Beast Patrol.

Chapter 86 Who is the first in total points?

Chapter 86 Who is the first in total points? (Please subscribe!)


The roar of an explosion echoed somewhere on the plain.

Standing not far away, Lin Su hugged Qiuqiu who had just returned, and encouraged softly with a smile on his face, "Good job!"

"Mi! (òωó)" (small meaning!)

Qiuqiu rubbed against Lin Su's hand, proud of being praised.

It has been a long time since that nest of Slap-tailed Forest Lizards was wiped out.

After leaving that valley, Lin Su repeated his old tricks with Qiuqiu, constantly searching for the traces of the alien beasts. From the initial wait-and-see, he took the initiative to attack, finding the whereabouts of the alien beasts nest by nest, repeatedly.

This way of eliminating alien beasts is extremely efficient. Often a litter of alien beasts can bring Lin Su several hundred points. The hunting points obtained by killing the strange beasts have reached more than 7000 points, not counting the points obtained by challenging the opponent.

The sum of the two is probably tens of thousands.

In the beginning, Lin Su would calculate how many points he gained from killing the beasts one by one, but now he has almost become numb, so he simply estimated and forgot.

This time, his points in the actual combat assessment can probably leave the other candidates by a considerable distance.

It's not that they look down on them, but there are not many pets like Qiuqiu who have a wide range of damage skills, output explosions that can easily connect alien beasts to the nest, and have excellent eyesight that can quickly spot the traces of alien beasts.

If one of the two conditions is missing, none of them can score points as easily as themselves.

In the past few hours, it is not that Lin Su has not obtained new customs clearance jades, but compared to killing strange beasts, the points obtained by customs clearance jades are too few, and Shuangtong is not particularly suitable for searching for this kind of hidden treasures. Things, so the focus of one person, one pet is not on this at all, so far, only eight pieces of customs clearance jade have been obtained.

"Mi!" (Someone is coming!)
The ball's voice sounded again, bringing Lin Su back to his senses.

He looked at a female examinee who appeared in the distance and walked towards him, with a smile on his face.

Another fat sheep is coming?

Candidates who can enter the actual combat assessment of Shancheng University are naturally not weak. They also have long realized that hunting points are the most important points in the assessment, so as the assessment time passes for a few hours, each of them has accumulated a lot of hunting points.

For this point, Lin Su, an expert on wool gathering, has the most say.

Because with the passage of time, he has already discovered that his opponents have more and more hunting points.

The flock is getting fatter.

Now it is no longer picking wool, but eating mutton.

Without hesitation, Lin Su walked quickly towards the female examinee, but before he could get close to her, the examinee turned and left without hesitation, as if he had no intention of challenging Lin Su.


Lin Su was slightly taken aback, then laughed and shook his head.

Just run away.

Counting the time, the first stage seems to be coming to an end.

At that time, I am afraid that I will not be short of fat sheep delivered to my door.

Originally, Lin Su was a little nervous about being besieged, for fear of overturning the car.

However, Qiuqiu's powerful one-to-many combat effectiveness in the past few hours made Lin Su's confidence soar unprecedentedly.

How can the more than 1 candidates in this examination room be competitors?

It's a fat sheep, right?

It will be super easy next time!
As Lin Su stopped walking, a sound like a drum of war suddenly resounded from the sky.

That is the assessment time reminder signal that will appear every hour.

And now, this is the sixth time it has appeared.

The first phase is over.

Lin Su took out a bottle of energy liquid that Guigui brought from Shenwu World from the backpack behind him, and handed it to Qiuqiu, "Recover your strength, next, it will probably be a tough battle."

Despise the opponent psychologically, but pay enough attention tactically.

"Mi! (ω)" (I'm ready!)



An examinee walked vigilantly through the wilderness with his pet animal. Suddenly, the pet animal beside him made a vigilant warning sound.

Almost instantly, the examinee quickly raised his head, took a few steps back, and looked at the huge figure swooping down in the sky.

That is…

Flying aliens?
The examinee's expression was slightly astonished. In this performance assessment area, besides the beasts on the ground, are there any beasts in the air?

Never encountered before.

But now that he saw his opponent, the examinee quickly calmed down, "Get ready to fight!"

However, his composure soon became untenable.

Because he was astonished to find that there was a person lying on top of the swooping giant eagle.

people? !

Before he could figure out why there was a person on top of the strange beast rushing towards him, the other person had already landed in front of him, causing violent energy storms.

"Robbery! I want to challenge you!" With a soft shout, Ji Yun, who was sitting on Fenglei Goshawk's back, jumped down and looked at the examinee in front of him with his hips akimbo.

This fat sheep, she sat on the back of the pet beast and followed all the way. The hunting points on the opponent's body are at least two thousand, as long as they are defeated, one thousand points will be in hand!
"What the hell..." The examinee finally figured out the situation belatedly, and said sadly, "Don't you bring something like this?!"

What a strange beast, this is a beast!
After struggling for such a long time, the beast master who had a flying pet found the location in the sky.

Under normal circumstances, how can flying pets get the leadership rank, so that they can grow to the point where they can lead people?
The wind and thunder goshawk in front of him...

It actually has a teaching skill giant!
Oh, not only...

Seeing the Fenglei Goshawk shrink down to the size of a rabbit in an instant and stand obediently on Ji Yun's shoulder, the examinee was stunned.

Did you learn about shrinking? !
Under normal circumstances, who is the beast master who is about to participate in the entrance examination is busy learning a few more powerful output skills?
Where did you find the time to learn such two useless skills? !

"I've been staring at you for a long time, and you've been obsessed with not getting in touch with any candidates. You have never failed a challenge." Ji Yun giggled, "In other words, according to the assessment rules, you can't refuse my challenge!"

After several hours of actual combat assessment, Ji Yun has already collected almost all the customs clearance jades that can be found in the nearby area. For the customs clearance jade alone, she has collected more than 300 pieces, totaling more than 3000 points.

At this time, Ji Yun also had a new action plan.

That is robbery!
Taking advantage of the pet beast, she can stare at all the candidates within a certain range from high in the air, and quickly select the best challenge target to shoot.

Isn't this more delicious than fighting the beast directly?

The ones that can be picked out by Ji Yun are basically those candidates who are particularly doggy, have grown up for a long time, never meet other candidates, and whose pet beasts are not as powerful as their own pet beasts.

In this way, it is almost a sure win, and a lot of points will be obtained.

"I..." The examinee gritted his teeth and said in grief and indignation, "Come on!"

…2 minutes later…

"Thank you for the points sent by this old man!" Sitting back on the beast that had transformed into a giant eagle with a wingspan of about five meters, Ji Yun said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't look for it again until the assessment is over." yours."

After finishing speaking, one person and one pet soared up, and disappeared into the sky again, leaving only an unknown candidate who was holding the pet beast and shed tears of distress.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, the sound of rumbling war drums sounded, and Ji Yun, who was already sitting on Fenglei Goshawk, and was guarded by the wind teaching skill Dingfeng, blinked, "Ah! The first stage is coming to an end! Broken! I have so many points, I will You won't be beaten by the crowd!"

Glancing at the Fenglei Goshawk below him, Ji Yun giggled, "But they have to catch up with us, otherwise they won't even be able to challenge us."

"Xiaoqing, the next three hours will be hard work. Let's fly all the way around the actual combat assessment area! The energy cubes are enough!" Ji Yun waved his small fist, "Want to challenge me? Dreaming! "

"Chirp! (≧◇≦)" (No problem!)

"By the way, you can also look for Boss Lin Su!" Ji Yun giggled, "I haven't found him for six hours, probably not in the area around here. After meeting him, if the big boss doesn't have enough points, I will let him Let me send you warmth from my loyal pendant!"

As she spoke, the girl shook the bulging bag in her hand.

In the bag, there are more than 300 customs clearance jade.



Zhang Xiaoyu hurriedly followed his own Guguli with a bitter face, and looked at a male candidate who was intercepted by Guguli, "I'm really sorry, but if you don't fight with my pet beast, it may won't let you go..."

The male examinee who was intercepted was in a bad mood when he heard this.

Say the harshest words in the most polite tone?
Also, what do you mean Guguli won't let me go?

Don't pet beasts obey the orders of the beast master?

If you want to hit me, just say it, and you still throw the blame on the pet beast? !
You can be a person!

Looking at the fist waving the size of a sandbag in front of him, constantly gesticulating at his pet beast, and waving two fists in the air from time to time, the male candidate gasped.

Sin!How did you let yourself meet this "King of Mushroom Hell"?

This assessment area has already been spread. There is a candidate whose pet beast is Guguli of the low-level monarch race, and he goes up to beat up anyone he sees. , several candidates have already been beaten up with black noses and swollen faces by that Guguli!
Moreover, during the battle, the Beastmaster was still apologizing all the time, seemingly polite but mocking, it was too cheap.

The point is that Gugu's power is really strong, it's really invincible!
So when you see each other, run away as soon as possible!

I never expected that I would be targeted by this guy just because the crowd took one more look at it!

"That..." Seeing the other party looking at him in astonishment and disbelief, Zhang Xiaoyu felt even more embarrassed. He smiled shyly and scratched his head, "Well, have you failed the challenge within an hour? If you fail the challenge, you should It can be refused..."

The male examinee's expression became more and more broken, "I haven't been challenged by anyone until now!"

It's you, an animal, who's after me!

I'm just a passerby! !
"Haven't you been challenged yet?" Hearing this, Zhang Xiaoyu smiled shyly, with an expression of envy on her face, "Then you are really lucky."

Male examinee: "???"

Good luck I can meet you?

"Damn it, just fight!" The male examinee gritted his teeth. Although he knew that his pet beast would be difficult to match, he still had to fight for a round!

"Splitter Lizard! Crush it!"

…1 minutes later…

Seeing that the rock shield was completely shattered, and the Rock Splitter Lizard was beaten violently by Guguli, the male candidate sat slumped on the ground, tears of humiliation gleaming in his eyes.


That's abominable!

It's really deceiving!
After beating the Rock Splitting Lizard to the ground, Gu Guli showed an expression of unsatisfactory expression, and quickly turned his gaze to the male examinee at the side.

"Stop!" Zhang Xiaoyu turned pale with shock, and hurried forward to hug Guguli, "Don't hit, don't hit, enough is enough! Really enough!"

While talking, he also freed up one hand and waved at the male candidate violently, signaling him to run away quickly.

Male examinee: "..."

I will really thank you!

Instead of feeling the warmth of the world from Zhang Xiaoyu's actions, he felt a deeper level of ridicule.

It would be better to be punched twice by Guguli!
"You wait!" The male examinee stood up with his hands on the ground, glared at Zhang Xiaoyu bitterly, a light yellow light flashed, and took the beast back to his beast-fencing space, "I will definitely come back to settle accounts with you! "

Putting down a harsh word, the male examinee fled in despair.

It wasn't until the other party disappeared from sight that Zhang Xiaoyu slowly let go of Gu Guli's hand, wiped the sweat from his brow, and said with a distressed expression, "We can't do this anymore. Although the points are gained faster, it's too easy to offend Gu Guli. people!"

"Guli? (⊙Д⊙)" (Are the points enough for the first place?)
"It should be enough..." Mentioning this, Zhang Xiaoyu's face became even more bitter.

He really didn't want to attract so much attention!
"The points we have obtained are probably more than 8000. This point should be the first right now?" Zhang Xiaoyu asked with some uncertainty.

"Guli!" (Then I'm relieved!)
"You don't have to worry about it!" Zhang Xiaoyu covered her face in pain, "What should I do? Six hours will be up soon, and there will definitely be many candidates coming to challenge by then. As I said earlier, we are wretched and developed, just hunt and kill exotic beasts. , why do you have to make trouble with the candidates?"

"Gulli! (`)" (Beat them for more points!)

"I..." Zhang Xiaoyu wanted to say something more, when the sound of war drums suddenly echoed.

Hearing the familiar sound of war drums, Zhang Xiaoyu's face darkened, "It's over, six hours have passed, the first stage is over!"

He's going to be gang beat up!


"Boom boom boom!"

Hearing the rapid and passionate sound of war drums in the sky, Zhao Tianchen and Zhong Hao, who had just joined forces to kill two elite-level alien beasts of the commanding race, looked at each other, leaned against a nearby boulder and laughed.

"My points are almost eight thousand now, how about you?" Zhao Tianchen said with a smile.

"I'm a little lower than you, just over seven thousand." Zhong Hao nodded, equally satisfied with his points.

"I just said, both of our beasts have the fire element, and we are very familiar with each other, so the benefits of team battles will be higher." Zhao Tianchen spread his hands, "With such a high score, we must be the first and second gone."

"Wait for the second stage, our position will be directly exposed." Zhong Hao frowned slightly, with a bit of worry, "I'm afraid that there will be too many candidates who will come to challenge, and if we lose, the points will be reduced by half. It hurts so much."

"It's okay." Zhao Tianchen spread his hands indifferently, "When the time comes to reveal the position, our two spotlight posts will be together, facing the two strong candidates who meet, other candidates will also weigh it, and they will definitely try to find it. Candidates who are singled out will challenge."

"If someone really challenges the two of us..." Zhao Tianchen frowned, "That's not to be afraid, if he beats one of us, the other can immediately challenge him, get back the points, and wait until the third stage. Just find a way to redistribute the points."

The fathers of the two are sworn brothers, so there is still some trust between them.

"This is a good way." Zhong Hao nodded, his eyes lit up, "And in the entire examination room, there should not be many candidates who are stronger than the two of us, right?"

"Don't underestimate other people." Zhao Tianchen's face was a little serious, "If we encounter situations such as attribute restraint, we may overturn."

"Anyway, hurry up and let the beast regain its strength, I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle later." Zhao Tianchen said, found an energy cube from his backpack, and handed it to his gray wolf.

"Okay." Zhong Hao nodded, took out energy cubes and fed them to the giant lava bear, and then said, "By the way, didn't you say that when the second stage starts, the names and points of the top [-] will be reported? What? There is still no movement so far? The first stage is over, right?"

"It should be soon." Zhao Tianchen looked at the sky and muttered softly.

The two of them didn't have to wait too long, and soon there was an extremely loud voice in the sky, enough to cover the entire actual combat assessment area, "Congratulations to all candidates, after the harsh first stage of actual combat assessment, the current number of candidates in the examination room is 9114 bit!"

"Why is there more than 1000 missing?" Zhong Hao couldn't help muttering when he heard this.

"It should be that we are in danger and have sought help from the teacher. Our strength is not bad so we haven't encountered such a situation. Other candidates may be in trouble." Zhao Tianchen said briefly, and then said, "Okay, let's listen to the radio Bar."

Zhong Hao nodded and listened carefully.

"Now, the second stage is about to begin. I will start with the player ranked first in total points, and report the names of the top [-] candidates in total points, as well as the current total points and hunting points." The loud voice once again Open the mouth, "Every time one is reported, the man-made supernatural omnic will simultaneously project a tracking spotlight to illuminate the opponent's location."

"The higher the candidate's ranking, the higher the brightness of the spotlight, and the thicker the beam of light will be." Hong Liang paused, "Attention! The beam of light is not constant. It will also change in tandem.”

"The candidate who ranks first in total points is..."

Zhao Tianchen clenched his fists, looked at the gray wolf beside him, and then turned his head to look at Zhong Hao, "Get ready, when the beam of light arrives, we must be vigilant at all times, and we must survive these three hours!"

"Understood!" Zhong Hao nodded heavily, with the same solemn expression.

During the rapid communication between the two, the loud radio finally sounded again.

"Lin Su, the total points are 11030, and the hunting points are 10950!"

Eh? !

Zhao Tianchen blinked, turned his head and looked at Zhong Hao who was equally astonished.


(End of this chapter)

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