Beast Patrol.

Chapter 13 The Ball Who Wants to Get Stronger

Chapter 13 Qiuqiu who wants to become stronger (seeking investment and further reading)
Lin Su never expected that he just wanted to submit an evolutionary route in a low-key manner to earn some short-term training resources for himself and Qiuqiu, but was hired by the boss as an assistant researcher in the end.

If it was before, Lin Su would definitely agree without hesitation. For him who wants to enter a top Beastmaster University, the experience of becoming an assistant researcher at the research institute will become an important bonus in the entrance examination, helping him It was easier for him to enter the University of Beastmasters.

But now, Lin Su didn't want to agree.

Becoming Qin Nan's assistant researcher means that he will often meet with Qin Nan in the future. To be honest, this big guy who is very different from the image of a researcher in his impression gave him a strong sense of crisis. When we meet each other, she will definitely notice the difference between me and a normal beast master.

"Well, can I ask why?" Lin Su's face was a bit tangled, and finally he couldn't help but say, "It seems that my theoretical knowledge level is not enough for such a job."

Qin Nan nodded, "Your perception of yourself is very accurate."

Lin Su: "???"

Seeing Lin Su's bewildered expression, Qin Nan laughed, "The question I asked just now is actually a research project I am currently working on. Your answer has given me a lot of inspiration and has great implications for this project. help."

"I don't like to take advantage of others. You are helpful to this project. Of course, you have a share of the credit for the final research results. But you are just an ordinary student now, so I plan to let you be an assistant researcher in the research institute. It’s a famous teacher.”


Lin Su couldn't laugh or cry, so he was clever but was mistaken by his cleverness?
He thought Qin Nan's question was to test himself on purpose, so in order to prove that the evolutionary route was okay, he answered the other party's question seriously, but Qin Nan didn't mean it at all...

When people talk face to face, they really have to talk to themselves about something.

So should I agree now?
Lin Su fell into deep thought.

Not long after, there was a sudden noise outside the gate of the orphanage.

A muscular man wearing the uniform of a delivery member of the Beast Familiar Association knocked on the door, "Is Mr. Lin Su there?"

Lin Su quickly realized that the resources he bought in the morning had arrived.

He looked back at Qin Nan with some embarrassment.

Qin Nan nodded, indicating that he should be busy first.

So Lin Su walked forward quickly and negotiated with the delivery man.

After Lin Su left, Qin Nan rested his elbows on the table with great interest, and looked at Lin Su who was not far away with his palms on his cheeks.

If I'm not mistaken, this kid seems reluctant?

That's no good, my wife never owes anyone a favor!

Seeing the delivery man take out a big box and hand it to Lin Su, Qin Nan thought deeply.

training resources?

The contribution points rewarded by this kid's evolution route should arrive in the morning.

So, did he exchange the resources as soon as the account arrived?

He probably came up with the evolution route to make money and buy resources.

After looking at the dilapidated buildings of the orphanage, Qin Nan understood.

I guess that's it.

And he is now a third-year student in high school, and he will soon enter the Beastmaster University...

Oh boy.

I, Qin Nan, will handle it for you today!

After signing for the resources, Lin Su carried the box into his room panting.

In the room, Qiuqiu was lying on the bed and was earnestly learning to read with the communicator eliminated by Lin Su. After hearing the movement, he turned his head to look.

"Mi?" (What is this?)

"The resources we bought this morning."

"Mi! (ω)" (The resource has arrived!)
It jumped onto the box with the communicator in its arms, with a look of anticipation on its face.

"You continue to study first, I have to go down." Lin Su shook his head, but he didn't forget that there was a big boss waiting for him below.

"Mi~" (Okay, okay~)

Hearing this, Qiuqiu lay on the box, holding the communication device and continued to study.

Lin Su went downstairs again and returned to the yard.

In the moment of effort just now, he has completely thought through it.

He decided to refuse.

The experience of being an assistant researcher can indeed make it easier for him to enter the university, but there is a risk of exposing his abnormality.

Moreover, Lin Su believes that with Qiuqiu's potential and the advantage of being able to travel through two worlds, even if he is alone, it will not be a problem for him to be admitted to a good Beastmaster University.

"Sorry, I may not be able to work as an assistant researcher." Looking into Qin Nan's eyes, Lin Su said without hesitation.

"That's a pity." Qin Nan stood up, with a smile flashing in his eyes, "Once this project is successfully researched, you can be rewarded with [-] contribution points. Based on your contribution, it's okay to divide it into [-] or [-] percent."

[-] contribution points...

Divide into one or two...

Lin Su, calm down, you are a man who owns a world, you can't contribute a mere [-] to [-] points...

Calm down!
Lin Su stood up instantly and coughed lightly, "Well, I think this matter can be reconsidered..."

"By the way, with the research experience of participating in this research project, there shouldn't be too many problems in recommending it to any domestic beast master university." Qin Nan added, and the smile in his eyes became stronger.

recommend to any university...

"Don't think about it." Lin Su's face was solemn, "It is my duty to contribute to the alliance."

"Hahaha." Qin Nan finally couldn't help laughing.

Patting Lin Su on the shoulder heavily, Qin Nan waved his hands and walked out of the orphanage gracefully.

"Pack up your things and follow me to District 11 tomorrow morning."


"Mi! Mi!" (Lin Su is back! Let's open the box!)
As Lin Su returned to the room, Qiuqiu dropped the communicator and bounced on the box full of resources.

"Cough." Lin Su coughed lightly, "Why don't you take it apart, you might have to put it back together later."

Qiuqiu: "???"

Under Qiuqiu's confused eyes, Lin Su briefly explained the situation to Qiuqiu.

"All in all, we may have to move to District 11 tomorrow." Lin Su shrugged, "So this box of resources should not be opened for the time being. We will leave for District 11 tomorrow morning. The follow-up training may be in We can continue only after we settle down there.”

"Mi..." (Is there no way to train now...)
"Or, we can train at Shenwu World." Lin Su smiled and touched Qiuqiu's head, "Shouldn't you be happy if you don't train?"

"Mi!" (unhappy!)


Qiuqiu gritted his teeth, thinking of the snow lynx he met that day, his eyes became a little firmer.

"Me, me! (◣_◢)" (Train quickly so that you can protect Lin Su!)
"Protect me..." Lin Shu's hand paused slightly, and a complicated look appeared on his face.

Is it because of the snow lynx encountered in the Frostfall Mountains?

It turned out to be the case.

"Then let's go to Shenwu World to train tonight."

"Mi! Mi!" (Train! Get stronger!)

It was time to train, and Qiuqiu suddenly became happy.

"But before that, you have to pack with me the luggage that will be taken to District 11 tomorrow." Looking at the revived Qiuqiu, Lin Su chuckled.

"Mi! ( ̄ω ̄)" (no problem!)

Area 11 is the safe area where Shancheng University is located. The Evolution Research Institute where Qin Nan is located is a research institution affiliated to Shancheng University, so it is naturally also in Area 11.

Having grown up so big, Lin Su has never even been out of Area 32, so he suddenly went to an unfamiliar safe area, and he was a little at a loss.

Fortunately, Lin Su has no relatives to worry about, only the other children in the orphanage who need to say goodbye in advance.

After the initial allocation of beasts, Qingying Middle School's studies are completely over. Although the graduation certificate will take more than a month to be issued, Lin Su can handle various affairs through the communication device even if he is not in District 32. .

After packing his luggage with the help of Qiuqiu, Lin Su spent more than half of the remaining [-] Union coins to buy a gift for each child in the orphanage as a farewell.

For the children in the orphanage, parting is the norm, and they have experienced it countless times.

Although there is reluctance, it is more of a blessing.

It was not until night fell that Lin Su packed his bags, said goodbye to each child, and returned to the bed in the room.

"Qiaoqiu, you've worked hard tonight." Lin Su smiled slightly as he touched Qiuqiu's head.

To his surprise, although Qiuqiu has not been in the orphanage for a long time, almost every child likes it very much.

So much so that when they said goodbye, their reluctance was almost all directed at Qiuqiu.

"Mi~" (It's not hard~)

"Enter the Beast Familiar Space, we should go to sleep."

"Mi! (ω)" (Go to Shenwu World for training!)

Returning the ball to the Beast Familiar Space, Lin Su slowly closed his eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep.


In the moonlight, a man walked down an empty street, leaning against a wall.

He was wearing a loose sweater, covered his head with a hood, and bowed slightly so that his face was completely covered in the shadow of the brim of the hat. The faint moonlight elongated his figure and projected it on the wall facing the street, which was dark and gloomy.

When he walked in front of a closed store, the man paused slightly, stretched out a hand from his pocket, and knocked lightly on the closed door of the store. If you listen carefully, you will find that the knock The voices are sometimes connected together, sometimes intermittently obvious, not without rules at all.

With the knocking of the man, the store door slowly opened a gap.

So the man entered the store through the gap without hesitation.


With a crisp sound, the store suddenly turned on the light, and the man's face was exposed under the light.

It was a middle-aged man with a gloomy complexion. He looked at the other people in the store and said lightly, "Everyone is here?"

"It's all ready." A big man like an iron tower stood up, looking at the cold man with a bit of vigilance, "Li Tang, what are you doing in your 30nd district instead of staying in your 32th district?"

Li Tang lowered his eyes slightly, "I don't want to come either, but the East God Envoy has ordered me to cooperate with you in arresting people."

"Is there a new mission?" The iron tower man was stunned, "Why didn't I know."

"It happened suddenly." Li Tang shook his head, "Emergency information, Qin Nan came out from District 11 and is now in District 32."

"Qin Nan?" The iron tower man suddenly understood, "So the target is her, but one Qin Nan doesn't need our two palaces and three masters to attack together?"

"Kuisi, don't underestimate the enemy." Li Tang's voice sank, "Our goal is not to kill people, but to catch her and threaten that one, and get what we want. She is already a top master, and she still has 82% strength. The synergy rate of psionic energy is comparable to that of a monarch rank!"

Li Tang looked at the three people behind Kuisi disdainfully, "The master-level beast masters who can't cooperate with beast masters go up to deliver food. In this battle, your subordinates can only play as assistants. It's you and me who really take action." people."

"When will you make the move?" Quesi no longer had any doubts.

"Qin Nan will return to District 11 tomorrow morning." Li Tang sneered, "She booked two tickets, and according to information, she came to District 32 to meet someone and solicit him."

"Those who can be recruited by Qin Nan may also be talents in scientific research. Tomorrow, you and I will attack Qin Nan's transport airliner, which happens to kill two birds with one stone." Li Tang looked at Kui Si, "Our pets can fly, and we can fight at high altitudes. With an advantage, what about your subordinates?"

"Don't worry." Kuisi waved his hand, "Who among us will have a bad beast?"

"Oh, then it's settled."


Lin Su opened his eyes and returned to the world of Shenwu.

With the help of tonics, his injuries have recovered a lot, and new granulation has grown on the originally hideous wounds, leaving scars is inevitable. There were no sequelae during the healing process.

After discovering that Lin Su was awake, Ah Zi quickly notified the Lin family.

Not long after, Mother Lin came into the room with a small bowl of ointment.

After asking Lin Su to take off his coat and lie on the bed, Mother Lin sat by the bed and carefully applied a special ointment to Lin Su's wound.

Her face was full of distress, and she said with a bit of reproach: "Shu'er, don't go to such a dangerous place next time, you just recovered and got injured, beast control should be more powerful than martial arts!" Why is the stable road even more dangerous than martial arts?"

Lin Su endured the pain, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Mom, I won't do it next time."

This time it was to cover up the traces of the contract ball, and if there were no unexpected circumstances, he would not have suffered such a serious injury.

"Mi~(óωò)" (It's all my fault~)

Seeing some hideous wounds on Lin Su's back, Qiuqiu couldn't help rubbing Lin Su carefully, his eyes full of distress and guilt.

Mother Lin's expression softened a bit, and her heart softened a bit when she saw Qiuqiu's cute appearance, and her tone of reproach was lessened, "Okay, the medicine is over, don't turn over, just lie down for two hours."

"Okay." Lin Su nodded, with a relaxed look on his face.

I don't know the origin of the ointment. It hurts a little at first when it is applied on the back, but after a while it turns into a cold feeling, which is quite comfortable.

"Now that you have contracted a pet beast, you can be regarded as officially becoming a beast steward. After your injury is healed, you can go to the beast stewards union." Mother Lin smiled, "Your father and the president of the beast stewards union in Yongnan City There is some friendship, if you see the other party, remember to call him uncle."

After a few words of advice, Mother Lin got up and left, and stopped suddenly when she walked to the door, "Oh, by the way, I bought some basic energy liquid for you, Ah Zi should send it over later, this little guy is called Qiu Ball right, don't starve it."

Immediately, she gently closed the door and left quickly.

As a martial arts expert, Father Lin spends a lot of time practicing martial arts and teaching the juniors in the family every day. Mother Lin is in charge of the trivial matters of the Lin family, so she is very busy on weekdays.

Looking at the closed door, Lin Su silently turned his gaze to Qiuqiu, "What is the basic energy liquid?"

"Mi? ( ̄ω ̄)" (You don't even know how I know?)

"That's right." Maintaining a prone position, Lin Su took out the relevant introduction materials of various basic knowledge of the beast master from the space ring, and started searching.

(End of this chapter)

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