Pindao should be robbed

Chapter 51 In the Mirror

Chapter 51 In the Mirror
Several children in Tsing Yi paddled their boats and carried Wu Ji on board. The boats swayed slightly in the pool.

Wu Ji fell into a dream, reached out to touch the water, it was a little cold, pinched himself, gasped in pain and said: "Hiss...It hurts so much, this is not a dream!"

The boat seemed slow but was fast, as if crossing the river of time, it arrived at the opposite side in a blink of an eye.

"Da! Da!" Tong'er tapped the wooden paddle on the string of the boat, and the crisp sound awakened Wu Ji, who seemed to be in a dream.

He landed ashore in a hurry, knelt down on the ground with a "plop", and quietly looked at the three "immortals" in the courtyard.

Long ago, some children came forward, set up tables, futons, served melons and fruits, and poured wine.

"Please take your seat!" A boy in Tsing Yi said.

Seeing that the three immortals were all drinking and drinking by themselves, Wu Ji didn't look at him, thought for a moment, bowed and sat down with Tong'er cautiously.

After a while, the banquet resumed to be lively, the three immortals didn't pay attention to him, just you and I talked to each other.

Zhuang Tutuo said: "The pavilions, towers, pavilions and lotus ponds of our ancestors are beautiful, but they are a little dark. Wait for me to cast a spell..."

Before he finished speaking, the white-haired old man stopped and said: "Why change these dead things, my dear grandson, the old man has wonderful skills, let's see!"

After speaking, the old man took out a piece of white paper from his sleeve, cut it into a circle, chanted a mantra, took a breath, and threw the paper into the sky.

The round paper swayed and flew up to the mouth of the sky without any wind, and emitted a light. Suddenly, it was already a bright moon, illuminating every detail in the pavilion.

"Wonderful, changing the shape and changing the scene, cutting paper into the moon, the master's wonderful skills, the disciples admire." The yellow-clothed Taoist palm praised.

Hearing this, the white-haired old man stroked his long beard triumphantly and said, "They all belong to Dunjia Qimen, not worthy of praise, not worthy of praise!"

"I heard that in the heavens there is a fairy in neon clothes. Every time the moon is full, she will go to the moon, dance in neon clothes, present to the emperor of heaven, and serve the gods of the heavenly palace..." Na Toutuo shook his head and said.

The Taoist priest in yellow clasped his hands and said: "Today is just in front of the ancestor of the master. He is a rare high-quality old man. Master may wish to show his wonderful skills and have a look with the ancestor!"

The Taoist priest in yellow nodded and smiled, silently channeling the aura of the ten generals, blowing his magic breath, throwing two chopsticks, and shouting: "Changing!"

"Huhu..." Gusts of wind sounded, and the mist in the pavilion was almost invisible.

That bit of spiritual light was Long Yu, the god of the liver orifice. At this time, he got the magic power of the immortal family, and when he got out of his body, he used chopsticks to manifest his holy transformation.

After a while, the dense fairy mist subsides, revealing a long-sleeved cloud-knot Gong'e on the spot.

If you ask how this fairy is, Wu Ji is already salivating, holding the cup in a daze, but words are too poor to describe her beauty, but she just said in her heart that it is hard to find such a enchanting beauty in the world.

It was Liu Qiao who changed the appearance of a female star in her previous life based on her memory.

How to look like:
Qingzi makeup emerald, red face match rouge.The star's eyes are still bright, and the eyebrows are beautiful and neat.

Underneath is a light plain pleated skirt, on top is a smoky crimson gauze dress, embroidered shoes with curved phoenix mouth, silk stockings and brocade drag mud.

Enchanting and charming like a girl on the rooftop, not like the pretty Daji in Yin Zhou's palace.

Xian'e's slender waist is twisted, her show neck is turned, looking around, she is full of coquettishness, she moves her lotus steps lightly, and performs a "Neon Clothes Dance".

"Immortals call...flying to the moon and calling back, and secluded me in Guanghan calling!" The singing is clear and clear, as strong as a flute pipe.

After the dance, the immortal'e picked up the jug and poured wine with all the immortals.

When he came to the edge of Wuji, he was already in a daze, just looking at this slender hand with suet skin, pouring wine for himself.

Smelling the scent of orchid and musk on the tip of his nose, he suddenly realized that all this was true, and quickly wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing his naive look, that fairy'e smiled at him.

Ever since Wu Ji was born, when had he seen such beauties, he was so infatuated for a moment that he wanted to pull the fairy's sleeve.

"My lord, you are drunk, giggling..." Xian'e said with a smile as she pulled off her sleeves.

After saying that, he turned around and stepped in the pavilion, bowed to the three immortals and said: "All the immortals have a drink, my servant is afraid that the emperor of heaven will call, so I will go first..."


Another puff of mist flashed by, Wu Ji wiped his eyes, and there was some fairy Gong'e there.

There was only one chopstick, which bounced and landed on the table of the Taoist priest in yellow.

The white-haired old man clapped his palms and said with a smile: "My apprentice, this technique is wonderful, lifelike, with both body and spirit. Even among the three religions, there are few such subtle transformation techniques."

"Master has a good reputation, but it's just a fluke. It's good for singing and dancing. It's not very useful for attacking and defending the body." The yellow-clothed Taoist said modestly.

Wu Ji was confused and didn't know what they meant by these nouns, but it took a long time to understand.

These three immortal families, judging from their respective titles, are obviously of the same generation.

The white-haired old man Jiang Taigong is the patriarch, the Taoist priest in yellow is the apprentice, but the fat and strong Toutuo is the youngest, he is the disciple and grandchildren.

Wu Kit thought for a moment, according to his logic, the older he was, the older he was, and the longer he practiced, the mana might be the highest.

He remembered that he was still in danger of his life, and he didn't care about appreciating the magical skills of these immortals. Seeing that the three ignored him for a long time, he had the courage to stand up and kneel down in the pavilion with a "plop".

"My fellow immortals, my little Wuji lives in the southern suburbs of Xiqi. Forgive me for being a mortal with the naked eye, but I couldn't recognize him in front of a real fairy..." Wuji tremblingly recounted his previous experience.

The fat head tutuo heard the words, sneered and said: "You mortal, you have eyes but don't know gold and jade, I will remind you kindly, you scolded my master first, and then wanted to beat my master, what do you have to say now."

Wu Ji was terrified when he heard this, and hurriedly choked his head and said: "Please three great immortals, adults don't care about villains, pity me that life is not easy, if I die, no one will serve my mother at home, please save me!"

Jiang Shang didn't seem to see it, he still held the cup and drank by himself.

Liu Qiao smiled, looked up and said: "It seems that his nature is not bad, Master, please be merciful and give him a way to survive, and then look at his future conduct."

When Jiang Shang saw the disciple speak, he also nodded, turned around and looked Wu Ji in the eyes, and said: "The number is hard to change, if you want me to save you, you have to worship me as your teacher."

Hearing this, Wu Ji turned his worries into joy, he would be able to live if he could worship the immortal as his teacher, so he hurriedly kowtowed and said: "Master, Master, please save me!"

Jiang Shang just nodded, but did not answer.

The yellow-clothed Taoist priest Nian Xu smiled and said: "Junior Brother Wu, go home quickly, dig a hole under the bed, as long as you are, lie down and fall asleep in it, let your mother sprinkle some uncooked rice, cover it with thatch superior."

"Yes... yes!" Wu Ji quickly wrote down.

Only then did Jiang Shang say: "You go quickly, we have our own methods in this room, after the midnight, you will be fine if you come out again."

Wu Ji kowtowed three times to Jiang Shang, bowed to Liu Qiao, and bowed to Chang Long.

Walking to the edge of the pavilion, looking at the rippling water in the pool, he felt troubled. He lived in the mountains and could not row a boat since he was a child.


Worrying about how to get over it, suddenly he was kicked in the back, Wu Ji screamed in fright, and "plopped" into the water.

"Ah... uh... am I okay?"

Wu Ji panicked, flailing his hands and feet, thinking that he was about to drown, but when he regained his senses, he found that there were still courtyards, pavilions and ponds with lotus leaves.

Looking around, he was standing in the fenced yard, the sky was bright and the sun was shining brightly, behind him were a few huts with their doors slightly closed.

"Could it be a ghost?"

Looking at the emptiness and silence around, the bamboo forest was filled with mist, Wuji was bold and a little creepy.

"Impossible. On a sunny day, where are the ghosts? I know Mr. Jiang, and he is by no means a ghost..."

Wu Ji shook his head, shook off the absurd thoughts in his mind, thought about what the immortal told him, and hurried back.


In the hut.

All visions have returned to calm, so why are there dozens of acres of gardens, terraces and pavilions, water pavilions and flower pavilions, and only a few ghost children serving tea?

On a bamboo table, Liu Qiao and three people sat around.

Liu Qiao twirled his beard and said: "Master's method of changing the shape and changing the scene, and cutting the paper into the moon is really powerful. I can't tell the difference even when the Qi refiner enters the net."

"In just a few years, you have cultivated Dao Qi mana and learned a whole body of Dao skills. You are blessed, wonderful, wonderful." Jiang Shang glanced at Liu Qiao with satisfaction, and couldn't help but praise him.

Only Chang Long was puzzled and said: "The master wants to take him as an apprentice, just say it directly, why do you want us to practice Taoism and coax his eyes?"

Jiang Shang smiled without saying a word.

Liu Qiao said: "Wu Ji is a man of good quality, but his disposition is too bad, he hates the world, likes to meddle in other things, and has resentment in his heart, and his stand is not firm enough. If we don't frighten him like this, I'm afraid he won't listen to discipline in the future."

Jiang Shang also nodded, it is still the big apprentice who understands my thoughts.

He said with a smile: "Now that he has seen my fairy family's spells, he must be fascinated. Only by being so dedicated can he learn with sincerity."

(End of this chapter)

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