Beast Patrol.

Chapter 44 Arrogant Speech

Chapter 44 Arrogant speech (seeking investment for further reading)
Different from reviewing the evolution plan, the breeding results competition requires the physical display of the research results, and the theory alone cannot be recognized by the reviewers.

So after briefly introducing the general situation, Shi Yuhua gestured towards Jinghua University, and soon one person stood up.

Looking at the young man who walked slowly onto the stage with nervousness on his face, Lin Su's face was a little more surprised.

It turned out to be Zhang Xuyang?

As Zhang Xuyang came to the stage, Shi Yuhua picked up the microphone and spoke again, "This is a student of Jinghua University and a volunteer for this achievement display. His second pet animal is Baby Gu. Now I will use his The pet beast is used as an example to show the new evolution of Baby Mushroom."

As Shi Yuhua's voice fell, light yellow light streaks appeared on the soles of Zhang Xuyang's feet, and soon Baby Gu was summoned.

Under Shi Yuhua's signal, the baby mushroom was picked up for everyone in the venue to conduct an energy test to confirm its condition was correct. Immediately afterwards, the evolution of the baby mushroom began in full view.

Under everyone's curious and anticipating eyes, the baby mushroom ate all the evolutionary resources that had been prepared, and then stepped on the flowerpot filled with soil that had been prepared.

This is... wood evolution technology rooting?
Seeing this scene, everyone in the field couldn't help but began to whisper.

"Wood evolution technique? Single-attribute evolution?"

"Single-attribute evolutionary strength should be weaker?"

"It's hard to say. Some single-attribute evolutionary types are still very strong. Let's see if they can evolve in the future."

"Yes, the research results of Jinghua University are still trustworthy."

"... "

In the seats of Shancheng University, Lin Su's expression became more and more strange.

Mushroom baby, the evolution technology takes root, plus the several evolutionary resources that the mushroom baby ate just now...

Lin Su already knew what would happen next.

Originally, he planned to wait for the research of the unstoppable duck to be completely over, and look for an opportunity to study this evolutionary type after a while. After all, Qin Nan has taken good care of him, and it is reciprocal for him to help Qin Nan with the evolutionary type of Baby Mushroom.

Unexpectedly, without his help, someone would have discovered it in advance.

He also heard the comments of other audience members around.


Who said that if a wood-type pet uses a wood-type evolution technique, it will definitely get a single-attribute pet?

In the eyes of countless people, the baby mushroom closed its eyes tightly, and energy storms gathered and rotated around it, and soon a strong and dazzling light of evolution emerged!

The white light of evolution was particularly dazzling. In the light, Baby Gu's figure began to change quietly. Finally, as the light of evolution dissipated, a brand new beast appeared in front of everyone.

Baby Mushroom's soft and huge canopy has shrunk by half, and the body under the canopy has grown several times compared to before. With two fists the size of sandbags, it looks extraordinarily fierce.

It no longer looks like a mushroom, but a strong man with a mushroom head.

At the same time, the information of this beast appeared on the holographic light curtain.

[Racial name: Guguli

Racial Rank: Lesser Monarch Race

Attributes: Wood, Fighting
Innate skills: life spore (core), spore parasite, invigorating breath, super-speed regeneration, fast fist, regal]
Seeing the words appearing on the holographic light curtain, all the audience were stunned for a moment, and then they couldn't help but widen their eyes, showing a surprised expression.

In the live broadcast room where the screen is displayed simultaneously, the barrage has already gone crazy. If you don't choose to block the barrage, you can't even see the live broadcast clearly.

Fighting department!
This is a very special attribute. It does not have a corresponding attribute evolution skill, but it can appear during evolution. No one has discovered the specific law of its appearance until now, but every pet beast with the fighting attribute has the same The strongest melee attack power.

"Baby Mushroom evolved into Mushroom Power, awakening the regal skills that all monarch races have. The original core skill, healing spores, transformed into life spores, and the healing ability was further improved. In addition, the two skills of super speed regeneration and fast fist were awakened .”

"There is no need to repeat the practicability of the skill of super-speed regeneration. This rare skill can only be awakened when the beast has both wood and fighting attributes. Combined with the fighting skill Quick Fist, these two skills alone are enough Let Guguli have a fighting power no lower than other low-level monarch race beasts!"

When everyone was still surprised by Guguli's fighting attribute, Shi Yuhua's voice echoed in their ears.


Everyone woke up like a dream.

Super speed regeneration!
This skill can allow injured pets to regenerate damaged limbs at an extremely fast speed. Even the regeneration of broken limbs can be easily done, but the probability of self-awakening is very low, and there is no teaching method for the time being.

This kind of skill, plus the attributes of the fighting system.

Undoubtedly, after this breeding achievement competition is over, the new evolutionary type of Guguli will become the new choice of countless beast masters!

Even Baby Mushroom, an unpopular pet beast race, will be worth a lot because of this!
In fact, there is no need to wait until the end of the breeding achievement competition, the situation of Baby Mushroom has changed.

Almost at the same time as Shi Yuhua opened his mouth to introduce, among the 72 safety zones of the Yanhuang Alliance, the telephones of countless breeding parks that raise baby mushrooms were rang, and a large number of beast masters wanted to snap up or reserve baby mushrooms.

Even on the barrage in the live broadcast room, there are all kinds of barrage content asking for a lot of money to buy baby mushrooms!

This is the influence of the breeding achievement competition. Announcing an evolutionary route with extremely high potential may instantly increase the value of a pet beast of a race and become very popular!
"I think Jinghua University is going to win the championship again this time."

"Yeah, even the research project that ranked first in the breeding achievement competition a few years ago can't compare with this research achievement. This is simply a blow to dimensionality reduction. I think other universities have a hard time this time!"

"I don't even want to look at the results of other universities, I just want to get a few baby mushrooms quickly."

"Hahaha who isn't?"

"... "

There was a burst of uproar and discussion in the field, and the jury in the rear, who was responsible for scoring the evolutionary results, whispered to each other, and quickly gave the score of Jinghua University's breeding results.

98.2 points.

Lin Su couldn't help frowning.

this score...

There are a total of ten judges in the Breeding Achievement Competition, each of whom is a highly respected researcher.

They will score each research result according to the full score of [-], and take the average after removing the highest and lowest scores. Under normal circumstances, the first research project to appear will have a lower score on purpose, otherwise better research will appear later There is no way to rate the project at all.

Even if the score is deliberately lowered, can you still get a score of 98.2?
It's outrageous. If I remember correctly, the No.1 score in the previous breeding competitions was only around 95, right?

"It's okay." Seeing Lin Su's nervousness, Qin Nan patted him on the shoulder with a very calm expression, "Smelly lady's research results are indeed amazing, and it's normal to get this score, but your research project must be If you have a higher score than her, as long as she doesn't get a hundred, you can pass."

"En!" Lin Su nodded heavily.

As the scoring results appeared, Shi Yuhua didn't stay long, took Zhang Xuyang to pack up the display materials, and walked towards the seats.

Zhang Xuyang had a bright smile on his face, it was really the right time to participate in the research project this time.

Not only did he show his face in front of the entire alliance, he also got a pet beast of the lower monarch race!

You must know that among the first-year students of Jinghua University, except for those monsters, almost no one can have a monarch race pet beast at this time!
Presumably, in the future, my ranking in the grade will also increase rapidly!
After Jinghua University played, Zhongtian University played next.

What Zhongtian University brought was a brand-new evolutionary type of Fire Cloud Dog. This brand-new evolutionary type called Ash Wolf spanned three sub-levels, making Fire Cloud Dog leap from a high-level elite race to a high-level commanding race.

It also spans three small classes, but the final score of this research project is only 92.8.

This is something that can’t be helped, even if Zhongtian University’s research project is displayed later, it won’t be the case, but it happens to be displayed after Jinghua University’s display, people will die when comparing goods, and the scores will naturally be thrown away. On the lower side.

After learning the score, the breeder of Zhongtian University's breeding results forced a smile on his face, and hurriedly stepped off the stage after saying a few words.

After the display of Zhongtian University, the display of Shancheng University will begin soon.


"Hey, why isn't there an evolutionary version of Xuehenqing?" A black-haired girl with a streak of white hair on the side of her face nestled on the sofa, glanced at Xuehenqing lying lazily next to her, and sighed softly .

The first and second ranked universities have already demonstrated their results, but their achievements are no match for the evolutionary type with light snow marks.

This instantly lowered the girl's expectations.

But... the research results of Jinghua University moved her a little bit.

Her beast-monitoring space is almost at the fourth level, but the second pet beast has not been contracted for a long time. It is precisely because she has high vision and wants to contract a unique pet beast.

Rare fighting type, plus the rare skill of super speed regeneration...

"Hey, Xuetuanzi, why don't I contract a baby mushroom for my second beast?"

"Mi! (ω)" (Guguli is so ugly!)
"That's true." The girl nodded approvingly, "Baby Mushroom is quite cute, but this evolutionary type is so ugly, in the future it will be a synergy with the new pet beast..."

Thinking of the appearance of a muscular girl with a mushroom head on her head, the girl shook her head violently, "Forget it, let's look at other things."

Although strength is very important, appearance is even more important!

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to contract Xuehenqing as her first beast.

"After Zhongtian University, it should be our Shancheng University." The girl opened a bag of potato chips and stuffed it into her mouth. "Let's see which big boss from the school will come on stage this time..."

"Eh? So young? Why do you feel younger than me?" Looking at the figure that appeared on the holographic projection live broadcast, the girl blinked and couldn't help muttering, "But he's so handsome."


"Tianchen, this Ash Wolf is pretty good." Just after watching his old friend's show in the live broadcast room, Zhong Tianzhan turned his head to look at Zhao Tianchen, "According to what Lao Zhao said, this evolutionary type can even evolve twice. The type is already in shape, and it will be able to reach the monarch race directly by then."

"Yes." Zhao Tianchen nodded, but there was not much joy on his face.

On the one hand, he has known this research result for a long time, and the sense of surprise is gone.

On the other hand, it is because of the research results just presented by Jinghua University.

Baby Mushroom evolves into Mushroom Power...

A strong struggle appeared on Zhao Tianchen's face.

He originally wanted to use the phantom butterfly as his second beast, and cultivate it in the direction of the phoenix-patterned butterfly, so as to create his own team of fire-attributed beasts.

But Baby Mushroom's new evolution also made him very jealous.

This also made Zhao Tianchen, who originally decided to apply for Shancheng University, began to hesitate whether to choose Jinghua University.

Forget it, don't worry about it.

Zhao Tianchen shook his head.

After Zhongtian University, there will be Shancheng University. If there is no accident, what the other party wants to show is the Phoenix-patterned Butterfly. I can also use this to learn more about the situation of the Phoenix-patterned Saint Butterfly. It will not be too late to make a choice at that time.

and many more!

Zhao Tianchen's eyes widened suddenly.

The guy who walked up to the stage representing Yamashiro University...

"Huh?" Zhong Hao, who was on the side, exclaimed when he saw the figure appearing in the live broadcast, and couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

Am I dazzled?

Zhong Tianzhan, who was originally smiling, suddenly gasped.

He accidentally pulled out his beard again.

But this is not important.

Who can tell him why Lin Su appeared in the breeding competition? !

Among the seats of Jinghua University.

As the host announced that Shancheng University would present the breeding results next, Shi Yuhua, who had been meditating with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes.

Beside her, Zhang Xuyang looked curiously at the seat of Shancheng University.

Although he had already given up letting Lin Su choose Jinghua University, because of him, Zhang Xuyang unconsciously paid more attention to Shancheng University.

I don't know what the exhibition project of Shancheng University will be this time?

He thought silently, then his eyes suddenly widened.


He couldn't help but let out a low cry, and looked at Lin Su who came up to the stage with strong astonishment and disbelief on his face.

What are you doing?

Shi Yuhua's eyes were a little more suspicious. Looking at the strange boy on the stage, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Qin Nan.

Qin Nan was looking this way, and when he met Shi Yuhua's eyes, he grinned and made a face at her.


Shi Yuhua withdrew his gaze and looked at Zhang Xuyang beside him.

The strangeness of Zhang Xuyang just now did not escape her eyes.

"Do you know the guy shown at Yamashiro University?"

Zhang Xuyang nodded, "Mr. Shi, it's like this..."

He briefly explained the process of getting acquainted with Lin Su.

Following Zhang Xuyang's narration, Shi Yuhua's brows slowly wrinkled.

A student who just graduated from high school?
Not even a student at Shancheng University?
What the hell is Qin Nan doing?
She couldn't understand.


Walking up to the podium, Lin Su glanced at the gazes of countless people in the audience, and couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle.

There are a lot of bigwigs in the audience...

He looked at Qin Nan subconsciously, and suddenly the words Qin Nan said to him before he took the stage sounded in his mind.

"Xiao Linzi, sister, I just have one request. After you go up, be a little more arrogant to me, and give everyone a big surprise!"



Lin Su was sure, and after clearing his throat, he spoke loudly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Yamashiro University, I will present a cross-age breeding research result that can create at least dozens of new evolutionary routes in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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