Back to 80s: Hot wife is fierce and sweet

Chapter 124 Can't Stand the Test

Chapter 124 Can't Stand the Test
"Relatives came to the house today. This is home-cooked food. Yours is over there." Gu Bei stood up, went to the shelf where vegetables and meat are usually placed, and asked them, "What meat are you eating today?"

There is no choice of dishes, but now there is another kind of meat. I made a pot by the way when I made braised pork today. The same is true for stewed pork feet with peanuts. These two kinds of meat are not available every day, only once a week. Today, I also saw the village head uncle and the others, so I did it together by the way.

"Wow, that's good, that's good, give me the same plate." Liu Guanjun grinned happily, and automatically took his own and other people's food plates.

Gu Bei glanced at him indifferently, "Adding meat will cost you extra."

"Okay, okay, Brother Gu just pretend." Zhu Mingliang said proudly, and then he remembered another thing, "But Brother Gu, our rice plates are all filled with meat, can I get some from you?" A bowl for dinner?"

Originally, there is a bowl of rice when you come here to eat, and you can only eat two bowls per person. If you exceed two bowls, you will be charged an additional fee, one penny per bowl, but if you bring your own rice plate, you can fill it as much as you want. They are capable.

There is another condition, that is, you can't pour the rice, and you can eat as much as you want. If you find someone pouring the rice, you will have to charge additional money.

Fortunately, no one who comes here to eat will dump the rice, and everyone will feel that there is not enough to eat.

I can't wait to decorate and take it home to eat, which is why Ruan Ji's business is so good, mainly because of enough food.

At first, Shen Dongyang and the others did not agree to do this. You must know that a young man like them can eat four bowls of rice in one meal. If everyone eats so much, they will not suffer!

Later, it was Ruan Yuxi who made the calculation for him. The rice is very cheap now, only [-] cents a catty of rice, and a catty of rice can make a good meal. Even if it is edible, Ruan Ji will not lose money.

After all, meat and vegetables make money there.

She called small profits but quick turnover. Although one serving of meat and vegetables didn't make a lot of money, the amount piled up was astonishing.

Besides, Ruan Ji's rice is grown by herself in her space, so she can have as much as she wants, so there is no need to worry about losing money.

Zhu Mingliang and the others ate four bowls of rice for this meal. If their stomachs were not full, they would still want to eat. How could Ruan Ji's food be so delicious?

Even white rice is much more delicious than other places.

Originally, Aunt Liang and Chen Linlin were planning to go to the family area of ​​the hospital to find Guan Mu and the others. The divorce was delayed again and again, and there must be a conclusion, but because the business in the store was so good, everyone was busy greeting customers.

They cleared the table, got drinks, wine, washed dishes, and cleaned up the garbage on the ground. They couldn't leave for a while, so they waited until one or two, when there were not so many people.

Chen Linlin glanced at Gu Jianan's neighbor from outside the door, touched Ruan Yuxi who had just given change to the customer, raised her chin, and signaled her to look over there.

"Look at the business over there, compared with yours, it's like a world."

Ruan Yuxi snorted, that family was so shameless, they dared to come to Ruan Ji's place to invite customers to eat in the first few days of opening.

After being scolded by Shen Dongyang and the others, he didn't dare to come over to solicit customers, but he didn't restrain himself. He directly stopped people on the side of the road to prevent people from coming over, and dragged them to their shop to eat.

At first, everyone was embarrassed and pulled over, but after eating it once or twice, they didn’t want to go, saying that the meat over there was meat, but the taste was ordinary, sometimes it was very salty, sometimes it was very sweet, sometimes it was delicious. Sometimes there will be a smell of meat, or else you can't bite it, and the meat is still raw.

In short, there are a lot of problems, so let’s forget it, and I often eat hair, vegetable worms, flies and other things in the dishes, which is disgusting to death.

After eating a meal, I can feel nauseated for a week when I go home. If I ask them for an explanation, other people not only don’t think they are wrong, but they also say that this is not the case, and they didn’t put those things in. Who knows if it is when everyone comes to eat Put it in and want to cheat money.

It's so popular that it's dying.

"Recently, I've heard a lot of happy events about that record." Chen Linlin's eyes sparkled, and she wanted to share what she heard with Ruan Yuxi.

Ruan Yuxi laughed, "I was there when everyone said it. In fact, if they want to do business, it's not a bad thing. Everyone goes to the top. Opening a restaurant can make money. Anyone can open it, let alone them now. More and more people will definitely drive in the future, as long as they are honest and down-to-earth, they will definitely make money."

"But it's obvious that their family doesn't think so at all." Chen Linlin was also convinced. With such a good condition, she didn't know how to grasp it. If it had to make trouble like this, the business would definitely not last long.

"They have many sisters-in-law and many opinions. Whoever does more work must be calculated clearly. I am afraid that whoever will take it easy will do more by themselves. This will definitely not work. In business, we must work together and work together. to do well.”

However, brothers who do business together are destined not to last long. No matter how good brothers and sisters do business together, there will definitely be conflicts after a long time.

So no matter how good the store's business was, she didn't ask Gu Yi to come to the store to help. In fact, it all depends on the person. Let's talk about it when the time comes. She hasn't figured it out yet.

People can't stand the test!

"Forget it, forget it. According to my opinion, they will definitely not be able to continue to open if this goes on. Maybe they will lose money and have no money to open. Then you can take the opportunity to buy their house." Chen Linlin laughed.

Even if a beauty stays up all night and looks haggard, she still looks beautiful when she smiles. Ruan Yuxi feels beautiful when she looks at this face every day.

"Let's see when the time comes." Gu Bei is planning to open a shopping mall with Shen Dongyang in partnership, and a sum of money will be invested in it, and a sum of money will be reserved for operation, so she dare not say that she will definitely have the money to buy it at that time.

When there were not so many guests, Aunt Liang took Chen Linlin to the hospital. Originally Ruan Yuxi wanted to go with her, but she didn't follow Brother Xu when he wanted to come over to discuss buying food.

Brother Xu is indeed a person who has done a big business and has seen a big scene. After seeing the goods, he asked for all the goods without saying a word, but he had no money, so he could only give a deposit of 3000 yuan first, and wait for the rest. He sold this batch of goods and gave them back.

Ruan Yuxi would definitely disagree with this matter if it were someone else, but this person is Xu Dazhi. Ruan Yuxi, who will become the richest man in the future, just thought about it, discussed with Gu Bei for a while, and then agreed.

Not long after Xu Dazhi left, Mrs. Xu came over with a lot of vegetables, and Xu Dazhi followed her, holding two old hens.

"I know you don't lack these things, but these are my aunt's wishes. You are all good children. Dazhi is lucky to meet you..." Aunt Xu's eyes were red, and she knew that she had just cried. The gratitude to Gu Bei and his wife was even more written on his face, and he kept saying words of thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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