Please slay the demon

Chapter 345 True True False 】

Chapter 345 True True False 】

into the night.

Yun Chao first put the Zhenshan River halberd on the table, staring at a pair of bull's eyes, as if he wanted to lock the halberd with his eyes.

"Brother Yun, don't be too nervous. Keep staring like this. If Li Feiyu doesn't come for a few days, you will be tired first." Chu Liang persuaded.

"I'm worried that the Zhenshanhe halberd will disappear as soon as I leave my sight." Yun Chaoxian was slightly worried.

"That's not the case, no matter how sophisticated the Snitch's methods are, there are limits to them." Chu Liang said, "You can see from his previous actions that he should be more powerful in his calculations than his mysterious methods."

"Scheme?" Yun Chao first frowned and thought.

"For example, he might disguise himself as someone you are familiar with, confuse you, and then steal the Zhenshanhe halberd." Chu Liang said.

"Huh?" Yun Chao first stared at Chu Liang's face twice, and said, "Brother Chu, you are not fake, are you?"

"Of course I'm real." Chu Liang rolled his eyes and said angrily, "I haven't been out of your sight since I left Wuji Mountain Villa. Where can I change?"

Yun Chaoxian glanced at the bronze mirror on the table beside him, as if to make sure that he was not a fake.

Chu Liang laughed, and said: "I'll go back to the next door to rest first, but I will always cover this place with my spiritual consciousness, and call me anytime I need something."

Yun Chaoxian seemed a little nervous: "Why don't we watch together?"

"Then he won't come. Let's do as usual." Chu Liang said, "I also want to see what he has."

"En." Yun Chaoxian had no choice but to respond, and said to himself: "If his goal is not to suppress mountains and rivers, I would actually like to see it."

Chu Liang nodded, indeed.

How a snitch steals a treasure under close guard, I believe most people will be curious...unless the treasure belongs to your own home.

After Chu Liang left, Yun Chaoxian continued to stare at the Zhenshanhe halberd on the table. The practitioner was full of energy, so it didn't matter if he didn't sleep for days and nights watching like this.

But the night was getting darker, and it didn't take long before I heard a sudden sound outside: "It's water!"

Suddenly, the noise of people was heard, and the faint light of the fire came in through the window sash.

"Brother Yun!"

Chu Liang pushed open the door and said, "There seems to be some changes in this inn, let's go out first."

"Okay!" Yun Chaoxian got up suddenly, and wanted to go out with big strides.

Chu Liang hurriedly pushed him, "Take the Zhenshanhe halberd!"

"Oh yes." Only then did Yun Chaoxian remember, and he turned around and grabbed the halberd.

But when he turned his head again, Chu Liang at the door was gone.

"Huh?" Yun Chao walked out of the door first, and saw Chu Liang also come out of the next door.

"Brother Chu, why did you go there just now?" He asked.

"Did you see me just now?" Chu Liang's eyes flashed, his whole body jumped up, flew across two floors, and jumped into the air.

Yun Chaoxian also realized that the Chu Liang he met earlier might be a fake!

Chu Liang has never left the room just now, and no one else has appeared in his consciousness, so Li Feiyu has a way to avoid the detection of his consciousness!
So at this moment, he didn't just use his spiritual sense to search, but his naked eyes were also scanning quickly, and sure enough, he quickly found an illusory figure.

The reason why this figure was easily spotted by him was not only because of Chu Liang's excellent eyesight, but also because the figure did not deliberately avoid it, or it was intentional to meet it at all.


Seeing that the figure was exactly the same as Chu Liang's, even the expression and posture were exactly the same, just like Chu Liang's incarnation outside the body.

He looked at Chu Liang across the roof, and then wiped his face, a mask appeared on his face, covering his true face.He turned his hand over and took out a big halberd, stood on the roof and said loudly:

"I took the Baxia Shuanghuan of Wuji Mountain Villa. It was really a helpless move. I didn't intend to be an enemy of Tiangangmen. This time I came to steal the Zhenshanhe halberd. I just didn't want you to underestimate my ability. Now I don't bring this halberd. Let's go, I hope you don't bother me again."

This person was indeed Li Feiyu.

Chu Liang looked at him, and also smiled and said, "You guessed that we made a fake Zhenshanhe halberd?"

"Naturally." Li Feiyu said: "When Yunchao entered the inn, he didn't wear a magic weapon for storage, but now he has an extra jade ring for storage. Naturally, it was specially prepared to accommodate the Zhenshanhe halberd."

Like this kind of ancient god soldiers who have killed countless evil spirits, they all carry a strong evil spirit, and they cannot be contained by waiting for a magic weapon to be stored.

Therefore, the disciples of Tiangang Sect usually carry the magic weapon in their hands, which is convenient to use and does not need to be contained.And most of his own storage instruments are ordinary, just storing some ordinary items.

Under such circumstances, Yun Chao first wanted to put away the Zhenshan River Halberd, so he had to prepare a new high-level storage magic weapon first, but unexpectedly, this point could be caught by the Snitch.

"And his acting skills are really not good, although he has always pretended to care about it. But just now there was a fire outside, and the first time I called him, he didn't care about the magic weapon on the table. Obviously, he knew that it was fake, so he did this. flaw."

"So you stole the real magic weapon from his magic weapon?" Chu Liang asked again.

He had indeed made a plan with Yun Chao before, and made a fake halberd, which looked very similar in appearance and weight, and it was not easy to distinguish if it was not driven by the infusion of true energy.

Li Feiyu was able to make a judgment and steal the eucalyptus in such a short period of time, which shows that this person is also a shrewd person.I just don't know if his method of stealing the Zhenshanhe halberd from the stored magic weapon is the same as his own magic hand?
"I'm not interested in this halberd." Li Feiyu sneered, "If you don't give in, I won't be so polite next time."

"What a breath." Chu Liang smiled back, "Then you are so sure that the halberd you stole is real?"

"What?" Li Feiyu frowned.

With a little bit of genuine energy, he realized that the magical weapon in his palm was indeed a piece of ordinary iron, and his expression changed immediately.

"I knew that brother Yun might show his flaws, so the magic weapon I gave him was lost." Chu Liang flipped his hands over and took out a real magic weapon.

Yun Chaoxian's figure rushed towards him from behind, Chu Liang threw the halberd, he took it in his hand, and suddenly a majestic power appeared!
Sure enough, this is the real Zhenshanhehalberd!

"Where are you running!" Yun Chao swung his halberd first, and chased after Li Feiyu!

Li Feiyu's figure flashed immediately, and he moved like a rabbit!The black shadow instantly disappeared on the roof.

Chu Liang also chased after him without hesitation!Yujian's light pierced the night sky!Although there is suspicion of disturbing the people of Donghuai City, but now I don't care so much!

This Li Feiyu's cultivation should be at the peak of the fourth realm, not particularly high, but what he focuses on is concealment, transformation, and wind control. At this moment, his figure is flying like a ghost, and he will disappear from sight in a blink of an eye.

If it weren't for Chu Liang's Yujian speed that can be called a meteor, he might have been thrown away by him... like Yun Chaoxian.

After the hunk shouted, he was pulled several hundred feet away by the two people in front of him.

Li Feiyu's black shadow fell into the street, as if there was another way to escape, but at this moment, a mysterious light suddenly lit up around him!
call out--

It was like a cage suddenly set up by the light from all directions, trapping Li Feiyu!


Chu Liang recognized from a distance that this was the five prison golden light formation, a classic technique to trap the enemy in the formation.

But this is not his arrangement.

A name suddenly came to his mind. If it was as expected, this formation should have been laid by Zhuge Guanxing from Wuyin Xianshan.

The second after the formation was lit up, two figures flashed on both sides, one holding an epee and the other gently shaking a feather fan.

As expected, it was Li Fujian and Zhuge Guanxing!
(End of this chapter)

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