Chapter 87
Shen Ting's words were like pouring a basin of cold water, causing Shen She to wake up immediately. He recalled the time and said: "In the beginning, the amount of saltpeter was too small and there was no response. Later, after Miss Ye added too much, it froze in about half an hour. The amount is a box of saltpeter."

Ye Xing also understood Shen Ting's concerns, she had never tried making ice with saltpeter before, but this time it seems that making ice with saltpeter requires a lot of raw materials.And now the industry is underdeveloped, the resources of saltpeter are relatively scarce, and the purification technology is not good enough. These two points are enough to hinder the widespread promotion of the saltpeter ice-making method.

Shen Ting has been an official for several years, and he has handled countless affairs and government orders, and one sentence hits the point.After all, if he wanted to report this method to the imperial court, he had to think carefully, otherwise the saltpeter matter would involve a lot of things, and he would be said to be ill-considered if he submitted it hastily.

Both Shen She and Ye Xing couldn't help being a little discouraged, one thought it could benefit one party, and the other felt that their hope of transporting fruit from Lingnan was cut off.After all, Shen Ting is well-informed. Not only did he not express too much disappointment, but he comforted Ye Xing: "You can find this phenomenon is already very good, maybe you can really use saltpeter ice in the future. By the way, What reward do you want?"

How could Ye Xing have the nerve to ask for a reward? Originally, she didn't think about telling Shen She and Shen Ting about it, but by accident, she turned into offering ice-making methods to the boss.So she didn't dare to take credit for being proud and could only shake her head and said honestly: "I was only thinking of using saltpeter to make ice to transport fruits and vegetables. I don't have Mr. Shen and Mr. Shen who are so dedicated to serving the people. I have to reward where I have the face."

"You are honest, no wonder Madam gave you her personal jewelry." Shen Ting was very satisfied with Ye Xing's honesty, and encouraged her, "Tell me, even if you did it unintentionally, it is still an important discovery."

Seeing that Shen Ting was not polite to her, Ye Xing really wanted to give her a reward. She bit her lip and hesitated, but followed her inner thoughts and said, "Then I still want some saltpeter for me to buy from Lingnan and other places. Transport fruits and vegetables to Xunyang. But don’t worry, I guarantee that I will only use it for transporting fruits and vegetables. I can weigh the saltpeter after each time. Even if some bad guys want to steal some by means of loss, it is probably better to make gunpowder year."

Shen She coughed lightly, glanced at Ye Xing, and told her to be more careful when she spoke, and not to be aggressive.Shen Ting didn't pay attention to these small details, instead he said with a smile: "Since Miss Ye is so determined, why don't you make a written statement in the Yamen to ensure that you won't lose the saltpeter?"

Ye Xing lowered her eyes and thought for a while, "Yes, yes, but Yan Cong and I need to sign together, and the responsibilities of the two are shared equally."

"Ms. Ye, can't you still trust your partner?" Shen Ting was a little curious. He thought that Ye Xing could do a business like transporting fruits and vegetables from Lingnan with the other party. He must have mutual trust. He didn't expect Ye Xing to ask for two people. Sign the letter of guarantee, or propose it directly in front of him.

In modern times, Ye Xing often saw various incidents of rights protection caused by not signing a written contract. Many of them were family disputes in court. Therefore, the idea that everything needs to be put into words is deeply rooted in Ye Xing heart.

"Since I choose to cooperate with him, I believe it, but I dare not say anything about it in the future. When there is only a small interest, he can still resist the temptation to fulfill the promise with me, but if the interest is greater, he will waver and will I doubt whether it is worthwhile to cooperate with me, and in the end when the benefits increase, he will risk everything and tear up the cooperation with me." Seeing Shen Ting nodding in agreement, Ye Xing continued, "So don't test human nature, Verbal promises can only be used to restrain oneself, and the other party can only look at his conscience."

"Okay, well said! It's rare for you to be able to think so thoroughly at such a young age, no wonder you can open a shop so well in Fucheng. It's not in vain that Sheer helped you divide the family and grab the property. Afterwards, he was worried After you separated, the three of you, the mother and daughter, had a hard time living in the village. I even went to Tongjia Washe to take care of your business, which seems unnecessary now." Shen She told Ye Xing about helping Ye Xing to divide the family. When Shen Ting was in charge, Shen Ting also appreciated Ye Xing's courage, but he knew very well how difficult life would be for a family without a man in a place controlled by the village chief and the clan.

This is why the Dade Dynasty could establish a female household but few women actually applied.After listening to Shen Ting's analysis, Shen She has been worried about whether he did something wrong. He originally thought that if someone bullied their mother and daughter, he would help her out to scare her. Who knew that Ye Xing simply ignored the sour words in the village. language to start their own business directly.Although Shen She bought Ye Xing's food at Tong's Washe and was very careful, Shen Ting still knew about it. Later, he kept knowing from the snacks brought by Shen Xi that Ye Xing's life was getting better and better.The reward for her this time is not only for the discovery of making ice with saltpeter, but also for her recognition of self-reliance.

After hearing Shen Ting's words, Ye Xing realized that it was not accidental that Shen She went to Tong's Washe to buy her dim sum, but it was purposely to cheer and help her.But it's right to think about it in retrospect, Shen She usually only reads the books of sages and sages, so he doesn't look like someone who goes back to Washe to watch a play and chat.

So Ye Xing couldn't help but smiled gratefully at Shen She, she really received a lot of help from him, and she didn't know how to repay him in the future.Before Shen She could stop it, Shen Ting broke the news. At that time, he turned his head to the other side uncomfortably, pretending not to care.Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he saw Ye Xing thanking him with a smile, he had no choice but to nod to Ye Xing stiffly.

The awkward look of Shen She who was afraid of being praised for doing good deeds would fall into Shen Ting's eyes, and he felt in his heart that he didn't know how long it had been since he had seen such a childish look.Although Shen She has always been praised by outsiders for being precocious and steady, he knows that this precocity is due to the heavy pressure on his heart.As a father, although he hopes that Shen She can inherit his mantle and become a good official for the country and the people, but seeing him under such great pressure still feels a little distressed.

Because of Shen Ting's words, the atmosphere in the study froze for a while, and no one wanted to speak first.In the end, Shen Ting thought about it and said to Ye Xing: "Forget it, since you are willing to make a written guarantee, then I will trust you for a while. You can find a time for Yan Yan to go to the yamen with you to sign the guarantee." , the saltpeter will be available for you to use at that time, I hope you will not disappoint my trust in you."

(End of this chapter)

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