laogen, and he will do it in all likelihood!

It was counted until ten o'clock, and anyone who wanted to do it had to hurry up. After ten o'clock, he hurried to the county to do business.

The garment factory is in full swing, and the village is also in full swing.

All are thriving scenes, and every drop of sweat shed on the body is capitalized!
The hotter the summer, the more time to work!
Just to sweat, just to giggle!
The garment factory works overtime every day, and finally finished all the orders for summer clothes!
Autumn clothes are not in a hurry, it's time to give people a break and spend money!
It's useless to persuade anyone this time, just take a day off!
Those who started working, are still unwilling?

What are you resting for?Why so much work?Haven't they made enough money yet?

When Jin Baozhu said to rest, he meant to rest!

Not only to rest, but also to let the workers work hard these days!

A stuffed canned octopus per person, plus crispy skinned knuckles!

It's all meat, so eat it vigorously!
All the workers were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear!

Mother!They never thought in their life that they would have the opportunity to receive such a good thing!

Even in the previous large units, no meat was given out.

They are all towels or mugs, and they are so envious!

Compared with theirs, theirs is a ball!
Don't envy them any more!

In turn, people in the unit should envy them!

They are the meat made by Master Liu Qing!The ancestral handicraft, others can't eat it if they want to eat it!

While paying wages, receiving benefits at the same time.Money in one hand and meat in the other!
Hey, it's not bad to have a holiday!

I just saved all the money I earned these days.They don't worry about keeping it at home all the time.Two days ago, there were people standing on the roof chasing mice. It seems that the meaning of the words was that the mice bit the money that the family hid on the roof.

At that time, they were so happy that they even treated it as a joke for half a month!
Don't laugh at them now, it's not safe for them to be put in kang caves or grain cabinets!
Mother Jin said, and went to the bank to deposit.The bank is opened by the state, and it is safe, so why not give them interest in turn?
According to Jin's mother, all her family's money is deposited in the bank, so I can rest assured!

They also want to learn from Mama Jin, put the money in the bank and give birth!

What can you do with a day off?
So much more capable!
Was the jealous golden mother buying a tricycle before?I kept muttering about buying, buying, buying, now that I’m free, do you want to buy it?
In the past, Jin Laogen's family bought four bicycles, which were very convenient to use. Now that they are free, do they have to buy them?

(End of this chapter)

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