Beast Patrol.

Chapter 73

Chapter 73
"Mi! (◣_◢)" (Damn it!)
"Jie! (╥﹏╥)" (almost!)

Going back to the second floor, Guigui and Qiuqiu, who were wounded, looked displeased.

According to the split battlefield plan provided by Lin Su, the two beasts successfully cleared the second level, and Qiuqiu's Frost Silence Storm finally broke through to level III after absorbing the second level of dream crystals.

However, after the two confident little guys entered the third floor, they encountered Waterloo.

Qiuqiu, who just broke through the Frost Silence Storm to the third level, can barely compete with the third level's Frostflower Dream Shadow, but the ghosts on the other side can still maintain a certain advantage against the third level's trick clown.

However, the plan to divide the battlefield that worked on the second floor did not work on the third floor.

When teaming up to challenge, every time a level is raised, the opponents simulated by the Tower of Beasts will not only improve their skill proficiency, but also their combat cooperation and tacit understanding will also increase accordingly. The set of dividing the battlefield.

Whenever Qiuqiu shows the tendency to fly high and lure Frostflower Mengying away, that Frostflower Mengying will turn around without hesitation and threaten Guigui, forcing the ball down from high altitude.

As a last resort, the two pet beasts could only fight hand in hand again, but in the end they were seized by the other party because of insufficient cooperation. If Lin Su hadn't seen the right time and gave up breaking into the tower, the two guys would have suffered even more serious injuries.

"It's okay." Lin Su touched the heads of the two little guys, took out the energy liquid with healing effect to help the two beasts recover from their injuries, and comforted them softly, "Your performance is already great, this time it was almost I'm about to win, and when the skill proficiency improves a little bit, I believe I can form a team to clear the third floor."

Seeing that the two beasts were in a better mood, Lin Su smiled, "So, which one of you will go to the third floor alone next?"

The third floor can only be broken through once, if the team can't break through, then only a certain beast can break through the tower, and only one beast can get the third floor spar.

So it depends on how the two little guys choose.

Also aware of this problem, Guigui and Qiuqiu looked at each other, and soon Qiuqiu had an idea.

"Mi! (òωó)" (Let the ghosts go!)
"Jie? Jie..." (Should I go? But it's more suitable for big brother to go...)
"Me, me, me!" (I just broke through the third-level frost storm, and it's a bit difficult to break through the third floor. I'll do it tomorrow after a day of training!)
"Jie..." (this...)
Seeing Qiuqiu taking the initiative to give way, Lin Su smiled slightly, and patted Guigui's head, "What Qiuqiu said makes sense, you go first, before forming a team to clear the third floor, the two of you will take turns going through the level, today you go Alright, just let Qiuqiu go tomorrow."

"Jie!" (Then I'm going!)
Hearing Lin Su say to go by himself today and let Qiuqiu go tomorrow, Guigui's original hesitation was a little bit less, it nodded heavily, and then looked at Qiuqiu.

"Jie!" (Let the eldest brother come tomorrow!)
"Mi!" (No problem!)

Seeing that the negotiation between the two pet beasts was completed, Lin Su smiled, put the ball into the beast-controlling space, and walked up to the third floor with Guigui who had almost recovered.

Quickly twisting around, it turned into a dark world.

Seeing this scene, Guigui was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Lin Su.

"Jie!" (Same as the environment in the dream spar!)

"That's good." It was also the first time for Lin Su to see a pure dark environment. After hearing Guigui's words, he felt relieved. Seeing the scattered stones everywhere around him, he felt a little weird.

I don't know if this special environment is for dark beasts, or for trick clowns.

These stones are the most suitable props for the stand-in.

At the same time as the trick clown on the opposite side appeared, Guigui had already sneaked into the shadows everywhere with Lin Shu's instruction.

"Ghost, the trick clown on the opposite side has mastered the third-level substitute, and the interval between using the substitute will be shortened to less than 2 minutes, so we can't let the opponent have a second chance to use the substitute. This battle should be resolved as quickly as possible. Use you Higher normal energy value to suppress the opponent!" Lin Su instructed Guigui while looking at the trick clown opposite.

Like Guigui, after the trick clown appeared, it immediately merged into the shadow and became a part of the shadow.

What will happen when two dark-type beasts who also have shadows fight?
Shadow hiding, although using shadow as a medium, is actually a special skill for sneaking into the subspace called shadow space. It is because of this characteristic that the evolutionary trick master of trick clown can master the storage skill of trick pocket.

In the dark environment, the entire ground can be regarded as the same shadow.

Entering the same shadow, the two trick clowns are actually burrowing into the same warp, so they can see and attack each other.

In the shadow state, the substitute cannot be used, but the throwing knife technique can still be used.

So if nothing else happens, this will be a battle that Lin Su cannot see.

He can only give vague instructions through telepathy, letting Guigui adapt to the situation.

As the two sneaked into the shadow at the same time, Lin Su began to perceive the state of Guigui through the beast-monitoring contract. As time passed, he gradually felt relieved.

Judging from GuiGui's feedback, it already has an advantage.

About a minute later, the shadows on the ground fluctuated suddenly, and two figures rushed out at the same time. Both trick clowns had scars on their bodies, but the trick clown on the opposite side was obviously more seriously injured. hurt.

Facing the opponent who escaped from the shadow, Guigui raised his hand and the nine flying knives shot away. If you look carefully, you can find that the nine flying knives are not all facing the same direction, and there is a slight angle between them. The difference gradually spreads out as the flight progresses, blocking the opponent's evasion space.

Seeing that he couldn't dodge, black smoke began to tremble on the surface of the trick clown's body, and in the next moment he switched places with a stone not far away.

The eyes of Lin Su and Gui Gui flashed at the same time.

good chance!
The surface of Guigui's body also trembled with black smoke.

It did not hesitate to replace the position with the one closest to the opponent among the nine flying knives, and when the opponent was caught off guard, it threw the nine flying knives again.

Third floor, pass!


"Lin Su, the third floor."

Seeing the prompt on the light screen showing that Lin Su had successfully cleared the third floor, Mu Yuxing's eyes flickered slightly.

Through the third floor, not two-on-two…

Before, Lin Su brought Frost Flower Dream Shadow and failed to break through the third floor. Today, after contracting the second beast, he broke through in one fell swoop. Could it be the second beast that broke through the third floor?

Thinking of this, Mu Yuxing was slightly surprised.

The first time you come to the Beast Tower, you can pass the pet beast on the third floor?

If this is the case, the trick clown is probably not simple. Apart from awakening the trick pocket in advance, its own strength should not be underestimated.

This is good news.

While thinking about it, Mu Yuxing quickly saw Lin Su walking out of the beast tower with two pet beasts.

"Lin Su!" He stood by the window, called out to Lin Su, waved his hand to signal him to come up, and then looked at Qi Yunhan, who was still drinking tea leisurely, "Wait for the preliminaries. Tell me."

"Okay." Qi Yunhan put down his teacup and spoke concisely.

They didn't make them wait for too long. There was a knock on the door, and then Lin Su pushed the door in. He looked at Mu Yuxing and Qi Yunhan curiously, "Senior Mu, Uncle Qi, you are all here."

"Hmm." Mu Yuxing looked at Lin Su, "Has your beast-fencing space broken through to the third level?"

"Yes." Lin Su nodded, "The second beast is a trick clown."

"I already know this." Mu Yuxing looked at the ghost following Lin Su, his eyes flickered slightly, "Is it the one who cleared the third floor just now?"

"Yes." Lin Su nodded.

"It's pretty good." Mu Yuxing smiled, and looked at Qi Yunhan who was beside him, "I'm looking for you this time for the preliminaries a month later. Chairman Qi will tell you about this."

"Preliminary competition?" Lin Su blinked.

This name sounds a bit similar to the Dabi made last time.

If it was really a match similar to that of the preparation master Dabi, he would not be interested.

After all, configuring energy fluid is a side job, and it would be putting the cart before the horse if too much time was spent on this.

The last time he participated in the preparation was just because the Nirvana Pool could allow Qiuqiu to evolve better. This time, unless there is a similar reward, Lin Su will not participate.

But with the lesson from Zhenxiang before, he decided not to rush to refuse, but to listen to what this preliminaries are.

"Uncle Qi, what is the preliminary contest?"

"This preliminaries competition is actually a competition for the preliminaries to participate in the national competitions." Qi Yunhan glanced at Lin Su, "Although there are different rewards for the rankings in the preliminaries, this competition can actually be regarded as a competition. It is the preliminaries of the Great Competition among nations."

"Great competition among nations..." Lin Su showed a bit of surprise on his face.

Coincidentally, this is what he knows.

As for why he knew, Father Lin accidentally mentioned it during a meal not long ago.

The world of Shenwu is very big, very big, not to mention Yongnan City, even the entire Great Yan Kingdom is just a drop in the ocean in the world of Shenwu.

There are thousands of countries like the Great Yan Kingdom in the Shenwu Continent, and different countries have different strengths. According to their strength and status, they can be roughly divided into two types: empires and vassal states.

The empire is stronger, and the vassal states have to rely on the breath of the empire to survive, pay tribute regularly to seek the protection of the empire, and the empire provides a certain degree of assistance.

Although the empire is powerful, there are even more powerful existences above the empire.

That is the legendary Shangzong who possesses a powerful emperor!

The so-called Emperor Realm was originally another name for the Martial Domain Realm, the strongest realm of martial arts experts in the Shenwu world. The Martial Domain Realm of a martial arts expert is equivalent to the status of the legendary beast masters who can contract immortal beasts among the beast masters.

However, with the passage of time, both the Legendary Beastmaster and the Martial Realm Martial Arts expert can be called the Emperor Realm expert.

There are very few such existences even in the entire Shenwu world, and the sects they established are giants that the empire will bow down to.

The Great Yan Kingdom where Lin Su lived was a vassal state, above which was the suzerain Yunhao Empire, and on top of it were the six great sects that made countless empires bow their heads.

The Great Competition among Nations is an opportunity for each country to redistribute resources and reshuffle the cards to overthrow the existing structure.

Once every ten years, all countries send young geniuses no older than 25 years old to join a battlefield of various countries that is formed by the joint efforts of the six great sects and transformed from a large number of secret realms of the earth rank, the mysterious rank, and the yellow rank. After layers of fierce and cruel competition, the most talented disciples were finally selected as the fresh blood of the six great masters.

And the once-in-a-decade national competition will start in half a year.

It was the first time that Lin Su heard about the general situation of the Great Competition from Lin's father, and Lin Su felt a strong longing in his heart.

There has never been a legendary beast master in Blue Star until now, but in this world, legendary beast masters and martial arts experts at the same level as them do exist, and there are more than one or two.

If Blue Star also has such a strong player, the situation between the Security Alliance and the Immortal Beast Kingdom may completely change.

But now, Lin Su once again heard the news related to the Great Competition of All Nations.

It turns out that this preliminaries competition is the preliminaries of the national competitions.

It's not the same as I imagined.

"It seems that you know about the national competition." Noticing the change in Lin Su's expression, Qi Yunhan nodded slightly, not surprised, "The national competition, each country will have a different number of entries according to the results of the previous national competitions There are [-] quotas for this year's Great Yan Kingdom."

"Because one of the six great sects was founded by a legendary beast master and belongs to the power of the beast master, so the twelve places will be divided into two according to the proportion and given to the genius and strong beast master."

"The pre-selection competition exists to compete for these two places. As for martial arts experts, they have their own screening methods." Qi Yunhan smiled slightly.

Hearing this, Lin Su nodded slightly.

At that time, Father Lin mentioned this matter because the Lin family also had several outstanding martial arts disciples, and they would participate in similar competitions on the martial arts side.

"A genius beast master under the age of 25 can usually reach the strength of a master beast master." Qi Yunhan glanced at Lin Su and smiled slightly, "But it's not like you don't have a chance, because the great competition among nations happens once every ten years. There are quite a few talented beast masters who are talented but born at the wrong time, in order to take care of them, the preliminaries have unique rules."

"The elite-level beast masters and the master-level beast masters will compete separately, and two beast masters will be selected for each." Qi Yunhan looked at Lin Su, "A total of four beast masters will compete in the preliminaries. After the end, they will be fully cultivated by the Great Yan Kingdom, and a second competition will be held before the Great Competition of All Nations, and two will be selected from them to participate in the Great Competition of All Nations."

"It is not difficult for an elite-level beast master of the third-level beast mastering space to be promoted to the fourth-level beast mastering space under the full training of that kind of resources. There is one less pet beast, but at least there is hope of confrontation."

"This can be regarded as a chance for the elite beast masters who have not yet grown up." Qi Yunhan smiled, "At your age, it is a disadvantage to participate in the preliminaries, but you can try it, and it can be regarded as an experience. Do you want to see the strength of other Beast Familiars within the territory of Fan Dayan Kingdom?"

Lin Su's eyes lit up, "Think!"

He will be 28 years old the next time the national competition is held every ten years, and he has passed the age to participate, so this is his only chance.

Great Yan Kingdom is too small.

Now that he has come to this world, Lin Su also wants to stand taller and see the scenery farther away.

(End of this chapter)

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