Chapter 148 Dog bites dog

When Fuzhou Zhizhou arrived with Wan Shi, there was already a lot of scolding at the door. Zhou Zhizhou thought that he could use his relationship to excuse his wife on the way.Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the hall, he found that the prefect Jiang had almost convicted Wan Shi, so he wanted to drag Wan Shi down on the spot.

"Wait a minute, my wife has always been gentle and virtuous. How could she do things that bully her neighbors? There must be a misunderstanding." He is involved in many things about Shi, if he is pulled out of the carrot and taken out of the mud and found out, then he will be finished.His eyes wandered around the room, and suddenly settled on Wan Guanshi who was lying on the ground. He immediately pointed at Wan Guanshi and cursed: "It's all about you, a wolf-hearted thing. My wife has always been soft-tempered. Ruan, you must be using your wife's reputation to do evil outside. She has always thought that you are of the same race, and it is not easy to raise a big family at a young age. How can you do such a thing to live up to her trust?!"

Wan's received Zhou Zhizhou's eye signal, she immediately came back to her senses and stopped struggling, and she was about to kneel on the ground and cry softly: "I really shouldn't, I thought it was not easy for you to open a shop in Xunyang Mansion , I believe everything you say on weekdays. If you want people to give people, you want money to give money. If I know that what you are doing here is outrageous, I would rather close this shop. If you don’t think about yourself, you will save for your children. Do some virtue!"

Wan's crying blindly only blamed Guanshi Wan, saying that he was kept in the dark by him, and the last sentence even secretly threatened Guanshi Wan to think about his children. In the end, Zhou Zhizhou wanted to use only one The charge of negligent supervision fooled the past.When Guanshi Wan heard the excuses from the two of them, his face was ashen. He closed his eyes in despair. It seemed that this time he would be dealt with no matter what.

Jiang Zhifu, who witnessed the performance of the two of them, sneered in his heart. If they had said this in the past, they might have been fooled. But now that Shen Ting and so many people are watching, this matter must be investigated to the end anyway.Besides, the prefect Jiang himself still wanted to rely on this to make meritorious deeds, so he would not let them get away with it, so he interrupted impatiently: "I will check with Mr. Shen carefully whether you are just lax oversight. If I find out, I will never tolerate it!"

"Master Jiang is very right. Why don't you take advantage of this time to clean up the officialdom in Xunyang Mansion. I think the common people complain about more than Wan Guanshi. If the common people are bullied again, they can go to the Yamen later. Report, but because you have to go to court for trial, so what you report must be true, and if it is false, you will be punished." Shen Ting's two understated words made the officials present tremble, and the people applauded.

"Master Shen's actions are different. We can finally appeal for our grievances this time. It is best to arrest all those corrupt officials in Xunyang Mansion!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll go to the yamen later and line up to report that whoever invaded my farmland, the original land is small, and two yuan was taken to keep our family from having a full meal all year round!"

If this was proposed by the prefect Jiang, the common people would definitely have concerns, but Shen Ting is different. Everyone has seen the behavior of Shen Ting and the Shen family this year, so they naturally don't want to let go of this grievance good opportunity.In this way, the yamen whistleblower line went all the way to the gate of the city, and the people who entered the city rushed to line up when they heard about such a good thing, and some even went back to the countryside to tell everyone.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, the line hadn't seen its end yet, and the officials asked everyone to line up again tomorrow, but everyone was afraid that they would not have such a good opportunity tomorrow, so they refused to leave. Deal with one night outside.Ye Xing felt a little sad when she saw it, so she hurried back to the shop and brought everyone ice powder and snacks to satisfy their hunger.When other shops on the street saw it, they also donated generously to send a bowl of noodles, a steamed bun or a bowl of wonton to the folks who lined up.

"Shopkeeper, why does our shop have to learn from that little girl to deliver dim sum to those people, where they can afford it on weekdays, and it's free if they give it away." A clerk asked puzzledly while putting dim sum on a plate.

The shopkeeper slapped him on the head with hatred and said: "You really only have flesh but no brains. Didn't you see that girl is now called a heroine in Fucheng. Do something with her now." Good things don’t hurt, besides, is our shop short of those customers? Let me tell you, don’t talk nonsense in the future, old shopkeeper Dong is just a shop assistant who scolded that girl and was heard, and her hair was ripped off just now.”

The clerk also thought of the miserable appearance of the shopkeeper Dong being dragged by the angry people, and he couldn't help shivering, and the speed of taking the snacks in his hands accelerated: "I see, I will definitely not talk nonsense!"

Seeing that it was getting dark and he couldn't finish it, the magistrate Jiang handed out a piece of paper to each of the people in the line with the number written on it, and asked them to come directly with the number tomorrow.In this way, the common people were preparing to go home with the notes, and had eaten a lot of snacks and meals just now, so the common people left without too many complaints.Shen Ting nodded when he saw the prefect Jiang's method. It seemed that although he had done nothing before, he was still smart. He used the merchant's love to solve this problem without spending a penny.

"Lord Shen, shall we interrogate Guanshi Wan and the others tomorrow or..." Jiang Zhifu saw Shen Ting watching him arranging matters not far away, so he immediately ran over to ask.

Shen Ting said without even thinking about it: "Just today, this case was brought to trial overnight. Now that Guanshi Wan was robbed by the Wan family, he must be very resentful in his heart. If we turn on the fire at the right time, he can make him spit out all the things, otherwise It will be difficult when they collude."

Prefect Jiang knew it would be like this, he patted his sore back and sighed that it was more tiring than going to the countryside with Shen Ting to inspect, but he didn't dare to refute and could only follow Shen Ting resignedly.When Wan Guanshi was brought out of the prison, he was really irritated by the shameless appearance of the two Wans.

"Didn't Mr. Shen say today that he would thoroughly investigate the officialdom in the Xunyang Mansion, is this true or a lie?" Guanshi Wan knelt on the ground and suddenly asked Shen Ting.

"Of course it is true. My duty is to replace the emperor to inspect the place. I will never tolerate anyone who is corrupt and perverts the law." Shen Ting advised Wan Guanshi, "Although you have committed a lot of evil in Xunyang Mansion, you are not guilty of death. It is better to let you know He told me that it would be better to redeem my sins than to be a scapegoat for others. I heard from Wan Shi that you still have children, and it would be better for them to live than to die with a crime.”

Sure enough, Guanshi Wan's face twitched when he heard the name of his son and daughter. Wan's threats to him during the day had already annoyed him, but now Shen Ting's words had completely become the last straw that broke the camel's back.He was heartbroken, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Mr. Shen's words are always more believable than that sinister and vicious person like Wan Shi."

(End of this chapter)

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