Beast Patrol.

Chapter 7 Blowing Snow

Chapter 7 Fuxue (for investment and further reading)
Entering the Beast Envoy Certification Hall of the Beast Familiar Association, Lin Su was quickly shocked by the bustling scene in front of him. Even Qiu Qiu, who was close to humans by nature, saw the crowded crowd and all kinds of flying in the hall. The pet beasts running around couldn't help shrinking their heads afterwards.

"Mi~(°ω°)" (many people~)

Yesterday was the initial pet beast allocation time for all high schools in District 32, so there are not a lot of people who successfully contracted to be certified by the Beast Familiar Association today. Lin Su quickly realized the reason, and shook his head helplessly, "Qiuqiu, it seems that we have to Been waiting for a while."

"Mi! (ω`)" (It's okay!)

This wait is a full hour.

Finally, Lin Su held Qiuqiu and entered a room where pet beasts were tested for contracts. First, he confirmed his identity through iris recognition, and then at the request of the staff, he brought the ball into the Beast Familiar Space, proving that he was related to Qiuqiu. The contractual relationship of the ball.

Light yellow light patterns slowly emerged, and the staff in charge of testing couldn't help but let out a "huh", "Aren't you a senior high school freshman assigned for this initial pre-sale? Why is the Beast Familiar Space only at the second level? "

Lin Su coughed lightly, "Maybe I'm very talented?"

staff member:"???"

God is so talented!

"I think you secretly practiced meditation before you were full?" The staff member shook his head, "This kind of behavior is very dangerous, and a single carelessness may cause problems in the space of the beast, but you are lucky, it seems Not a big problem."

You say yes.

Lin Su couldn't think of any good reason to explain his problem with the beast-fencing space. Since the other party found him a very suitable reason, he decided to follow suit.

No more entanglement with the ranks of the Beast Familiar Space. After seeing that Qiuqiu was collected by Lin Su into the Beast Familiar Space, and after confirming that he had contracted the Beast Familiar, an exquisite alloy badge was handed to Lin Su by the staff soon.

"This is your Beastmaster Badge, which contains a chip that binds your identity. It can be used to use contribution points and query various Beastmaster messages."

"Okay, okay." Lin Su stepped forward to look at his official badge of the beast master, and his face was a little more happy, but soon he seemed to think of something, and asked after a light cough, " That... Let me ask if the official Beast Master will distribute a communicator equipped with a Beast Master Manual and an energy detector?"

"That one is not collected here, you can collect it at the front desk service station in the main lobby with your badge."

"Thank you." Lin Su picked up the badge and walked towards the main hall without hesitation.

The Beastmaster Illustrated Book and the Energy Detector are tools that every Beastmaster needs to use.

A large number of pet beasts are included in the Beast Master Illustrated Book, which allows the beast master to obtain relevant information after scanning unknown pet beasts. The race information in it is much more detailed than the ones that Lin Su high school learned.

The energy detector can detect the normal energy value of the pet beast, whether it is to grasp the state of the pet beast more accurately, or to understand the strength gap between the two sides when fighting against the beast.

In fact, such tools are not only available to the Beast Familiars of the Beast Familiar Association. They are also sold in the market, but the price of the communication device equipped with these two tools is too expensive, and Lin Su can't afford it.

Previously, he was looking forward to being certified as an official beast master. A large part of the reason was that the newly certified official beast master could obtain a communication device equipped with a standard beast master illustration book and a sophisticated energy detector for free.

Prostitution is very happy.

With the help of the lady at the service desk, Lin Su quickly received a brand new communicator. After transferring the data from his original communicator to the new communicator, the old communicator that had been used for many years was officially eliminated.

There are also many beast masters in the main hall. Unlike the certification hall where all trainee beast masters are certified, the beast masters here have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Soon, Lin Su saw a Beastmaster passing by with a blue-crested hawk standing on his shoulder.

It was a Beastmaster who had contracted a green-feathered eagle. Judging from the state of the green-feathered eagle, it was obvious that it was no longer a young child.

Lin Su became interested, and secretly scanned the blue-feathered eagle with the communicator he just got. A rotating aperture appeared on the page of the communicator, and the detection result appeared soon.

[Serial IAM-0073
Race name: Green Feather Eagle

Racial Rank: Lesser Dominant Race

attribute: wind
Growth level: elite level
Normal energy value: 3942P
Talent skills: Feather Blade Slash (core skill), tearing, sharp eyes]
This is the specific data test result of the blue-feathered eagle.

The normal energy value is one of the manifestations of the strength of a pet beast itself, and it can be used as a reference for strength. P is its unit, pronounced as Powa, to commemorate the scientist who discovered the beast-fearing space 200 years ago.

The latter talent skills are the talent skills mastered by the race itself, and it does not mean that this pet beast only knows these skills.

After all, the skills taught by the day after tomorrow are different for each pet beast, which cannot be directly detected.

After a little trial, Lin Su summoned Qiuqiu, who was playing happily in the Beast Familiar Space, and swept it at the chubby little face under its bewildered expression.

Soon, Qiuqiu's data appeared on Lin Su's communicator.

[Serial IAM-0086
Race name: Snow-scarred light

Racial rank: high elite race

Attribute: Ice
Stages of growth: infant stage
Normal energy value: 183P
Talent skills: frost storm (core skill), snow trace]
The normal energy is dozens of times lower than that of the green feather eagle just now.

But Lin Su also knew that this was normal.

For the young elite race, if they don’t use special resources to enhance and rely on their own growth, the normal energy value is basically within 200, and the energy value of the ball is already very good. Dog fights matter.

After a short period of confusion, Qiuqiu also realized what his beast master was doing. After all, when it lived in the breeding area before, the breeders would use similar detection devices to check the growth of each pet animal.

"Mi! ( ̄ω ̄)" (want to see!)
It sat up from Lin Shu's feet, hugged Lin Shu's calf with its two front legs, and quickly jumped onto his shoulders like climbing a tree before Lin Shu could react. His eyes looked curiously at the text on the communicator.

However, after a while, the little guy shook his head.

"Mi...mi! (ω`)" (I don't understand... Lin Su tell me!)

Lin Su smiled, took the ball from his shoulders with one hand and hugged it in his arms, pointed to the text on the communication device and introduced, "Look, this is your normal energy value, and now it is only 183 BoW."

"...Mi? (﹏)" (...Is it a little low?)

"No, it's pretty good. When you reach the elite level or higher, the normal energy value will increase quickly." Lin Su comforted Qiuqiu, "The following is to introduce your talent skills , frost storms and snow trails."

"Mi! Mi! ( ̄ω ̄)" (I know this! I'll give you one!)

After speaking, Qiuqiu opened his mouth, and frost and snow began to gather in his mouth.

What the hell!

Lin Su hurriedly stopped the frost storm that the little guy was about to spew out, looked around nervously, and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure no one noticed what was going on here.

This was the main hall of the Beast Familiar Association, and he couldn't afford to pay for any damage caused by a frost storm.

"Don't worry, it's still early today. We'll rent a venue here for training later, and we'll show it off at a special venue. You can't just use the frost storm attack skill." Lin Su didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly explained.

"Mi~" (Okay~)

Soon, Lin Su began to set up the Beastmaster Illustrated Book, setting the ball as a contract pet.

After setting it as a contracted pet, the beast master can manually add the teaching skills mastered by the pet to the illustrated book, so as to better grasp the growth status of the pet. The information about the teaching skills is only visible to the user himself.

After the setting was completed, Lin Su went to the front desk instead of staying in the lobby, and proposed to rent a primary ice and snow training ground. After the front desk staff registered, he took the ball and headed for the ice and snow training ground.

Soon, one person and one pet came to a man-made snowfield. This snowfield covers an area as large as several football fields. The ground is covered with snow half a meter thick. If you step on it, you can directly cover Lin Su. calf.

The venue was not used by Lin Su alone. Not far away, there were several beast masters training with their own ice-type beasts, and there were more people in places farther away.

If you want to train alone, you have to go to a more advanced training ground, and the cost will be higher. Considering that it is the first time to train with a ball, Lin Su decided to try the most basic training ground first.

This kind of training venue is charged on time, and the charging standard is [-] alliance coins per hour.

For Qiuqiu, entering such a snowfield was like returning home. After calling out in surprise, it rushed in without hesitation, and quickly trotted around Lin Shu.

Ice flowers naturally appeared on the soles of Qiuqiu's feet. As it deliberately used the snow tracks, the footprints on the snow field that would have stepped on a small pit every time it ran became shallower in an instant, leaving only plum blossom-shaped footprints .

The function of this skill is to make your body lighter in the ice and snow environment, thereby increasing your speed and agility. Currently, Qiuqiu's snow trail skill proficiency is still at level I, and you can step on it after the snow track reaches level II. The snow has no trace, leaving no trace of footprints on the snow.

At the third level, the snow trails will undergo qualitative changes, and they can even step on the snowflakes flying in the air. As for the fourth level, Lin Su has never heard of a snow trail with light snow marks that can reach this level. .

Seeing Qiuqiu's happy appearance, Lin Su looked a little serious, "Qiaoqiu, we are going to start training now."

Qiuqiu, who was having fun in the snow, returned after hearing the sound, and squatted obediently in front of Lin Su.

"Mi! Mi! (*ω`*)" (Training! Beat Fire Cloud Dog!)

What a miserable fire cloud dog...

Lin Su's face twitched, and he coughed lightly, "Let's train for three hours today to see how it works. I have three requirements for you."

Seeing Qiuqiu showing an expression of listening carefully, Lin Su said again, "First, within three hours, you must keep snow trails at all times."

"Mi~(ω`)" (small meaning~)

This skill does not consume a lot of physical strength for Qiuqiu. Many wild snow marks can even be used all day long. For Qiuqiu, three hours is not a problem at all.

"Second, during these three hours, you have to practice using the frost storm twelve times, with an average of one use every 15 minutes."

"Mi...mi? (⊙ω⊙)" (ten...twelve times?)
Froststorm is not snow traces, it consumes a lot of physical strength for light snow traces, and with Qiuqiu's current state, it would be good to be able to use it twice in a row in its heyday.

"It's not for you to use it twelve times at once." Lin Su squatted down and explained patiently, "After you use it once, half of your physical strength will be left so that you won't be exhausted. This is the ice and snow training ground, which can make you stronger. Quickly restore your strength, I have calculated that 15 minutes is just enough for you to replenish your strength for a frost storm."

"Mi!" (I see!)
"Besides that, there is a third requirement." Lin Su's eyes were filled with anticipation, "While recovering the stamina consumed by the frost storm, take the time to learn a new skill: snow blowing."

Blowing snow is a general teaching skill. Ice-type pets can learn this skill through practice, and this skill is an important skill for all ice-type pets.

At the first level of proficiency, it can only blow out a large snowflake with its mouth, which is not very useful, but after reaching the second level, this skill can transform a certain range of environments into ice and snow environments, so that ice-type pets Beasts fight in other environments more easily.

And this skill is known as the most suitable teaching skill for light snow marks.

It is very similar to the use of the power of Snow Blast's own core skill, Frost Storm, so Snow Blossom can learn and master this skill faster than other pets, and even the improvement of Frost Storm's proficiency can also improve the proficiency of Blowing Snow .

In addition, Blowing Snow and Snow Trace are even more dreamy moves.

The second-level blowing snow can produce snowflakes on any part of the body surface, and the third-level snow trace can let Xuehen lightly step on the snowflakes and use the force to stay in the air. The combination of the two skills can make Xuehen light have high-altitude combat capabilities.

So other skills can be put aside temporarily, but Fuxue must be mastered by Qiuqiu.

Hearing this, Qiuqiu immediately raised a small claw.

"Mi? Mi! (⊙ω⊙)" (Blowing snow? I know!)
When it was in the breeding area before, it once heard from the breeder that Xuehen could fly after learning this skill.

Thinking that he could fly, Qiuqiu suddenly became excited.

"Mi, Mi! (≧ω≦)" (Teach me quickly, I want to go to heaven!)
"One by one." Lin Su smiled, but did not correct the little guy's misunderstanding.

It's good to give it some power.

"Qiaoqiu, face that direction and release the frost storm!" Pointing to a large open space around him, Lin Su gave instructions.

"Mi!" (Leave it to me!)
Qiuqiu opened its small mouth, and then spat vigorously towards the open space in front of it. A small storm like a tornado took shape in an instant. Countless frost flowers were engulfed in the storm and swept away towards the distance. Within the range of the frost storm, Lin Su felt a chill.

The storm dissipated, and a deep crater appeared on the flat snow within five meters in front of him. The surface of the crater had countless tiny and pitted holes.

This is just a blow from a pet beast in its infancy, and it has such an attack effect.

This is the core skill of Qiuqiu: Frost Storm, which not only has an extremely cold ice storm attack, but can freeze the opponent instantly, and every frost flower wrapped in the storm will sweep the opponent, cutting without dead ends Froststorm attacks everything within range.

After only one glance at the result of Qiuqiu's attack, Lin Su's eyes returned to Qiuqiu.

His brow furrowed slightly.

Just now he clearly saw that when the frost storm was spewed out, Qiuqiu's body turned two somersaults directly under the recoil, and then stabilized its figure.

This is a manifestation of Froststorm's lack of proficiency. If this situation occurs during a battle, it is easy for the opponent to catch a flaw and attack.

So Qiuqiu's Frost Storm had to step up his practice.

However, Lin Su did not directly point out that the training of pet beasts also needs the encouragement of the beast master.

Kneeling down and rubbing Qiuqiu's head, Lin Su smiled a little more, "It's great, hurry up and recover your strength, now let's learn how to blow snow."

"Mi!" (Take off!)
(End of this chapter)

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