Beast Patrol.

Chapter 160 Qiuqiu's Bond Synergy Index!

Chapter 160 Qiuqiu's Bond Synergy Index! (seeking a monthly ticket)

"Mi! (≧ω≦)" (Change me, change me!)
Qiuqiu couldn't help jumping onto Lin Su's head, twisted his body, and interrupted Lin Su's thoughts.

After watching Lin Su and Guigui's Beast Master fighting together for so long, it became a little anxious.

Lin Su couldn't help laughing, and immediately released the coordination state with Guigui.

After performing the last blow just now, Guigui's physical strength has been exhausted by more than half, it's time for him to rest and let Qiuqiu try.

As for the idea of ​​combining Beast Coordination and Martial Skills...

This is not difficult to achieve. After returning to the world of Shenwu, he went to the Lin family's other courtyard to ask his uncle for a martial skill, and he could reach a conclusion after trying to practice it.

As a martial arts family with strong fighters in the Soaring Realm, the Lin family absolutely has no shortage of martial arts.

If it is really possible to use the coordination of beasts to replace the martial arts powerhouses to perform martial arts...

Lin Su never thought of spreading martial arts in a large area of ​​Blue Star, but martial arts are not a must.

When the time comes, change its name to Synergistic Technology?

Hmm... this will be discussed later.

With a helpless smile on his face, Lin Su picked up the ball that was bouncing around on his head, and the synchronous jade was instantly activated.

After the light of synergy dissipated, the same synergy as before appeared.

Unlike Guigui, the synergy between Lin Su and Qiuqiu cannot adjust its shape.

In fact, most synergies of beast masters and beasts cannot, and ghosts are a special case.

The skill display that was interrupted just now continues at this moment.

A thick layer of frost suddenly appeared in Lin Su's eyes, and the icy blue eyes seemed to have condensed a layer of hoarfrost.

Shuang Tong!

All the movements around were slowed down countless times at this moment, and the training room had been switched to an ice and snow environment, and the texture of every snowflake flying in the air could be clearly seen. This new and magical look and feel shocked Lin Su greatly.

So this is the world that Qiuqiu sees after casting frost pupils?
He couldn't help being amazed, and then started the next skill.

Frost Silence Storm.

With Lin Su's thought, the entire training room was under his control at this moment.

He can easily release a frost storm in any corner of the training room.

Then try it!
By the way, let's see how the bond synergy index between myself and Qiuqiu is.

Lin Su snapped his fingers in a decent manner, and an ice blue and silver storm intertwined suddenly formed in the void. The raging momentum was much stronger than Qiuqiu's own display. Under the frost pupil, he could clearly feel the One can see what kind of berserk power is contained in this storm, which seems to be about the same size as the Frost Silence Storm cast by Qiuqiu.

As the storm dissipated, new text appeared on the light screen in the training room.

[Bond Synergy Index: 66]

"Mi! (ω)" (Sure enough, taller than my younger brother!)

At this moment, Lin Su, who was connected with each other, felt the joy and pride in Qiuqiu's heart.

He couldn't help smiling, and then squatted down and touched the somewhat discouraged Ghost, "It's okay, let's train hard together, and the increase in bond synergy index will not be slow."

"Jie~(/\)" (good~)

Guigui nodded heavily, with a look of triumph on his face.

Although the bond synergy index is lower than that of the big brother, there is always a chance to overtake!
Hell ghost is no longer discouraged, and continues to recover his physical strength, Lin Su smiled, and then began to use the skills that belonged to Qiuqiu.

Frost Storm, Snow Trail, Snow Burst, Regal, Ice Palm, Blowing Snow, Resisting Frost Blessing, Shaking God Howl, Weaving Dreams...

Except for Frost Dream Realm, which could not be used temporarily because there was no target, Lin Su used all other skills once.

It has to be said that the bond synergy index in the tacit understanding zone is indeed a qualitative change compared with the conventional zone.

The gap between Qiuqiu and Guigui and his bond synergy index is only 7 points, and the normal energy value of the synergy is more than [-].

However, Lin Su's skill of using the ball is obviously more comfortable than the skill of using the ghost, and there is also an obvious gap in power.

This made Lin Su more determined, and he wanted to immediately increase the Guigui's bond synergy index to above 60.

After using all the skills several times, Lin Su also became familiar with Qiuqiu's skills.

Feeling that Qiuqiu still has plenty of physical strength, he intends to see what will happen when he uses Qiuqiu's strength to perform martial arts.

Picking up the Youyou Spear that had been put aside, Lin Su quickly pulled out the gun.

Countless times of practice, Lin Su has already become familiar with this spear.

The first form of "Unknown Spearmanship" - Guan Yun!
The majestic supernatural power of the ice system naturally merged into the spear with the cooperation of Lin Su and Qiuqiu, and finally converged at the tip of the spear, drawing an ice blue straight line in the void!
The spear was frozen, and the tip of the spear was nailed into the void, but the ice power gathered on the spear remained undiminished, blooming at the tip of the spear!


With a crisp sound, the gushing ice power quickly turned into ice crystals, spread in all directions, and condensed into spider web-like veins of ice threads in the void in front of Lin Su, finally turning into ice veins five feet in diameter. In the huge six-meter ice cocoon, countless ice threads are intertwined in layers.

Lin Su quietly looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but gasp.

From the perspective of the fighting style, this blow is not as good as the one with Guigui just now, and it may not even cause much damage to the distant enemies.

But this does not mean that the power of the ice system is weaker than that of the dark system.

At this moment, Lin Su is only superficially using weapons as a medium to penetrate the supernatural power, and the ice-type and dark-type power are essentially different. This essential difference has caused the difference in the attack form of the two. .

The essence of ice power is extreme cold.

The ice cocoon that condensed out of the void in front of me was actually the result of the explosion of extreme cold, which caused the thin water vapor around to condense.

This kind of icing in the void can only be achieved after the ice palm reaches the third level.

It is enough to explain the power of the blow just now.

If such a blow falls on a person...

It can freeze you hard in an instant.

Try the spiritual department again!

Lin Su became interested, and with the help of Qiuqiu, he quickly activated the supernatural power of the spiritual department. The spear quickly fell from top to bottom in the void, and a dark white arc was drawn in midair.

That blow was like an avalanche, causing bursts of sonic booms in the void. The terrifying sound seemed to be able to cut everything in the world, which made people feel horrified!

The third form of "Unknown Spearmanship" - Broken Mountain!
The power of the spiritual system was silent, but Lin Su clearly felt that the blow he used this time was different from the one he used before.

There seemed to be a strange power condensed on the tip of Lin Su's spear.

Such power will make the enemies facing Lin Su feel invincible.

This is…

Lin Su blinked.

The martial arts version of Regal?

The training of the Royal Beast Coordination lasted all morning.

During this process, Lin Su cooperated with the two pet beasts in sequence, and then trained various skills.

When the skills are used in the coordinated state of the beast master, the pet beast can also accumulate the proficiency of the skill, and by the way, the bond synergy index between the beast master and the pet beast can be increased.

Two-pronged approach, more efficient.

When the strength of a pet beast is almost exhausted, Lin Su will release the synergy state, let it replenish its physical strength by resting and taking energy liquid, and train with another pet beast in the process.

After there are more than one pet beast, the beast master can use this staggered training method to continuously maintain the state of the beast master to cooperate with each other for training.

However, the Beastmaster is not without consumption.

Although the coordinated battle of the beast master mainly consumes the supernatural power of the pet beast, it also consumes the physical strength of the beast master itself to a certain extent, which is equivalent to strenuous exercise. Therefore, after training for an hour or two, the beast master needs to rest for a while .

And this has become another advantage of the Body Refining Realm.

Stronger physical strength allows Lin Su to continue training for a longer period of time.

After a morning, he didn't feel too tired.

If he wasn't hungry, he could just train like this all day.

"Let's go, let's go have a meal." Lin Su and Guigui released the synergy state, looked at Qiuqiu who had recovered his strength, and gently rubbed the two little guys with a smile on his face.

Lin Su knows some simple cooking skills, but cooking at home will waste a lot of time, so unless he is really free, he usually goes to the cafeteria of Shancheng University, or orders takeaway nearby.

Today, he plans to go to the cafeteria to eat.

Because after eating, he planned to talk to Sister Nan.

After careful consideration, Lin Su decided to inform Qin Nan of the abnormality of his psionic coherence rate.

Unless he does not use Beast Coordination in public, this anomaly will definitely be discovered by others.

After all, with a scan of the energy detector and a simple calculation, the abnormality of his addition coefficient is clear.

That being the case, there is no need to deliberately conceal it.

Of course, this was not the main reason why he went to Qin Nan.

He mainly wanted to know if there is any way to improve the bond synergy index of Beast Synergy or if there are some points that need to be paid attention to.

Qin Nan was able to raise the bond synergy index of the two pet beasts to [-] in such a short period of time, achieving a three-dimensional royal beast synergy. Lin Su believed that she must have a lot of experience in this regard to share with herself.

It's time to show off your thigh-hugging skills!


"Sister Nan! I have mastered the Beast Coordination!"

After eating, Lin Su came to Qin Nan's laboratory and spoke with a smile.

"I guessed it." Qin Nan yawned and sat up from the chair, just about to get up and get himself a cup of coffee.

But Lin Su moved faster than her.

"Huh?" Taking a sip of the coffee that Lin Su handed over, Qin Nan tilted his head and looked at Lin Su with a half-smile.

"No, it should be." Lin Su coughed lightly, and quickly pulled away the chair opposite Qin Nan and sat down, "Sister Nan, I would like to ask you for advice on how to improve the bond synergy index or what needs to be paid attention to Is it?"

"Sure enough." Qin Nan's expression was not surprised, "I guessed that you wanted to ask this."

"Under normal circumstances, there are no more than three ways to increase the bond synergy index." Qin Nan glanced at Lin Su, "The first is to increase naturally through the passage of time. Naturally, they will understand each other better, and the bond synergy index will also increase, of course, this is the least efficient method."

"The second type is to have experienced various things together, whether it is the past of hardships or surprises. If these large emotional fluctuations can make the pet beast empathize with it, then it is possible to suddenly increase the fetter synergy index, and such an increase It is jumping, it may only be increased by 1 point, but it may also be increased by several points at once."

"But this method is too accidental." Qin Nan spread his hands, "You can't deliberately take the beast to experience all kinds of happy and sad things in order to improve the bond synergy index, this kind of deliberate behavior will have no effect. "

Lin Su pondered for a moment, then suddenly said, "Does watching a horror movie together count?"

Qin Nan: "???"

God damn watching horror movies!

"Not counting!" She rolled her eyes speechlessly, took a sip of coffee and continued, "As for the third method, it is various training methods. Through training, the pet beast and the beast master will become more tacit, This method is considered the most stable, as long as you follow the steps step by step, there is hope to reach the full bond synergy index after all."

Qin Nan glanced at Lin Su, and a smile flashed in his eyes, "Have you opened your contribution point exchange interface after contacting the Royal Beast Cooperative Operation?"

"No." Lin Su shook his head, realized something quickly, and quickly opened the contribution point exchange area in the backstage of the Beast Familiar Association.

In the background that could only be exchanged for various training resources, skill teaching methods, and pet evolution routes, there is now a brand new partition.

It is related to the collaboration of imperial beasts.

"This..." Lin Su looked at the various training methods of the Beast Familiar and suddenly felt like a fool.

"The training method to increase the bond synergy index here is even differentiated according to different attributes, and you can exchange it according to your own needs." Qin Nan smiled, "Besides, I recommend you to exchange "Space Yunfa" .”

""Space Yunfa"?" Lin Su repeated the strange name, and quickly typed it in the search bar, and soon his expression became a little weird.

"Space Yun Method", the exchange price of contribution points is [-]...

You know, he glanced at it just now, and many training methods can only be contributed by tens or hundreds of points, and thousands of points are rarely used.

The exchange price of the "Space Yun Law" is a bit out of line...

It doesn't seem so outrageous.

Lin Su quickly glanced at the line of small characters below.

Founder: Qin Yunzhang.

Seeing this name, he didn't even think about it, and directly chose to pay [-] contribution points to exchange.

This is a secret technique created by the founder of the Beast Familiar Collaborative Operation, and it must be worth the money if you don't look at it.

"Okay, Sister Nan, I've exchanged it." Lin Su said with a smile, "What is this "Space Yunfa" for?"

"You bought it without reading the detailed introduction?" Qin Nan's expression was slightly weird.

"The secret technique that the chief researcher came up with must be bought!" Lin Su's eyes were filled with admiration.

This is the founder of Royal Beast Collaborative Operations!
"Heh..." Qin Nan's expression was slightly weird for a moment, "Okay, then I'll tell you something."

What she said must be clearer than the introduction.

""Space Accumulation Method" is a very special secret method, it is not a conventional training method." Qin Nan's expression was slightly serious, "This secret method is so expensive because it is the only one at present. It can be used all the way to the Heyi area, even in the Heyi area, it is an effective way to increase the bond synergy index."

"Therefore, "Space Accumulation Method" is the only external force training method that can make the beast master and the beast reach the full bond synergy index, and it is also the fundamental basis for multi-dimensional beast master coordination."

"Hiss..." Hearing this, Lin Su couldn't help but gasped.

In the Heyi area, many training methods that could improve the bond synergy index before had little effect.

And this secret method can still improve the bond synergy index between the beast master and the beast through training in the combined area.

Just for this point, Lin Su felt that [-] contribution points were not a loss at all.

[-] contribution points can only be obtained by making a considerable contribution to the alliance. Only this kind of beast master can get the "Space Yunfa". There is hope for multi-dimensional beast master synergy, which is very reasonable.

"As for what this method looks like..." Qin Nan smiled.

"The so-called "Space Accumulation Method" actually partially activates the coherent jade, so that the pet beast and itself can not complete the coordination of the beast master, but can maintain a state of mind-to-heart connection at all times. Through this special state, the beast master and the beast master can be maintained. The relationship between pets."

"It is equivalent to the synthesis of the three methods I mentioned before."

Partial activation of synchronous jade...

Without beast-monitoring coordination, they can communicate with one another.

It sounds great.

There was a light of expectation in Lin Su's eyes.

"Don't be too happy." Seeing this, Qin Nan smiled, "There are restrictions."

"First, the synchronous jade in the partially activated state can only be associated with the pet beast located in the space of the beast, and can only be associated with one beast like the coordination of the beast, so you are connected with a certain beast through the space accumulation method. A pet beast can only stay in the beast-fearing space."

"Second, when using the "Space Accumulation Method", you can no longer carry out the coordination of the beast control. If you want to carry out the coordination with the beast control, you can only temporarily suspend the "Space Accumulation Method"."

"Sister Nan, can this "Space Accumulation Method" be opened and stopped at any time?" Lin Su blinked, "Otherwise, it will be over if it encounters danger."

"Of course, but this involves another special point of "Space Yunfa"." Qin Nan smiled, "The initial bond synergy index of "Space Yunfa" does not increase quickly, but the longer you continue to use it, the better it will be. The faster the bond synergy index can be increased, if it is interrupted, the usage time will have to be accumulated again."

"So users of "Space Accumulation Method" don't make shots unless necessary, and generally they don't use the pet beast that they are raising the bond synergy index."

"It's like Sister Nan's fire soul spirit is rarely used?" Lin Su suddenly thought of something.

"That's right." Qin Nan smiled, "Xiaotuan is my only beast of the emperor race, so it was my main force when I started the Beast Familiar Coordination, and Xiaoyu has been using the "Space Accumulation Method". "

"Because of this reason, Xiaoyu filled the bond synergy index faster than Xiaotuan, so I later took Xiaotuan back to the Beast Familiar Space and used the "Space Accumulation Method" for training."

"In fact, Xiaotuan's bond synergy index is full, which is what happened a while ago." Qin Nan spread his hands, "Didn't you notice that Xiaotuan has been summoned by me more often recently, while Little Mushroom rarely comes out? ?”

The little mushroom is Sister Nan's Guguli.

Lin Su understood in an instant.

It turned out to be the case.

This "Space Accumulation Method" is obviously more suitable for a beast master who owns many pet beasts, and each pet beast is not weak.

So it really fits me.

Plus other training methods in the exchange area.

You don't have to worry about the training method.

So soon, Lin Su remembered that he had another thing to do when he came here.

"Sister Nan, I found something." He coughed lightly.

"What's the matter?" Qin Nan took a sip of coffee.

"Isn't my psionic coherence rate 69%?"

"Hmm..." Qin Nan continued to drink coffee.

"I found that when I cast Beast Synergy, it will increase by 69% on top of the original bonus coefficient..."


A sip of coffee sprayed on Lin Su's face.

"What did you say?!!"

 Everyone seems to like the Qiuqiu version of the Beast Synergy yesterday, but there is bad news. I just started to ask for drafts for the Guigui version of the Beast Collaboration, and I may not be able to see it until next month.

(End of this chapter)

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