Beast Patrol.

Chapter 63 The Essential Qualities of the Beast Envoy

Chapter 63 The Essential Qualities of a Beastmaster (seeking investment and further reading)
Although he felt a little strange in his heart, Lin Su couldn't help but smile when he saw that Qiuqiu was aroused by Guigui's words and Guigui wanted to surpass Qiuqiu.

Being motivated is a good thing.

"Then let me arrange the training plan for the two of you." With a light cough, Lin Su looked at Qiuqiu, "Let's start with Qiuqiu first."

"Mi!" (I'm ready!)

"Let's take a look at what skills you have now..." Lin Su took out a pen and paper as he spoke, and began to write.

This is the inconvenient aspect of Shenwu World. If you are in Blue Star, you only need to input it into the function module of the communication device, and call it out to check it at a glance when needed.

"Now you have five innate skills, Frost Dreamland, Frost Silence Storm, Snowburst, Snow Trace, and Regal." After Lin Su listed the five skills, he turned to look at Qiuqiu, "Except for Snow Trace Apart from the skills that have already reached level III, your other four skills are all level I now."

"Mi! (ω)" (Damn it!)
Qiuqiu, who had trained all his skills to level II and above, lost his expression when Lin Su said this.

You must know that when all the skills were above the second level, its growth level was the infant level whose skill proficiency was generally at the first level, but now with the evolution, the growth level of the ball has been promoted to the elite level, and the skill proficiency The degree level did not increase but decreased...

"In the Nirvana Secret Realm, the reason why you can easily win against those elite beasts is related to the suppression of the king's prestige, the existence of other teaching skills, and the special nature of the spiritual system itself, but this does not mean that your strength can be compared with the elites. Invincible, if you face the elite monarch race, your advantage will be gone." Lin Su's expression was slightly serious.

"So you know what to do now?"

"Mi!" (Increase talent skill proficiency!)
"That's right." Lin Su smiled slightly, "But you don't have to worry too much. It is the easiest way to upgrade from Tier I to Tier II. With the help of the Beast Fencing Tower, this process is not difficult."

"The most important thing now is to improve the proficiency of Frost Silence Storm." Lin Su pondered for a moment, and quickly made arrangements.

"The first reason is that the Frost Silence Storm is a transformation of the core skill, and the proficiency improvement is much faster than other skills. If there is no accident, you can reach the second level after training dozens of times, and you should be able to complete it today. after all…"

Guigui has not yet made a contract with Lin Su, so in front of it, Lin Su didn't finish his sentence, but Qiuqiu understood it in seconds.

After training here for an afternoon, you can still train for a day when you return to Blue Star, which is more than enough to train dozens of frost storms.

"Mi!" (Break through the frost storm to the second level in one day!)
Seeing that Qiuqiu understood what he meant, Lin Su nodded, "As for the second reason... When you enter the Beast Fencing Tower, the enemies you will face on the first floor will be the elite and monarch races who have mastered the second-level skills." Strange beasts, if the Frost Silence Storm is still at the first level, it may be very difficult to pass the first floor, so our efficiency in breaking into the beast tower will be too low."

"Mi...(ω)" (Yeah...)
Clearing the Beast Tower was too smooth before, and the first five floors were overwhelming. Qiuqiu only remembered at this moment when Lin Su reminded him that as he evolved, the opponents in the Beast Tower would also be replaced by more powerful beings.

Damn it, I can't beat Huoyun Dog anymore!
"After the Frost Silence Storm breaks through, we should be able to go to the Beast Guarding Tower tomorrow, and take a look at the new opponent in the Beast Guarding Tower." Lin Su's eyes were a little more curious.

According to the normal situation, after Qiuqiu enters the beast tower, the first three opponents that appear should be Frostflower Dream Shadow, but the evolution of the ball is different from the normal Frostflower Dreamshadow, so what kind of opponent will appear, It's really hard to say.

"Among your four skills, Frost Silence Storm, Frost Dream Realm, and Snow Burst can all be trained through the Beast Fending Tower." Lin Su continued, "But the skill Junwei may be a little different."

"Mi?" (Then how does Junwei train?)

"This skill does not belong to the skill of training according to the number of times, but it is somewhat similar to skills like Frost Eyes. It is a continuous skill, so the effect of training in the beast tower is not good." Lin Su smiled, " Under normal circumstances, if you want to train continuous skills, you need to maintain them for as long as possible."

"But the regal skill is a bit special. If you maintain the regal status, you will scare away all the little friends in the garden." Imagine Qiuqiu maintaining the regal power in the garden, scaring the other beasts to flee in a hurry Lin Su's expression suddenly became strange.

"Mi?" (Then how should I train?)

Seeing Qiuqiu's frustrated look, Lin Su couldn't help rubbing its little head, "I have two good news about Junwei's training."

"Mi!" (Good news!)

"Although the skill Junwei is a skill that must be awakened as long as the monarch race is regardless of the attribute, but from the analysis of supernatural power, this skill is a skill that is biased towards the spiritual system, so as a spiritual system, if you train this skill, the training speed can be doubled. Lin Su smiled, "Is this good news?"

This research result was already discovered by Blue Star, and Shenwu World had a similar conclusion a long time ago.

Seeing the excited look on Qiuqiu's face, Lin Su smiled mysteriously, "As for the second good news, there is another way to improve the skill of Junwei by using external force. Compared with improving by yourself, this way will be faster. Quite a few."

"Mi?" (What is what?)

"That's using your own majesty to resist the majesty released by a beast with a higher mastery than yourself." Lin Su's expression became a little weird, "Anyway, Sister Nan is also idle when she is idle, let her Xiaoyu Please help me."

Qiuqiu: (⊙ω⊙)?

Xiaoyu is Qin Nan's gray-feathered lion eagle.

It's very Lin Su for a monarch-level and monarch-race alien beast to use regal power to suppress the pitiful, weak and helpless Qiuqiu.

Seeing Qiuqiu's bewildered expression, Lin Su stroked its head lightly, "Don't worry, the strength of Regalia can be controlled, when the time comes, just let Xiaoyu control the strength of Regalia, and there will be no problems , with this method, your Regal Prestige can be raised to the second level in about ten days."

Qiuqiu turned his head and glanced at Guigui who was standing quietly beside him.

Except for Pocket Trick, all of Guigui's innate skills are Tier II, but he has a lot of Tier I skills.

The dish is dead!
He had to improve his skill proficiency as soon as possible to keep his big brother status.

Can't let the younger brother underestimate it!

Thinking of this, Qiuqiu's eyes hardened.

"Mi! (ω)" (Come on!)
Seeing that Qiuqiu regained his momentum, Lin Su nodded secretly, and then said, "Next, let's plan your teaching skills."

Soon, he wrote down on paper all the teaching skills that Qiuqiu now possesses.

Blowing Snow, Frost Eyes, Refusing Frost Wishes, Ice Palms.

"The proficiency of Fuxue skill is enough now, you just need to let it increase the proficiency level by itself with the improvement of Frost Silence Storm, and you don't need to train specially." Lin Su said, "Chuuxue "Crossed out, and then tapped on "Shuang Tong" with a pen.

"Shuang Tong's skill is still very useful. In several battles, this skill has come in handy, so the priority of training is very high."

"Mi!" (Yes!)
On this point, Qiuqiu couldn't agree more.

"What's even more commendable is that the training of this skill does not conflict with other training, you just need to maintain it all the way." Lin Su smiled, "So the next training is the same as before, and see if you can break through within a month Tier III."

"As for Resisting Frost Wishes..." Lin Su squeezed his chin, "Let's put it aside for now, wait until all your other skills have reached level II, and then consider the follow-up training of this skill."

"Ice Palm is currently your only teaching skill that is still at level I, so the next thing is the same as those natural skills, you need to train to level II as soon as possible."

"Mi!" (I see!)
Reasonably allocating the amount of skill training for pets is one of the essential qualities of a Beastmaster.

Listening to Lin Su's analysis, Qiuqiu immediately had a full understanding of his current situation and the direction of his next training.

"Well, besides that, let's learn another teaching skill." Lin Su suddenly smiled.

"Me, me?" (There are so many skills to train, do you want to learn new skills?)
"This skill doesn't need to be highly proficient, it's fine if you can use it for the time being." Lin Su explained, and then his face grew a little more expectant, "Don't forget, you are now a spiritual beast, and you can learn hypnosis .”


Qiuqiu, who got stuck through a bug with Lin Su, understood instantly.

"Mi!" (Learn!)

"Hypnosis only needs to be learned, so it's not a training goal." Lin Su nodded, "Okay, that's all you have for your training plan, go to the garden to train Frost Silence Storm first."

"Mi!" (I want to hear my brother's training plan!)

Inquire about the enemy.jpg
"Alright." Lin Su was speechless, and turned his head to look at Guigui, who had been silent just now, "Next, I'm going to arrange a training plan for you. Are you willing to train according to my plan?"

Guigui nodded without hesitation.

"Jie! (⊙⊙)" (willing to!)
It just stood aside and didn't speak. On the one hand, it didn't disturb Lin Shu's communication with Qiuqiu. On the other hand, it was shocked by the training plan given by Lin Su.

As a wild beast, where has Guigui seen such a battle?

Its previous skills were used casually, and the more skills it used, the more it was practiced. No beast master had ever planned a training plan for it.

There are also teaching skills. As a wild beast, it has no one to teach it at all. Only now does it know that its eldest brother has already mastered four teaching skills and needs to learn the fifth.

How does this make it not envious.

So when it heard Lin Shu's question, it agreed without hesitation.

Follow the Beastmaster to have some meat to eat!

"Let me think about it." Lin Su nodded with satisfaction after the training was full of enthusiasm, "You have four skills now, stealth, throwing knife, pocket trick and stand-in."

"Concealment is also a continuous skill. Next, I will ask people to build some shading objects such as rockery in the garden, so that you can transfer between the shadows of different objects in the hidden state." Lin Su pondered for a moment, "As for the training of flying knife technique, it shouldn't be difficult to make some targets."

"As for the Trick Pocket, this is the easiest." Lin Su smiled slightly, "Your Trick Pocket is only at level I now, and it is not difficult to quickly raise it to level II. After all, there is a shortcut to the training of Trick Pocket of."

"Jie?" (What's the shortcut?)

"You only need to put dark resources in the trick pocket and carry it for a long time, the trick pocket can naturally absorb the dark energy emitted by the dark resources and improve your proficiency." Looking at Guigui's big eyes that are getting brighter and brighter , Lin Su smiled, "So after exchanging wood-type resources for dark-type resources, put them all in your trick pocket."

"I believe that under the influence of seven level [-] resources and two level [-] resources, the Trick Pocket will be able to reach level II in a few days." Lin Su touched Guigui's head, "As for the stand-in this stage, let it go On the one hand, this skill has a certain interval of use, and the best effect is to train it in the Beast Familiar Tower."

"Jie?" (What is the Tower of Beasts?)

When Lin Su talked to Qiuqiu just now, Guigui already had doubts in his heart, and now he heard that his training plan was also related to the Tower of the Beast, and he couldn't help being curious.

"Oh, this, simply speaking, the Beast Tower is..." Lin Su briefly introduced the situation of the Beast Tower, looked at Guigui's brighter and brighter eyes, and smiled slightly, "But don't worry, the Beast Tower is only Pet beasts that have been contracted can enter, so you need to wait until you contract with me before entering."

"Jie!" (Got it!)

Guigui nodded his head, the anticipation on his face remained unchanged.

"Speaking of which, it seems that it will be different if more pet beasts enter the beast tower." Lin Su squeezed his chin and thought about it.

No matter how many beasts the Beastmaster has, they can enter the Beastmaster Tower at most once a day. If you want to get more benefits and upgrade multiple beasts at the same time, you have to choose to let multiple beasts pass through the level at the same time, and you can fight with the Beastmaster. Many-to-many battles with simulated opponents in the tower.

If it is two against two, then the dream crystals obtained after customs clearance will be double, more pets and so on.

Compared with one-on-one, which only depends on individual combat power and skill proficiency, many-to-many also tests the degree of cooperation between pets, so it will be more difficult.

Of course, there are also advantages, that is, it can sharpen the tacit understanding between pets and beasts.

You can give it a try after the contract is over.

"As for the learning of teaching skills, let's put it after the contract."

Now Lin Su has been able to communicate with Guigui in a simple way, and even with Guigui's intelligence, he can understand his words, but this does not mean that there is no communication barrier at all for one person and one pet. Teaching skills requires the guidance and experience of pets throughout the process. The skills in the beast state, the telepathy of the beast master contract is the foundation.

Guigui also understands this, so naturally he has no objection.

With a confirmed training plan, Qiuqiu and Guigui soon started their respective training.

Lin Su, who stayed in the room, prepared the energy liquid that was consumed by the training of the two, and then picked up the Heart of Space.

Having a second favorite in advance, he also has a sense of urgency in his heart.

He can make a contract with Guigui only when the Beast Familiar Space reaches the third level.

The beasts have started to work hard, and he, the beast master, can't be lazy.

Thinking of this, Lin Su slowly closed his eyes and entered into meditation.

 Transitional chapter, going back to Blue Star tomorrow, another small climax? (perhaps)

  After listening to the opinions of some book friends, in the future, the emoticons will not be added to every sentence, and the frequency of use will be reduced appropriately, and the emoticons in the previous text will also be adjusted.

(End of this chapter)

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