Beast Patrol.

Chapter 57 The Trick Clown

Chapter 57 The Trick Clown (seeking investment for further reading)
Other beasts in the Nirvana Secret Realm cannot enter the Nirvana Pool.

If the beasts in the secret realm consume the energy in the Nirvana pool to evolve themselves when no one enters the secret realm, then the Nirvana secret realm cannot be maintained.

In order to avoid such a situation, the senior masters who mastered the Nirvana Secret Realm once set up some restrictions around the Nirvana Pool. Only the Beastmaster who enters the Nirvana Pool with a teleportation card can ignore this layer of restrictions and enter the Nirvana Pool. The pet beast absorbs the power of Nirvana Pool to evolve.

Therefore, besides Lin Su, there should not be any living things near the Nirvana Pool at this moment.

Facing Qiu Qiu angrily rushing towards him, a strange word appeared in Lin Su's mind for a moment.

Contract backlash.

Feeling the still strong contract of beast control, he quickly denied this absurd idea.

In the blink of an eye, Qiuqiu had already arrived in front of Lin Shu, but its eyes did not look at Lin Shu, but fixedly stared at the shadow behind Lin Su.

The invisible fluctuations came at this moment, and the terrifying spiritual will made the beasts below the monarch race unconsciously fear.

Junwei, the skills that only the monarch race can have, and must have, erupted from Qiuqiu's body. Because he just awakened and was not proficient enough, Lin Su, who was nearby, was affected a little bit, and felt slightly palpitated.

But now is not the time for heart palpitations.

Through the telepathy transmitted by the ball, Lin Su finally understood the reason for its abnormality. His expression was a little more weird and vigilant, and he also looked at his own shadow.

Under the gaze of one person and one pet, waves like ripples quietly appeared in Lin Su's shadow, a pair of eyes with big whites and small black pupils emerged, and there was a bit of fear and tension in those eyes Looking at Qiuqiu, he refused to poke his head out of the shadow for a long time.

"Qiaoqiu, take Junwei away." With a heartbeat, Lin Su said softly.

It seems that this guy hiding in his shadow doesn't seem to be malicious?

Although it is not possible to completely let go of vigilance, but for the time being, it should be possible to communicate with the other party.

So Lin Su planned to see what this guy was and why he hid in his shadow first.

"Mi..." (Okay...)
Qiuqiu glared at those big eyes hidden in the shadows, and then dissipated Junwei.

It wasn't until Junwei completely dissipated that the owner of those eyes emerged from the shadows completely.

It was a strange beast with a head shaped like a doll but with hedgehog hair. Both the hair and its skin color were dark purple. As it popped out, its clear facial features were revealed in Lin Su's eyes. .

In addition to those special eyes, this strange beast also has a mouth with a bright smile, but the faintly protruding shark teeth make this smile not a beautiful one.

Besides the eyes and mouth, the most eye-catching thing is the spherical red nose dotted like a cherry on the dark purple skin.

It was also this spherical red nose that resembled a clown's nose that made Lin Su instantly recognize the humanoid creature in front of him who was struggling to crawl out of the shadow, exposing the same deep purple hands and feet, and burning black smoke all over his body. The race of pet animals.

The middle-ranking race of the dark system, trick clowns!
Facing this strange beast that also exuded the aura of an elite class, Lin Su's face was somewhat vigilant, but he was not too nervous.

Qiuqiu has also broken through to the elite level. As a beast of the elite-level monarch race, even if it has just broken through, it will have no problem suppressing the trick clown in front of it.

"Mi, mi! (ω)" (Be honest, or I will beat you!)
Staring at the trick clown who was completely out of shape, Qiuqiu hummed twice, with strong confidence in his eyes.

I, Qiuqiu, have reached the elite level!Monarch Race!
What kind of elite class and ruling race, watch me smash it with the ball!
Seeing Qiuqiu's lunatic appearance that has just completed evolution, even in the current atmosphere, Lin Su couldn't help but smile dumbly.

But soon, his expression restrained, and he looked seriously at the trick clown in front of him.

The trick clown race has three innate skills, which are the core skill shadow hiding, throwing knife technique, and stand-in.

The skill that the trick clown used to hide in Lin Su's shadow before is Shadow Concealment. This skill allows the trick clown to hide in the shadow and cover up his own aura to a great extent, and it allows Lin Su and Qiuqiu to completely I didn't realize it, but the hiding skill of the trick clown in front of me was obviously at the second level.

As for why he was discovered by Qiuqiu now, it probably has something to do with the strengthening of Qiuqiu's strength.

Throwing knife technique is the only output skill among the three talent skills of the trick clown. This skill is very simple, it is throwing a throwing knife, but the throwing knife thrown by the trick clown is extremely sharp, and it is a very good long-range attack skill.

As for the final substitute, it is the most famous skill of the trick clown race.

This skill is rare, but it is extremely practical. Using the stand-in skill, the trick clown can instantly replace himself with an inanimate object within a certain range around him. The size of the range and the frequency of using the skill will increase accordingly according to the level of skill proficiency. .

In a critical moment, a substitute is a life-saving skill.

Previously, when Lin Su was looking at the various races of alien beasts in the Shenwu world, the trick clown left a deep impression on him. Because he was very interested, he also learned about the details of this race.

The reason why I am interested in the trick clown is not only because of the innate skills it masters, but also because of the evolution form of the trick clown.

The trick clown has an evolutionary type of the middle monarch race called the master of tricks, and the master of tricks has a new talent skill called trick pocket, and the trick pocket is one of the few non-space systems that can carry items with him or even be stored into the beast master space by the beast master one of the skills.

To round up, trick clown = carry item.

So when Lin Su considered a pet beast that could carry items, the trick clown was also one of his options.

Of course, the priority is not high.

On the one hand the trick clown needs to evolve to be able to carry items, on the other hand...

This guy is really ugly.

Holding his chin, Lin Su met the big innocent eyes of the trick clown.

"Jie~(⊙⊙)" (Hello~)

Emmm ...

Don't say it, it looks a bit ugly and cute when you look at it this way.

With a heartbeat, Lin Su slowly squatted down, looked at the trick clown who was less than one meter tall in front of him, and asked softly, "Why are you following me?"


The trick clown opened his mouth and spat out a syllable, but Lin Su shook his head in distress.

The trick clown in front of him didn't have a contract with him, and he was not familiar with him just now. A simple expression of meaning might be okay, but it is obviously unrealistic to ask the other party to answer his question.

Also aware of this, the trick clown stretched out a paw and scratched his hedgehog head, and soon had an idea.

I saw it grab lightly from the black smoke burning on the surface of his body, and suddenly a small cloud of smoke appeared on his paw like cotton candy.

The layer of black smoke of the trick clown looks ordinary, but it is also a part of its body, so it can be flexibly controlled.

Soon, under its hard control, a trace of black smoke spread out, gathering in mid-air to form a small black strange beast.

Because the whole body is black, Lin Su can only simply judge that it seems to be a kind of bear-like beast.

Immediately afterwards, another trace of the smoke separated and turned into another strange beast. This time, the characteristics were much clearer, and it could be distinguished at a glance. It was the trick clown himself.

Is it showing the picture with smoke, explaining to itself?

Lin Su understood a little bit, and looked carefully at the smoke controlled by the trick clown. Even the ball beside him became quiet at the moment, and the three eyes curiously looked at the picture shown by the trick clown, as if watching a mime.

The trick clown formed by the smoke sneaked into the shadow of the bear-like beast, but at the next moment a huge hand descended from the sky and grabbed the bear-like beast directly, before the trick clown could transfer it was trapped In the shadow of bears and beasts, they were captured together into the secret realm of Nirvana.

Seeing this, Lin Su and Qiuqiu looked at the trick clown with more sympathy.

It turned out that the trick clown in front of him was mistakenly captured into the secret realm of Nirvana.

Although the skill of hiding is amazing, it also has flaws. When hiding in the shadow, the trick clown's stand-in skill cannot be activated, and before the skill of hiding reaches level III, if you want to transfer from one shadow to another, The two shadows must meet.

In the case of the picture, if the trick clown does not have time to escape from the shadow, he will be trapped forever.

The picture continued. After entering the Nirvana Secret Realm, the trick clown quickly escaped from the shadow of the bear-like beast. However, it could no longer leave the Nirvana Secret Realm, and began its wandering life in the secret realm.

After briefly showing it here, and explaining the reason why I entered the Nirvana Secret Realm, the picture formed by the black smoke changed, and a cave appeared in the picture.

Seeing the somewhat familiar cave entrance, Lin Su couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Is it the cave where I hid from Fei Yemiao?
In the picture, a wisp of smoke soon condenses into a human being, who lifts a rock to block the entrance of the cave, sits on another rock to rest, and after a while, removes the rock and prepares to leave.

Isn't this just me?
Looking at the familiar scenes in the picture, Lin Su seemed to understand something, with a dumbfounding expression on his face.

Sure enough, just as he was about to leave the cave, the trick clown sneaked into his shadow.

There is no need to say more about the latter.

Lin Su now understood the ins and outs of everything.

Thinking about it carefully, he couldn't help but sweat from the back.

Whether it was separate from Qiuqiu and waiting for Qiuqiu to defeat the ice armored scorpion, or standing outside the Nirvana Pool and waiting for Qiuqiu to complete its evolution.

If the trick clown in front of him is malicious to him, just the time of these two orders is enough for him to attack him hundreds of times...

So it seems that the trick clown in front of him really has no malice towards him?
Thinking of this, Lin Su looked at the trick clown with kind eyes, and he asked curiously, "Then you follow me, do you want me to take you out of the secret realm?"

Judging from the situation shown by the trick clown, it strayed into the secret realm of Nirvana. Although the secret realm is more suitable for the growth of alien beasts, it does not belong here, so it seems understandable to want to leave.

"Jie!" (No!)
The trick clown waved his hand, denying Lin Su's words.

"Then you are here to enter the Nirvana Pool?" Lin Su looked at the Nirvana Pool beside him that was glowing with colorful light, his eyes thoughtful.

Under normal circumstances, the strange beasts in the secret realm cannot enter the range of the Nirvana Pool. The trick clown is a bug, and it hides in its own shadow and follows him in secretly.

As a treasure land, Nirvana Pool is also good for trick clowns.

"Jie!" (No!)
But this time, the trick clown still shook his head.

"Then why are you following me?" Lin Su asked curiously.

"Jie! (⊙⊙)" (Look!)
With a move of the trick clown's hand, the smoke changed again.

This time, it was Lin Su who was sitting on the stone in the cave, and Qiuqiu in his arms emerged.

In the picture, Lin Su is stroking Qiuqiu's head.

Soon, the picture gradually enlarged, from the whole to the part, and finally only the ball and the hand on its head remained.

Is it for the ball?
Lin Su blinked, and felt something was wrong again.

His gaze suddenly fell on his hand in the picture, and a strange idea appeared in his mind.

No way…

With a light cough, Lin Su said uncertainly, "Do you want me to touch your head too?"

"Jie!" (That's it!)
"Mi! (◣_◢)" (No!)

Almost at the same time as the trick clown raised his hands and cheered, Qiuqiu on the side opened his mouth vigilantly.

Staring at the trick clown in front of him, its eyes became unfriendly again.

Damn, is this guy trying to murder Lin Su?

Lin Su must have been fooled!

Sensing Qiuqiu's thoughts, Lin Su smiled and explained, "Don't worry, Qiuqiu, if the trick clown really wants to hurt me, the best time was when I was alone, so it won't be malicious. "

"Mi..." (Okay then...)
After thinking about what Lin Su said, Qiuqiu seemed to feel that there was some truth in it. After a moment of tangled expression, he still nodded, but he still couldn't help but remind him.

"Mi!" (Then you have to be careful!)

Faced with Qiuqiu's concern, Lin Su nodded with a smile, expressing acceptance.

After communicating with Qiuqiu, he turned to look at the trick clown.

In the time it takes for one person and one pet to communicate, the trick clown has already taken a few steps forward silently, with his head slightly lowered.

Those eyes with big whites were full of nervousness, the trick clown clenched his teeth, and each claw stretched out a finger against each other in front of his chest.

Seeing the nervous and apprehensive look of the trick clown, Lin Su couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hand through the black smoke, and gently rubbed the trick clown's hedgehog head.

The feeling of touch was completely different from what Lin Su had imagined. The black smoke looked like poisonous smoke, but it did not cause any discomfort when it touched the skin. The raised hedgehog hair is also soft and not sticky to the touch.

Coupled with the blissful expression of the trick clown who was cured just by touching his head at the moment, Lin Su felt that the little guy in front of him was pleasing to the eye.

"Jie! (⊙⊙)" (Happy!)

(End of this chapter)

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