Chapter 89 Courtesy
But no matter what Lin Tongpan thinks, Ye Xing and Yan Cong finally got Ye Xing and Yan Cong to sign the guarantee document under his witness, in triplicate, and put them in Ye Xing, Yan Cong and the Yamen respectively, and they can come up with any questions in the future. No one can deny the evidence.

After Ye Xing signed the document, he showed it to Shen Ting. When Shen Ting saw Ye Xing's handwriting, he nodded slightly and praised: "Your handwriting is good, the structure is square and dense, and the strokes are light and heavy vertically. Think about it. It's also a practice of appearance. If you keep at it, your handwriting will really scare people when you put it out in the future."

"Really, I will definitely continue to practice calligraphy." Ye Xing was very happy that someone finally praised her calligraphy, and it was not in vain for her to practice for so long every day.Shen She on the side saw Ye Xing's face blushing with joy because of his father's compliment, and he couldn't help feeling a little regretful. If she valued other people's evaluation of her words so much, he should have told her a long time ago.

At this time, Lin Tongpan remembered that Ye Xing was the dim sum lady who had a close relationship with his second daughter. He heard that she also had a good personal relationship with the eldest daughter of the Shen family, and she often went in and out of the Shen residence.So Lin Tong became more and more friendly towards Ye Xing. He also picked up the document signed by Ye Xing and pretended to read it for a while, followed by Shen Ting and praised: "It's not easy for you to learn to do this by yourself. Which boudoir woman?" I would think of practicing such a font that requires pen strength."

"If the girl from my family can learn to be more sensible with Miss Shen, I will feel at ease, don't you think so?" Lin Tongpan finished praising Ye Xing, and then quickly brought the topic to Lin Xuelan and Shen Xi. He was happy to see Lin Xuelan and Shen Xi playing together, but recently hearing from the people below that Lin Xuelan is now closer to the Zeng family gave him a real headache.

"Xi'er is still young, and Second Miss Lin is still her elder sister. Speaking of it, I still thank Second Miss Lin for bringing her to play together." Shen Ting didn't expect that Lin Tongjuan would suddenly bring the topic to Shen Xi. The teacup by his mouth could only be put down again to talk to Lin Tong.

Yan Cong stood aside and saw that Ye Xing was able to talk with the two adults, and said in his heart, he had heard that Ye Niangzi's restaurant was loved by ladies and gentlemen from all families, and Ye Xiaoniangzi herself had been in and out of various major restaurants for a long time. During the banquet, I didn't expect to be able to talk to the officials and gentlemen.No wonder she was able to get the saltpetre in a fair way when I was still working hard to inquire about it in various Taoist temples. It seems that the decision to cooperate with her this time is really right.

After exchanging pleasantries, Lin Tongpan was in a very happy mood. Because of Shen Ting's relationship, he happily took three boxes of saltpeter, and asked the officials to open the boxes one by one and hand them to her after inspection.Although these saltpeters are not enough to support many ice cubes, I feel satisfied to be able to cool down and preserve vegetables, fruits, leaves and apricots.

But when Yan Cong went to pick up the saltpeter, Lin Tongpan warned Yan Cong with a half-smile: "I'm giving you these saltpetres today for Master Shen's sake. If something happens, you and I won't be able to eat it." Walk around. So you have to be careful when you go out to use it, or don’t blame me for being merciless when the time comes.”

Yan Jing was furious at Lin Tongjuan's words, and immediately put aside the fluke mentality of Ye Xing's friendship with those little ladies and gentlemen just now, and replied cautiously: "Xiaomin will definitely not let down the trust of adults in me. , as long as I am here, the saltpeter will definitely be there too!"

Only then did Lin Tongpan nod in satisfaction, and when Shen Ting saw that the matter was over, he wanted to take Shen She away.But Lin Tongpan hurriedly stopped the two of them, trotted forward and said, "Master Shen, there is already a feast at home, why don't you take Mr. Shen Xiaolang to have a light meal together. I think some boys in my family will be there too. Studying, some questions seem to ask the young master to ask a question or two."

But no one in the whole city knows that the young gentlemen of Lin Tongpan's family are not expected to study. At the beginning, they invited their husbands at home, and several of them left without saying anything. Some even said outside that they would not teach such stubborn people people.Of course, how could Lin Tongpan allow someone to speak ill of his son outside, so he threatened and lured the gentlemen who left to let them rot in their stomachs.But scholars pay more attention to character and reputation. Not only are they not afraid of Lin Tong ordering them to wear small shoes, but they even talk more and more about the stupidity of the young masters of the Lin family in order to fulfill their reputation of not being afraid of power.In this way, Lin Tong couldn't really throw them into prison to teach them a lesson. He just said that they were greedy for money and instead bit back.

But today, if the excuse of Lin Tong's judgment comes out, if those gentlemen know about it, they will laugh at the gentlemen of the Lin family again for not being educated.It has been a year since Shen Ting came to Xunyang. Although few ordinary people in Fucheng would dare to talk about Lin Tongpan's family, he still vaguely heard about these things.

"Okay, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient. I've heard that Lin's kitchen can cook all kinds of dishes. Today is a blessing." Today, Lin Tong gave him enough face and helped him with saltpeter. Give Lin Tong a face and go for a while.

Shen Ting agreed, and Shen She had no reason not to go, but he didn't know Mr. Lin's man at all, he sighed, it seems that today's meal must be too much to swallow.Shen She didn't want to wait for that hypocritical meal, and looked back to see if Ye Xing was ready to go back.When Shen She saw that Ye Xing's slender arms were holding a large box containing saltpeter and was trying to move out with Yan Cong, Shen She hurriedly told the Zhishu beside him in a low voice: "Go and help Miss Ye move that box, Don't be in a hurry to come back and find me. These things must be sent to Yan's residence, and after they are delivered to you, you can go to Lin's mansion to find me."

Zhishu quickly responded and ran to Ye Xing to take the saltpeter box that Ye Xing was holding in his hand.Yan Cong looked at Ye Xing at a loss when he saw the boy next to Shen She running to help, and Zhishu cleverly said: "Mr. Lang guessed that the two of you must have walked here today. Miss Ye is thin and small, so she sent me Come here and help me. I'll go back when it's delivered to your house."

As soon as this remark came out, Yan Jing put down his action of wanting to help Ye Xing embarrassingly, and his eyes couldn't help looking at Ye Xing and Shen She.But Ye Xing's attitude was calm, and Shen She followed Shen Ting away calmly, without looking back, Yan Jing just thought that Mr. Shen was always so willing to help the weak, and besides, how could Ye Xing be with Shen Ting? What does it matter.

Ye Xing didn't know what Yan Cong was thinking, she was very happy because of Zhishu's help, but Lin Tong judged just now that she was also hungry because of the meal.So after handing over all the things to Yan Cong and Zhishu, she left with a document and asked Yan Cong to tell her before leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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