Chapter 95 A Warm Night (Please Subscribe)
Seeing her cute face turning her head and pouting her mouth, Shu Cheng couldn't help laughing, rubbed her head and said, "Okay, my little princess, is it okay for Dad to know that he was wrong? ?”

When Shu Tongtong heard this, she turned her head around, and said a little arrogantly: "For the sake of my father apologizing to me so seriously, then I will forgive you."

"But you have to promise Tongtong that you owe Tongtong an ice cream."

Shu Cheng gently rewarded her with a brainstorm, and said softly, "I owe you a hundred brainstorms for free, okay?"

"Wow, Grandpa, Dad bullied me, he is bad!"

Shu Tongtong buried her head in Shu Yongfeng's chest, and complained about Shu Cheng to her grandfather.

Shu Yongfeng laughed, rubbed her little head, and said: "Okay, grandpa will help you clean him up."

At this time, Shu Cheng smiled slightly, and said again: "It seems that our Tongtong doesn't want to hang out with us tomorrow, alas, fortunately I made a lot of milk tea, I can't finish it now."

Shu Tongtong: Huh? (`~)
After thinking about it for 0.01 second, Shu Tongtong lifted his head from Shu Yongfeng's chest, and said to Shu Yongfeng seriously:

"Grandpa, Tongtong lied to you just now, so dad won't bully me."

"He treats me well and listens to me in everything. Don't deal with him, okay?"

Shu Yongfeng looked at his serious and cute face, didn't hold back for a moment, laughed out loud, and said: "Mmmm, okay, okay, whatever Tongtong says, Grandpa will follow suit."

Shu Tongtong put her small face in front of Shu Yongfeng's, kissed her with a quick kiss, and said, "Tongtong already knows that Grandpa is the best."

Shu Cheng watched this scene quietly, and a warm current surged in his heart.

Before divorcing Fan Yu, although Tongtong liked her grandpa and grandma very much, she seldom made such an intimate gesture, and rarely got along with her grandparents so openly in front of Fan Yu.

At this time, Xu Ran handed the pocket to Shu Cheng, smiled and said: "Today I went to buy a dress for Xiaoxue as a gift, I think it is quite suitable for her, come and see if she likes it .”


Shu Cheng took the bag with a smile, took out the packing box inside, and opened it for a look.

The inside is a white T-shirt with light blue stripes, and the outside is an off-white suspender skirt, paired with a pair of light blue sandals, a breath of summer romance rushes towards the face.

After Shu Cheng made up his mind about Ke Xue's appearance in this dress, he nodded and said to Xu Ran: "It's very beautiful, she will definitely like it."

"That's good."

A smile appeared on Xu Ran's face.

In order to buy this suit, she navigated to a large shopping mall and spent nearly 3000 yuan.

That's why they came back so late today.

Of course, the receipt and the price tag were all put into her bag by her.

I didn't let Shu Cheng see it, but I didn't throw it away either, so that if I don't like it at that time, I can return it easily.

"Okay, sit down quickly, Tongtong, you are hanging on your grandpa all the time, you are comfortable yourself, and don't think about whether grandpa is tired or not."

Shu Cheng pinched Shu Tongtong's little cheek and said.


"Grandpa, I'm sorry, it's so comfortable to be hugged by you, Tongtong forgot about it for a while."

Shu Tongtong said apologetically to Shu Yongfeng.

Shu Yongfeng smiled slightly, scratched her little nose, and then said: "Hold us Tongtong, no matter how long it takes, Grandpa will not be tired."

On the day when he saw Tongtong, the smiles on his face were more than in the past ten years combined.

Shu Cheng smiled slightly, and said, "Okay, sit down quickly, it's not a problem to stand like this all the time."

"By the way, what song does Tongtong want to listen to tonight, I'll play it for you."

"Well... let's listen to Li Ronghua's "Mom and Dad" today."

Shu Tongtong thought for a while and said.

Shu Cheng was slightly taken aback when he heard this, then glanced at Xu Ran and Shu Yongfeng, nodded silently, turned on the TV, and found this song.

The four of them sat on the sofa, Shu Tongtong leaned her head on Shu Yongfeng's lap, and her little feet rested on Shu Cheng's lap.

Some deep and deeply rooted preludes sounded, and then Li Ronghao's unique magnetic figure came out from the TV.

"I used to want to know how many times I have to say the same thing."

"Those repeated stereotypes."

"Only when I grow up will I know~, Is it~needed."

"I seldom take the initiative to hug~"

"Even for pride, smile shyly."

Amidst the muffled music, Xu Ran's head lightly rested on Shu Cheng's shoulder.

I don't know when, the little boy who held his hand back then, his shoulders have become so generous, so reassuring.

He had grown so much over the years.

Her eye sockets suddenly became moist.

"It's still the same, too much should be taken for granted ~ makes people feel normal~"

"It's not too small a room, the one that's warm in winter and cool in summer~ is where my bed is placed."

"Praise this kind of ordinary, one or two sentences can't be finished."

"Grace is as heavy as a mountain."

"Looking back, this is an emotion that is easy to owe after saying thank you."

"Oh~, Mom and Dad gave me a lot, not much, enough for me to run around in this era, enough for me to live."


Under the warm light, the four of them talked about the interesting things about Shu Cheng's childhood.

"Hahaha, it turns out that my father was so naive when he was young. He actually regarded the excrement pulled by bees as honey."

"is not that right."

Xu Ran completely ignored Shu Cheng who was coughing constantly, and said with a smile.

"And then, did Dad eat the bee poo after squeezing it out?"

"Haha, it's funny to talk about this, your father..."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"He caught three bees, squeezed one for himself and ate it, and left one for me and your grandfather in a very filial manner, saying that he would treat us to eat honey."

"It made us laugh to death."


Shu Tongtong tossed and turned on Shu Cheng and Shu Yongfeng's lap, laughing non-stop.

Every time his grandparents come, what he likes most is that his grandparents tell him interesting stories about his father when he was a child, which makes her very amused every time.

It's hard for her little heart to imagine that her father, who is so stable and reassuring now, would actually do those cute (fool) things when he was a child.

"What else, what else?"

After hearing the story, she couldn't wait to look at Xu Ran and asked.

Shu Cheng's face became darker and darker, he interrupted their conversation, and said to Xu Ran and Shu Yongfeng:

"Mom and Dad, you shouldn't be in a hurry to go back tomorrow."

"Yes, we are not in a hurry to go back on weekends, what's the matter?"

Xu Ran looked at Shu Cheng and asked.

After Shu Cheng nodded, he smiled and said, "That's fine. Tomorrow, I'll take you to a manor in Jinghai Town for two days."

Xu Ran was taken aback for a moment, and after looking at Shu Yongfeng, he smiled and said, "Okay, we haven't played together for many years."

(End of this chapter)

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